Constant anxiety?



  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    I took a 5HTP supplement for a long time to help with my anxiety. I don't need it anymore but found it really useful.

    But do watch out. It's a natural seratonin booster so it can cause nightmares and other side effects. Research whether or not it's right for you and be careful with yourself when you start it. It can be found pretty easily at most health food stores and I've even seen it at Wal-mart.

    I have read there are some bad side affects with it- I'll look into it!
    I advise against 5-HTP for anxiety. For many people it acts as an anxiogenic (i.e. will make you MORE anxious).

    Check your choline levels. Choline deficiency can cause uncontrolled anxiety, and is really common (cooking destroys choline, so it's really easy to be deficient). Supplementing it may help. If you do, start with ~300mg/day choline citrate and tweak it from there (too much will give you brain fog, no motivation, aphoria, etc... basically complete opposite of anxiety). IIRC recommended daily dose for women is ~500mg.

    If that isn't enough, you can take valerian root, which is a sedative (herbal valium, basically... they use it in europe to ween addicts off of the valium-family sedatives), and quite effective, although it may make you drowsy (if you want to sleep, that's advantageous too).

    Hope that helps.
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    I have had anxiety for years and SRI's like paxil have worked wonders for me...St. Johns Wort which is a vitamin also really works great. There's also therapy. Therapy is awesome! Hope you find something that works.:flowerforyou:

    I know St. Johns Wort can have side effects; I will definitely look into it again!
    St. John's Wort is another one I advise against. It's an MAOI, which means that at an effective dose, it will interact with virtually ANY other drug. MAOI's are very dangerous if you don't consider all possible interactions, which is why they are basically not prescribed as a first-course drug any more.
  • julieh1973
    julieh1973 Posts: 128 Member
    Bump...Hope you find relief.

    I finally started visiting a chiropractor for the constant stiffness in my upper back. I gave up caffeine a few months back. Exercise helps me a lot, unfortunately I have not had as much as I would like lately. Wonder if anyone has advice on reputable/effective brand of vitamins, there are so many different brands it is overwhelming?
  • tayloralaina
    tayloralaina Posts: 9 Member
    I have the same issue. Honestly, the only way I get though is eating a small meal before I go to bed. Also sleeping at least 8 hrs. but not more than 9 helps. If you are having problems going to sleep get comfortable and count backwards from 250. It may seem crazy but it works for me. Good luck and stay strong! :-)
  • jillian769
    jillian769 Posts: 247 Member
    Medication is the last (LAST) resort. Even though they claim to be not addictive, your mind will constantly craving for them. Train your mind to sleep without thinking what's on tomorrow.

    Anyway, try yoga. I read that it will help your mind to relax better. Not to mention it helps you to lose weight.

    Nobody wants to be on medication, but when you have a chemical imbalance sometimes therapy, exercise, and watching re-runs isn't enough to stop obsessive thoughts and anxiety. It can really be a life saver!
  • herownkindofwonderfull
    herownkindofwonderfull Posts: 307 Member
    Hey all!

    I know everyone has anxiety, I completely understand that but I've always been a “worried wart." Now my anxiety is so bad that I wake up at 330 or 430 am and can't fall back to sleep! I grind my teeth, I have a constant feeling of stress/anxiety/worry, etc. Is this normal or could there be something wrong?

    Is there anything I could include in my diet (or cut out) to help with my anxiety? I find that no matter how much exercise I do, it doesn't help me!


    I am not sure if you are taking any supplements, but I do know that A LOT of weight loss products can induce severe anxiety. A few years ago, I was taking some supplements that caused me to have severe panic attacks that would come out of nowhere. Just an FYI!
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    I do/have done the same thing for YEARS since i was about 12. I have PTSD and Anxiety, and take meds for it, but thats not to say thats what you have. Maybe try things like meditate, yoga, dont work out too late in the evening, and watching the weather channel, helps me sleep as well. Try things like herbal "sleepy time tea", cutting coffee or other stimulates out, and sugar. GL and if you cant find relief with these, talk to your doc about talk therapy, try meds as a last resort.
  • eireannyoung
    eireannyoung Posts: 154 Member
    I've dealt with anxiety for almost all my life, ranging from extreme (hardly being able to leave the bed) to mild tension. I took anti-anxiety meds for a year but I wouldn't recommend them - side effects are bad and the protracted withdrawal after quitting is even worse. Thankfully, I can now manage my anxiety med-free. Here's what helped me (besides exercise):

    -Cutting all processed sugar and "white foods" (white bread, white rice) out of my diet - sugar was a huge trigger for me! Try alternatives like erythitol, xylitol, or stevia as sweeteners instead. Use whole grain breads and brown rice.

    -Eating a breakfast high in protein and vegetables. Green smoothies and soaked nuts and seeds are great!

    -Limiting caffeine intake (I usually keep it to under 80mg at a time)

    -Herbs that help a lot: skullcap, rhodiola rosea, oatstraw
  • AngelAura777
    AngelAura777 Posts: 225 Member
    Are you having any Pre workout supplements? I used to have Craze and it made me super anxious and depressed and when I stopped it it went away. Or try getting some Natures own tablets that help you sleep.
  • marz42
    marz42 Posts: 223 Member
    Ok, this is a little out there but it is free and it is harmless. I was introduced to something called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and, at first, I thought it was absurd. However, it has really really helped with my extreme anxiety. Google it and give it a is odd but it has worked for me.

