Constant anxiety?

Hey all!

I know everyone has anxiety, I completely understand that but I've always been a “worried wart." Now my anxiety is so bad that I wake up at 330 or 430 am and can't fall back to sleep! I grind my teeth, I have a constant feeling of stress/anxiety/worry, etc. Is this normal or could there be something wrong?

Is there anything I could include in my diet (or cut out) to help with my anxiety? I find that no matter how much exercise I do, it doesn't help me!



  • hwibowo
    hwibowo Posts: 18 Member
    Try watching re-runs on tv (that you have already watched). It helps your brain to relax since "you already knew the story". I found that very helpful for me.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I took a 5HTP supplement for a long time to help with my anxiety. I don't need it anymore but found it really useful.

    But do watch out. It's a natural seratonin booster so it can cause nightmares and other side effects. Research whether or not it's right for you and be careful with yourself when you start it. It can be found pretty easily at most health food stores and I've even seen it at Wal-mart.
  • californiansun
    californiansun Posts: 392 Member
    Try watching re-runs on tv (that you have already watched). It helps your brain to relax since "you already knew the story". I found that very helpful for me.

    Thanks! I'll try that! :)
  • californiansun
    californiansun Posts: 392 Member
    I took a 5HTP supplement for a long time to help with my anxiety. I don't need it anymore but found it really useful.

    But do watch out. It's a natural seratonin booster so it can cause nightmares and other side effects. Research whether or not it's right for you and be careful with yourself when you start it. It can be found pretty easily at most health food stores and I've even seen it at Wal-mart.

    I have read there are some bad side affects with it- I'll look into it!
  • lelstar
    lelstar Posts: 374 Member
    Write a diary, find a homeopath and get something like natmur - give them your symptoms so they can give you the right one that's just what I get - , try meditation, walk. All these things help with stress. Oh and depending where you are I recently came across a tea that has helped (my partner says he can tell by the way I sleep if I've had it or not) the brand is celestial and its called tension tamer.
  • jillian769
    jillian769 Posts: 247 Member
    I have had anxiety for years and SRI's like paxil have worked wonders for me...St. Johns Wort which is a vitamin also really works great. There's also therapy. Therapy is awesome! Hope you find something that works.:flowerforyou:
  • californiansun
    californiansun Posts: 392 Member
    Write a diary, find a homeopath and get something like natmur - give them your symptoms so they can give you the right one that's just what I get - , try meditation, walk. All these things help with stress. Oh and depending where you are I recently came across a tea that has helped (my partner says he can tell by the way I sleep if I've had it or not) the brand is celestial and its called tension tamer.

    Thank you! I love that tea brand! I haven't seen the tension tamer, but if I can't find it I will just order it from Amazon! :)
  • californiansun
    californiansun Posts: 392 Member
    I have had anxiety for years and SRI's like paxil have worked wonders for me...St. Johns Wort which is a vitamin also really works great. There's also therapy. Therapy is awesome! Hope you find something that works.:flowerforyou:

    I know St. Johns Wort can have side effects; I will definitely look into it again!
  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    I used to suffer from anxiety so badly I had to take prescription everyday and then a stronger pill if my prescription didn't do it's job properly. I found that as I got more fit that I didn't need to prescription every day and then even went down to as needed. Now I am anxiety pill free. As far as certain foods that trigger it for me it's any caffiene or alcohol before bed. If you are going through a stressful time right now anxiety is not uncommon, but if it persists I'd see your doc :) good luck!
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    5-HTP is NOT something you should take regularly/daily!!!!
    Look into the GABA supplement. I have anxiety and, when I was taking it regularly, it really helped. I didn't think anything could help my anxiety but it did! Basically what it does is relaxes you slightly.
    I'm trying out this new Rescue Remedy thing soon, I will let you know how it goes.

    My doctor prescribed me anti-depressants but I'm definitely NOT taking them. Too many side effects.

