When you're feeling fat...



  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
  • Sarahgrace0228
    Sarahgrace0228 Posts: 63 Member
    I think to myself well..my weight went up, it is going to go down.
  • jus_in_bello
    jus_in_bello Posts: 326 Member
    I change up what I'm doing. I'll either have a cheat meal or swim instead of run or take a day off all together, sometimes the body needs a break or a change up.
  • KharismaticKayteh
    KharismaticKayteh Posts: 322 Member
    I change up what I'm doing. I'll either have a cheat meal or swim instead of run or take a day off all together, sometimes the body needs a break or a change up.
    That is perfect! It's like a spa day for your tummy~! xD. And if you think about it that way, you can do it without feeling guilty and causing yourself more stress. Love it!
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    My husband just tells me I am beautiful when he knows I'm feeling self conscious. Sometimes he just says it before I tell him I am having a fat day.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Honestly, I just make myself a cup of hot tea or drink more water… I have 9 more pounds to lose and I have a much harder goal (for me) to get to - regular daily exercise. I try to turn that "sinking fat feeling" into "time to get up and move" after the hot tea or water.
  • natyts
    natyts Posts: 89 Member
    I use to obsess about the scales , standing on them 5 or 6 times a day carrying them round the house to see if i could find a spot that made me lighter ( oh the shame ) . Then i decided to get my boyfriend to hide them and just got on with it . I knew regardless with healthy eating and exercise i would be loosing weight and toning up ( how can you not ) and also did not have the miserable feeling of putting on a lb or half a lb making you feel all your hard work was for nothing . I weighed in once a week and was very happy with a weight loss each time , what works for one does not always work for another . If all else fails weigh in fully clothed with your heaviest footwear on , Then again naked that should cheer you up :laugh: good luck
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Check what time of the month it is. I usually feel fat right before amy period.
  • KharismaticKayteh
    KharismaticKayteh Posts: 322 Member
    I use to obsess about the scales , standing on them 5 or 6 times a day carrying them round the house to see if i could find a spot that made me lighter ( oh the shame ) . Then i decided to get my boyfriend to hide them and just got on with it . I knew regardless with healthy eating and exercise i would be loosing weight and toning up ( how can you not ) and also did not have the miserable feeling of putting on a lb or half a lb making you feel all your hard work was for nothing . I weighed in once a week and was very happy with a weight loss each time , what works for one does not always work for another . If all else fails weigh in fully clothed with your heaviest footwear on , Then again naked that should cheer you up :laugh: good luck
    Man, and I hate that too! I usually weigh myself every time I leave the bathroom (and I never thought that was obsessive, but I guess that does total up to several times a day), but when I'm feeling better about my weight loss, I only weigh myself once, as soon as I get up in the morning. Any fluctuations there, I try to keep from bothering me, 'cause I know it's normal, but when my weight is higher one week than the previous, I definitely get mad.
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,277 Member
    I feel like that alot, I either have a meltdown and move on or I go all out with a crazy workout. I'm trying not to step on the scale every 2 minutes. It's hard and I know how you are feeling.
  • cheerocracy
    cheerocracy Posts: 38 Member
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    I run to the grocery store..sounds conteractive but most of the time its because I have had a bad few days of eating for lack of healthy choices.. and even though there arent usually loads of "unhealthy" foods in my house there is tons of granola and high sodium fast foods and carbs so if i dont have a variety of fruits and veggies and yogurt and healthy snacks to choose from thats what i resort to which always causes me to feel fat.
  • ChaoticMiNd
    ChaoticMiNd Posts: 247 Member
    I like to swear a little bit, then move the scale about the bathroom to find the new "sweet spot" - when that invariably fails I have a quick look at my macros in the diary and see if it was a high salt day the day before. Most of the fluctuations in the scales you will see is water weight
    LOL I do the same thing! Move the scale all over the bathroom floor for the sweet spot hahahaha.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I feel fat every day because I am fat. :D I feel fat right now! I cheerfully continue on with my business.

    Lmao. You're not fat, that's you surrounded in awesome.
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    I'm right there with you today. I've been doing everything right -- eating right, not cheating, hitting the gym...EVERYday...

    This morning I got on the scale, and for the third day straight, the weight went up. Ugh. I wanted to throw the stupid gizmo out the window.

    But, instead, I've decided that I need to stick to the regime. I had a good breakfast and am about to head to the gym. I'm going to be good today.

    And TOMORROW! that scale better show some positive results! It's almost like a challenge to beat that thing. I'm focusing on winning and showing that scale that it can't beat me...

    Okay, so maybe I sound crazy, but who cares? If it motivates me to stick to the plan, why not use some crazy idea of "healthy competition"?

    You're making progress, right? You have a goal, right? Then work for it! Get out of bed, toss the chips in the trash and go for a walk. Or run up and down the stairs in the house. Or whatever it is that gets your moving. You'll feel better.

    You should get ready for the 'Whoosh"

  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I weight every day and don't see a correlation to days that my weight goes up to days that I "feel fat". Probably because I am a crazy woman, but there are just days that clothes don't feel right and I hate my reflection, irrelevant to what the scale says. On those days, I end up spending more time in the gym and wearing baggy clothes.
  • KharismaticKayteh
    KharismaticKayteh Posts: 322 Member
    I weight every day and don't see a correlation to days that my weight goes up to days that I "feel fat". Probably because I am a crazy woman, but there are just days that clothes don't feel right and I hate my reflection, irrelevant to what the scale says. On those days, I end up spending more time in the gym and wearing baggy clothes.
    I can totally understand that. For a while, I've not let the scale bother me, but since I did some self-portraits and thought, "Am I really that big?" after seeing them, every digit has been taunting me, it seems.
  • kelsafish
    kelsafish Posts: 39
    Stop weighing yourself every day, for a start! My weight fluctuates from day to day (even if I'm eating exactly the same calories) and the last thing you want to do is de-motivate yourself. I wouldn't weight myself more than once a week. Also, if you're working out and building muscle, you won't lose weight so fast (muscle weighs three times as much as the same volume of fat), but you will be slimmer, fitter and healthier. For me, the most important indication of 'weight loss' is my clothes - the holes on my belt, the skirt that was too tight, the dress that didn't look right or that favourite item that you haven't been able to get into for ages. When I see changes here, I don't care what I weigh! And remember, the fact that you're using this site means you're doing the right thing, so congratulate yourself!

    Awesome outlook and great post!
  • tonyamercer
    tonyamercer Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks for your positive words!! And good advice. I have to admit that I weigh myself several times a day right now...just excited about starting the process of losing weight. I will chill out soon :wink:
  • jessurrutia
    I like to swear a little bit, then move the scale about the bathroom to find the new "sweet spot" - when that invariably fails I have a quick look at my macros in the diary and see if it was a high salt day the day before. Most of the fluctuations in the scales you will see is water weight

    Ha! I will get off the scale and step on differently to see if maybe it will fluctuate that way. I usually try this three times before I realize that this little dance won't make those numbers go down.