    I've heard this works too though I've never tried it.
    Meditation is good.
    Also the breathing another poster mentioned. Sometimes I breath out slowly for 4, breath in slowly for 4, focusing on the breath, and it helps some.
  • soonersgurl
    You grind your teeth due to your liver (i do the SAME thing)...liver needs cleansed! there are cures for all these symptoms! (= i'm fixing all of mine as we speak. getting a parasite clense, liver cleanse, healing my gut from life long toxins, having no gallbladder, hormone balances, etc. i def. reccomend going to a accupuncture or chiropracture and something called muscle testing response done. it is amazing what your body is telling you. example- migrains are usually caused my chelated magnesium defiency (sp?) i have learned ALOT in the last 8-9 months. dont always run to your white coats aka:average Dr's office. there are other solutions that work naturally. hope this helps!
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    low carb/ketosis helps me with pretty much everything. depression, headaches, insomnia.
    plus, it actually gives me energy!

    i still worry about everything, but i don't wake up in the middle of the night, and i fall asleep easily.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I have an anxiety disorder and am on Celexa. It has helped me tremendously! I have low grade anxiety now and again, but it's far better than the constant strung out panic mode I used to be in. Worth checking out.

    Some tips:
    -Cut out caffeine. It'll shoot your anxiety into hyper drive.
    -Benadryl (allergy med) can help you sleep through the night
    -Work out
    -Have a consistent routine, such as going to bed at the same time, eating meals at roughly the same time every day
    -Figure out what your triggers are, if any, and avoid them

    Counseling can help you figure out techniques that will specifically work for you
  • louised88
    louised88 Posts: 159
    Consult your doctor before taking anything (including natural supplements). You may get a better idea of the source of your anxiety (mine is stress triggered) and then can discuss with your doctor the different treatment options (medicated or not). Natural supplements (like St. John's Wort) can interfere with other medications such as birth control, etc.

    THIS! OP, please consult your doctor! Mine sent me to a cognitive behavioural therapist who helped me develop coping strategies and methods of calming my anxiety. Natural supplements are often not subject to the same regulations and restrictions as medications and studies regarding their effectiveness/side-effects/recommended dose etc are often either not peer-reviewed and transparent or simply not well-run. Your doctor should be your first port of call here. :) Best of luck, you can overcome this!
  • sunshine_gem
    sunshine_gem Posts: 390 Member
    Try taking Magnolia Bark. It's a natural herbal supplement from Japanese medicine and can reduce cortisol levels which can help with anxiety. By doing this it can also help reduce the amount of fat around your stomach which can only be an added bonus. I've been taking it for a few months now and have noticed a definite difference. It's really reasonably priced too. Another thing is pilates or yoga. It teaches you breathing techniques that can help you when you feel really anxious. Good luck!
  • eso2012
    eso2012 Posts: 337 Member
    See a doctor. It is important to get professional advice. Good luck.
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    See a doctor and ask for Xanax. I see no problem in taking medication. That's what it's there for. And it works. Xanax is a life saver for me. I have a chemical imbalance and anxiety disorder. I see no point in suffering. You don't have to take a high dose. A small dose works very well. Good Luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • mightyminerva
    mightyminerva Posts: 145 Member
    I am struggling with this, too. I've noticed that I tend to more easily get to sleep and stay asleep if I stop emailing/surfing the internet at least an hour before bed and do some light yoga right before getting into bed with almost all the lights off. My favourite is a free video podcast called YOGAmazing, and he does a special one for before bed. It's not a workout; there is a lot of time spent focusing on deep breathing and lying with feet up the wall. I believe there are also some routines on YouTube, and I know I've seen one in which the routine is *in* bed!

    Other than that, a hot shower about 2-3 hours before bed, soothing sleepytime or rooibos tea, and setting out clothes/reminders/papers for the morning helps calm my mind about the next day. (I have stress-related anxiety, so taking as much pressure off the morning as possible is amazing for me.)

    *sets a reminder to do all this tonight*

    Good luck!
  • Altarian
    Altarian Posts: 230 Member
    I've had Anxiety Disorder my entire life and most people don't fully understand what it's like, especially those who have mild anxiety caused by life style and not by chemical's inside the body. For some modern medicine works, for some homeopathic techniques work, for some eastern techniques such as yoga and meditation works. I'm not going to tell you which one is the best because, from personal experience, the right one for me could make your anxiety worse.

    Just know that there is no over night miracle cure for this. I personally do a lot of meditation and when that does not work i let my mind flow on my livejournal page to just get things off my mind and chest.
  • californiansun
    californiansun Posts: 392 Member
    I've had Anxiety Disorder my entire life and most people don't fully understand what it's like, especially those who have mild anxiety caused by life style and not by chemical's inside the body. For some modern medicine works, for some homeopathic techniques work, for some eastern techniques such as yoga and meditation works. I'm not going to tell you which one is the best because, from personal experience, the right one for me could make your anxiety worse.

    Just know that there is no over night miracle cure for this. I personally do a lot of meditation and when that does not work i let my mind flow on my livejournal page to just get things off my mind and chest.

    I'm pretty sure I have an anxiety disorder, I remember being very young and like this... it's just been recently that I've been so anxious I can't sleep, I wake up during the night when I do sleep, I'm forgetful etc.

    Last night I woke up a few times feeling panic and when my alarm went off this morning I was so anxious that I felt like I was going to be sick. I'm even anxious writing this lol!

    I took melatonin last night and did some deep breathing like someone else mentioned, which helped me go to sleep quite easily!!!

    I'm going to see my doctor about this- I don't think this is normal! Thanks all for the advice- keep it coming!