How do you feel about this article?



  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    what are the stats on people gaining the weight back? they have to be pretty high. i think that is why they are cautious/look at it differently.

    if dating someone who is fit is important they'd rather date someone who has always been fit and has a much lower chance of getting fat is probably the reason.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I would much rather have a fat to thin partner with confidence in her own skin than an always been skinny girl who have no self-esteem.

    Please, you can find different opinions about everybody on google if you just look. I'm sure you can find articles over how hot pedophilia is or other disgusting things. My point is that these articles are trying to cash in on peoples insecurities and you're playing right into it.

    Donot worry about what others think. If a person is looking at you funny, ask him point blank what he's looking at. Don't play a puppet in medias hands please
  • Camilletherealdeal
    Camilletherealdeal Posts: 26 Member
    I read that article as well, and at first rather surprised by it, but in retrospect it makes sense.
    There is a general stigma against obese people -- logically -- obesity is gross.That's why we are all part of MFP isn't it? We were sick of being gross!
    So because of that, it is understandable that a man would see a woman who has previously been obese less attractive...due to the fact that there was probably a psychological reason why she was obese in the first place, so there truly may be a potential for her to get fat again. Plus, there will always be some lingering evidence of once being fat....namely, stretch marks (I HATE those!) and long-term health issues.
    The same goes for the opposite sex too. The article didn't mention it but I would guess womens' opinions are the same.
    Fact is, obesity is mostly caused by poor eating habits and lack of exercise - just to an extreme - and even if slight, there's always a chance a person could revert to those bad habits.
    I know it sounds harsh, but I'm just being honest from my own experience with my weight fluctuating for years. Most of us have lost weight and put it back on again. It is really really hard to permanently change lifelong habits.

    P.S. to you MIL, Smoking is grosser than being fat any day. Fat people have reasons for being addicted to food, smokers are just idiots.
  • almostatgoalweight
    almostatgoalweight Posts: 234 Member
    I haven't read the article (yet) but I can understand the issues involved. If someone had just reached their goal weight after losing a lot of weight I would assume based on simple probabilities that they were probably going to regain most or all of it within say 5 years. However, if they've been at their goal weight for say 5 years, I'd assume that it would never happen.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I read that article as well, and at first rather surprised by it, but in retrospect it makes sense.
    There is a general stigma against obese people -- logically -- obesity is gross.That's why we are all part of MFP isn't it? We were sick of being gross!
    So because of that, it is understandable that a man would see a woman who has previously been obese less attractive...due to the fact that there was probably a psychological reason why she was obese in the first place, so there truly may be a potential for her to get fat again. Plus, there will always be some lingering evidence of once being fat....namely, stretch marks (I HATE those!) and long-term health issues.
    The same goes for the opposite sex too. The article didn't mention it but I would guess womens' opinions are the same.
    Fact is, obesity is mostly caused by poor eating habits and lack of exercise - just to an extreme - and even if slight, there's always a chance a person could revert to those bad habits.
    I know it sounds harsh, but I'm just being honest from my own experience with my weight fluctuating for years. Most of us have lost weight and put it back on again. It is really really hard to permanently change lifelong habits.

    P.S. to you MIL, Smoking is grosser than being fat any day. Fat people have reasons for being addicted to food, smokers are just idiots.
    Being fat is being "gross"? That's a new one to me.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    WTH! I haven't read the article but people's attitudes about obese people make me sick. So you were big so what? Does being big make someone a bad person? I don't think so. Can I slap your mother-in-law for you?
    Devil's advocate time!

    No it doesn't make them a bad person, but it DOES put them in a category of people who most likely have poor impulse control and or possible addiction issues. Those are serious things to consider when choosing a life partner.
    I don't even know where to begin. I will just start with LOL!
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    I read that article as well, and at first rather surprised by it, but in retrospect it makes sense.
    There is a general stigma against obese people -- logically -- obesity is gross.That's why we are all part of MFP isn't it? We were sick of being gross!
    So because of that, it is understandable that a man would see a woman who has previously been obese less attractive...due to the fact that there was probably a psychological reason why she was obese in the first place, so there truly may be a potential for her to get fat again. Plus, there will always be some lingering evidence of once being fat....namely, stretch marks (I HATE those!) and long-term health issues.
    The same goes for the opposite sex too. The article didn't mention it but I would guess womens' opinions are the same.
    Fact is, obesity is mostly caused by poor eating habits and lack of exercise - just to an extreme - and even if slight, there's always a chance a person could revert to those bad habits.
    I know it sounds harsh, but I'm just being honest from my own experience with my weight fluctuating for years. Most of us have lost weight and put it back on again. It is really really hard to permanently change lifelong habits.

    P.S. to you MIL, Smoking is grosser than being fat any day. Fat people have reasons for being addicted to food, smokers are just idiots.

    Umm. Wow. It's probably because of thoughts such as these that this stigma goes on and on and on. NO ONE'S body is "gross." NO ONE'S.
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    WTH! I haven't read the article but people's attitudes about obese people make me sick. So you were big so what? Does being big make someone a bad person? I don't think so. Can I slap your mother-in-law for you?
    Devil's advocate time!

    No it doesn't make them a bad person, but it DOES put them in a category of people who most likely have poor impulse control and or possible addiction issues. Those are serious things to consider when choosing a life partner.
    I don't even know where to begin. I will just start with LOL!
    Well give it a try for the sake of discussion :smile:

    I'd be really interested in what you have to say about my comment (beyond the lol :wink: ).

    I was trying to see it from the other side and I definitely think the things I wrote are reasonable concerns about someone who was or has been obese. Of course someone who has kept the weight off for years might be an exception to those concerns.

    Sure, you could add to the list of reasons why an otherwise normal person becomes obese (laziness, truly not caring, etc), but barring medical issues (which I didn't exclude the first time around), what makes the original concerns I brought up so off base?