    Meditation is supposed to help :p

    You could also try therapy :)
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    Be careful with St. John's Wort if you're taking birth control pills. It can reduce the effectiveness.

    How much caffeine do you drink? Once I cut my caffeine, my blood pressure and anxiety mellowed quite a bit.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    What you put in your body certainly affects anxiety. I don't have the list here, but some things that don't help you relax are caffeine and sugar (not a surprise, right?).

    I found this great book in my library: "The heal your anxiety workbook : new techniques for moving from panic to inner peace" by John B. Arden and it has a whole chapter dedicated to food and its effect on anxiety.

    Hope you can find it as helpful as I did!
  • rjams
    rjams Posts: 48
    Try early morning jogs, the jog will reduce stress/anxiety. Plus you'll be much more tired at night :)
  • joannaengel
    Consult your doctor before taking anything (including natural supplements). You may get a better idea of the source of your anxiety (mine is stress triggered) and then can discuss with your doctor the different treatment options (medicated or not). Natural supplements (like St. John's Wort) can interfere with other medications such as birth control, etc.
  • hwibowo
    hwibowo Posts: 18 Member
    Medication is the last (LAST) resort. Even though they claim to be not addictive, your mind will constantly craving for them. Train your mind to sleep without thinking what's on tomorrow.

    Anyway, try yoga. I read that it will help your mind to relax better. Not to mention it helps you to lose weight.
  • ably65
    ably65 Posts: 41
    Ok, this is a little out there but it is free and it is harmless. I was introduced to something called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and, at first, I thought it was absurd. However, it has really really helped with my extreme anxiety. Google it and give it a is odd but it has worked for me.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,087 Member
    Deep breathing helps me. Breathe in (from your belly) count one thousand two thousand etc to 6. Exhale slowly to the same count.
    Do that from three to ten times. We tend to hold our breath when we are anxious - it's tied to the flight/fight response, and we do it without even realizing it. Breath holding leads to carbon dioxide buildup in the blood and that causes feelings of anxiety and panic.

    If you have any sleep apnea, you could be skipping a breath or a few while you are asleep. That will cause you to wake in a panic, or with anxiety. Same biology. In Cognitive Behavior Therapy they work on breathing. Yoga and meditation do, too.

    I also write in a journal if I have anything bothering me. You'll be amazed what you learn about yourself by blogging about what's bothering you.

    Love the Tension Tamer tea. I always have some around the house. I take a Valerian Root capsule if I just can't relax. Not as good as Xanax, but I don't have to take Xanax.

    Actually exercise does help me. I notice a big difference. But, again, I know I hold my breath when I feel the lion is about to pounce on me. So exercise makes me breathe. I used to smoke. Exercise breathing is better.
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    I had to cut out caffeine, also. If I can catch it coming on quick enough, I do this self talk thing. I don't take any medications or supplements now but I have in the past.

    If you journal episodes you'll get a better idea of what your triggers are and how to address them.
  • hopeandlove91
    hopeandlove91 Posts: 40 Member
    I have had problems with anxiety and stress. I write lists to make sure I won't forget to do anything that needs to be done. You may want to try journal writing, just get it all out. As for sleeping my mom recommended I take melatonin. Your body naturally produces melatonin, so it is not harmful. It is over the counter. I only take 1mg on nights I think I am going to have problems sleeping. It also comes in 5mg...but I found that 1mg really does the trick. (I bought it at walgreens). The other thing to consider is your birth control...if your on it. My doctor had me on a birth control that was seriously messing with my emotions and anxiety level. I switched pills and it helped a TON!

    I hope you find something that works for you and you get feeling better! Constant stress and anxiety isn't good for anybody :(
  • starla5881
    starla5881 Posts: 190 Member
    Try watching re-runs on tv (that you have already watched). It helps your brain to relax since "you already knew the story". I found that very helpful for me.
    This actually helps me tremendously when I have insomnia due to anxiety. Exercise also helps, especially with the insomnia. It releases endorphins so you feel better while doing it, and tires your body out so you sleep better at night.