Losing weight too fast?



  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    I'm going to reply to both of these last two if that's ok.

    hasiangirl, you really got some stuff going on, we've already talked in the past about what I think you should be doing. Seriously, you need to give it another try, that kind of behavior is self-destructive and can be dangerous.

    Saken, the reason weighing yourself every day is so detrimental to weight loss is because it puts you into a short term frame of mind. Weight loss should be part of an overall plan to become more healthy, and that kind of plan should be done over the course of years, weight can (and will, especially as you drop more and more of the excess fat) become an exercise in futility. The problem is, in the beginning, many people drop lots of weight fast, but when that "easy" weight comes off, then the progress slows, and people become frustrated. One thing that can heighten this frustration is developing habits that encourage it. Weighing yourself every day is one of those habits. Right now you may be seeing success daily, and that's great, but somewhere along the line that's going to stop being the case, and this can lead to frustration, possible depression, and a lapse in the program. It's as much about getting your head in a good place as it is about correct eating and exercising.
    That's my opinion anyway.

    good luck guys!

    is it ok to do if u dont get discouraged over a weight gain? :huh:
  • Saken
    Saken Posts: 476
    I'm going to reply to both of these last two if that's ok.

    hasiangirl, you really got some stuff going on, we've already talked in the past about what I think you should be doing. Seriously, you need to give it another try, that kind of behavior is self-destructive and can be dangerous.

    Saken, the reason weighing yourself every day is so detrimental to weight loss is because it puts you into a short term frame of mind. Weight loss should be part of an overall plan to become more healthy, and that kind of plan should be done over the course of years, weight can (and will, especially as you drop more and more of the excess fat) become an exercise in futility. The problem is, in the beginning, many people drop lots of weight fast, but when that "easy" weight comes off, then the progress slows, and people become frustrated. One thing that can heighten this frustration is developing habits that encourage it. Weighing yourself every day is one of those habits. Right now you may be seeing success daily, and that's great, but somewhere along the line that's going to stop being the case, and this can lead to frustration, possible depression, and a lapse in the program. It's as much about getting your head in a good place as it is about correct eating and exercising.
    That's my opinion anyway.

    good luck guys!


    but i have been on a plan for 4 months, droped from 140.2kg to 133.7 kilos in 4 months it's not a short term thing i think... but since i came to mfp i feel that my weight is dropping basicly every day :)
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member

    but i have been on a plan for 4 months, droped from 140.2kg to 133.7 kilos in 4 months it's not a short term thing i think... but since i came to mfp i feel that my weight is dropping basicly every day :)

    When I say the beginning, I'm not really talking about time, I'm talking about where you are weight wise and body fat % wise. Since you still have 52 lbs to go (or what? about 22 kilos?), you're still at the stage where weight will come off relatively fast, eventually, as you become smaller, the weight will slow. And that's where you will see less and less progress in the short term weighings.
  • LeeiaL
    LeeiaL Posts: 40
    Granted, guys do lose weight 'faster', generally speaking.

    I will say it again, weighing every day or at short intervals is not helping you accomplish anything and is counter-productive. You will find out more about what you are doing - right or wrong - by weighing in AND MEASURING either every week or every other week.

    The scale can be deceptive. That's why it's good to measure your body parts as well as your bodyfat percentage. Water weight shows up in daily fluctuations on the scale. Fat loss (which is really more important) does not.

    It really doesn't matter if you're not afraid of seeing the fluctuations or not. If you're weighing every day, several times a day, it's compulsive and there are other issues at play.

    If you're a guy, check your measurements and your bodyfat percentage. That will give you a true picture of what's going on. But do this at a maximum of once a week, at the same time of day and under the same conditions.

    I repeat...weighing yourself any more often than this accomplishes nothing.
  • Really? wow. that would drive me crazy. I'm getting a little nuts about weighing my food and counting my calories, but I need to know what a real portion size is. But I don't even like to weigh myself once a week - I can actually feel if I lost or gained, but I do it to just stay on track. Maybe you should try to stay off the scale and use the journal under the food and chart your attitudes about food and what you ate. Really if you are staying within your calorie allowence you should be fine.

    i hate to say it but i'm in the same boat as saken....except i weigh myself about 3 times a day lmao..... an hour after each meal....if i dont gain more than 1lbs then i ate a perfect portion..and its stood true everytime i eat the RIGHT amount....if i over eat then my weight fluctuates about 2-3lbs..... but anyways about the question

    dont guys lose more weight than women? lol not to sound sexist or anything but my boyfriend ate like a pig (on good foods) for a month and exercised and lost 24lbs.....and then laughed at me cuz i hadnt even lost that 2 and a half months :grumble: :grumble: ....but he's also bigger and i think the bigger u are the more weight u can lose right?...i guess im just adding another question to ur question lmao... god im in a ditzy mood today, ok i'mma shut up now :laugh:

    seriously? 3 times a day? I...... um, I'm kind of speechless.
    lol thats on a slow day....i'll stop lying to myself......its usually anywhere from 3-6times :blushing: :blushing: i am very complusive and i have a very addictive personality.....if i go pee i weigh myself after......when i wake up i weigh myself.....before bed........so on so forth :laugh: i am a looney bin lmao aka headcase.....:ohwell: :blushing: :laugh:
  • Saken
    Saken Posts: 476
    i have to say i am starting to think that my scale is broken
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