I almost weigh as much as my boyfriend.



  • kaylarachellee
    kaylarachellee Posts: 201 Member
    I think you look amazing and don't need to worry about it!! So what if your number is close to your BF's? I think that alone scares you and you think it's wrong. But you look great and I definitely wouldn't say you need to lose more weight, I'd LOVE to be your size, FYI!!

    awh thanks!!
  • jessgrey2
    jessgrey2 Posts: 88 Member
    Agree, he's a slim thing at that height! But that aside, don't worry about it :)

    I used to borrow my boyfriends leather belts and levi's, we had the same waistline even though he was much heavier and taller, THAT was bad.

    But no more! Now I not only do not borrow his clothes, but I endlessly annoy him with my eating and exercise habits. All in all he's a good sport though, with a very open mind when it comes to food, which is great.

    Keep on rocking it for YOU!
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Please don't be depressed that you weight more after you a) eat, b) drink, and c) work out. Of course you do! Because water has mass, too. :)

    You are a seriously pretty lady. The only thing that could *possibly* be an issue was if your weight continues steadily creeping up (you say you were lighter when you first met him). In which case, good on you for starting to watch what you eat now.

    But please don't get hung up on a number.
  • almostatgoalweight
    almostatgoalweight Posts: 234 Member
    It's been 20+ years since I've had a girlfriend who weighed less then me. It's not an issue for a lot of guys.
  • beachbabe9
    I agree that men carry weight differently. They have much different body shapes, and body fat distribution.
  • kitka82
    kitka82 Posts: 350 Member
    1) He's probably a hard gainer/ectomorph. And you, madam, likely a mesomorph/have a muscular build.
    2) I weighed more than my husband like, FOREVER. I didn't tell him my weight until I weighed less than him. :) And now I weigh 20ish pounds less, and can fit into his clothes.
    3) I would only feel bad if you could bench press more than him. ;)
    4) Your parents sound AWESOME! What a fantastic example you had!