will quitting drinking really help THAT much??

Hey kids!
SO ive been thinking about quitting drinking! Due to my social life and influence of my friends!! lol i like to think its their fault.. I drink on average once a weekend, somtimes twice. and when I do drink, I'll drink about a pint and maybe 1 beer. Do you guys really think if I stop drinking all together that it will show?!? Or if I cut it down to once a month?? Let me know what you think!


  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 638 Member
    I go to happy hour every Friday with a group of friends and don't drink. I do drink occassionally, but decided that I work too hard in the gym to have a regular drinking habit.
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    If that is all you are having then I don't think it will really show, if you cut down from like ten drinks a weekend then yeah. Just switch to a vodka soda water, it is a lot less calories!
  • MexisMom
    MexisMom Posts: 249
    If that is all you are having then I don't think it will really show, if you cut down from like ten drinks a weekend then yeah. Just switch to a vodka soda water, it is a lot less calories!

    Well, a pint would be 12 drinks as singles, 6 as doubles.

    The big factor isn't necessarily alcohol itself, it's what kind of alcohol and what you're mixing with. If you're having a pint of dark rum and coke every weekend... then yes, cutting that out will definitely help. But if you're having vodka and a diet soda, I don't really think you'll see any huge changes cutting out that alone.

    Having a little detox can be good, but if drinking with your friends on weekends is something you enjoy, I would just be conscious as to what types of drinks you're having (ie clear spirits vs dark spirts, diet sodas/water/soda water vs regular sodas or juice, cutting back on sugary martinis, etc).
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i do diet coke and vodka when i imbibe.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    Only one way to find out - try it and see! Everybody is different.
  • kathyms13
    kathyms13 Posts: 497 Member
    in answer to the op post yes, me i just drink diet coke.
  • thewall61
    thewall61 Posts: 2
    Quitting drinking is a responsible decision. We always seem to eat more when we do drink and more than 1 drink is hard on your liver
  • hoppinglark
    hoppinglark Posts: 213 Member
    Some people say to drink in rotations,
    drink 1 drink
    then have one water
    and one soda
    before having another drink.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    Hey kids!
    SO ive been thinking about quitting drinking! Due to my social life and influence of my friends!! lol i like to think its their fault.. I drink on average once a weekend, somtimes twice. and when I do drink, I'll drink about a pint and maybe 1 beer. Do you guys really think if I stop drinking all together that it will show?!? Or if I cut it down to once a month?? Let me know what you think!

    I suppose it depends on what you are doing. I drink a glass of wine probably 4 out of 7 nights a week. I've seen no ill effects, but I'm not looking to get ripped, either.
  • jenkinsjerry
    jenkinsjerry Posts: 99 Member
    After years of pretty heavy and regular drinking, I quit to support my wife, who was having our first child. 9 months later, I realized that I had learned to live life without it... 15 years later, I haven't missed it much. No AA, no recover groups, just alcohol free. No hangovers, no $30+ extra charges on my bill for nice dinners, no worries about driving while hammered and I am setting a good example for my kids. Quitting is also helpful for my marriage and keeping me away from temptations and bad decisions, etc.

    No this isn't a self righteous promotion to stop or to shun those that do.
  • you can do it occasionally but I know there the same amount of calories in a glass of red wine as there is in a big mac =) but if you do it like once a month you should be fine =)
  • terimjohnson
    terimjohnson Posts: 6 Member
    I'm doing myfitnesspal.com in conjunction with a physician supervised plan. The doctor told me that the biggest problem he sees with people wanting to get the weight off is alcohol consumption. Those are empty calories-no nutritional value but they count, and they also slow things down. If you can give up those calories, you should see a difference in weight loss.
  • chocciechip
    chocciechip Posts: 207 Member
    it may make a difference for you - but it doesn't sound like you drink that much/go out on a binge. depends what you're drinking really as others have pointed out.

    I found out for a while that people got really hostile towards me when I stopped drinking alcohol with them and switched to sodas/water it was odd so now I get half pints of diet coke if I'm out with the 'angry crowd' as it looks the same as a glass with vodka and coke.

    I was a fantastic binge drinker though and I could hold my own through a bottle of wine, 3-5 beers and then start on the spirits so perhaps its unsurprising giving up drinking has made a difference to me (and my head/liver hahaha)

    i quite enjoy a beer still though, but I get a bottle like brahma or peroni as they're about 150-180 cal a bottle which is far less than a cocktail and more refreshing I think :-) but that's just my two pence on the matter!
  • iremonk
    iremonk Posts: 4 Member
    I doubt drinking once a weekend is seriously contributing to any issues with weight loss - that's the sort of thing you can plan around if it's really important to you. Of course, if you stop drinking any alcohol and maintain your current diet then that's a little less net input each week so there's something, but it seems an insignificant amount from the habits you describe. It really depends on the rest of your diet and exercise habits. It wouldn't be hard to figure out how many calories are in your average weekly drinks and see whether you find it a serious issue.

    That said, I like alcohol a lot and learning how to limit it is a big part of my struggle with all of this, so I would be more prone to offer advice about integrating it into your diet. If you just don't care much either way then certainly quitting will have some positive effect, however small.

    edit for grammar
  • Derpina7
    Derpina7 Posts: 552 Member
    As said by a couple others, I don't think that amount is unreasonable, but it doesn't hurt to give it a try! If it's something you enjoy doing socially and are responsible with it, I think moderation is key! Maybe also look for lighter calorie drink options, light beers for example, and I've heard dry wines are commonly more low cal than other types of wine.
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    Just start doing blow instead.
  • D446
    D446 Posts: 266 Member
    you can do it occasionally but I know there the same amount of calories in a glass of red wine as there is in a big mac =) but if you do it like once a month you should be fine =)

    Ahh what?! Your telling me a glass of wine is over 500 cals? Lies.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    you can do it occasionally but I know there the same amount of calories in a glass of red wine as there is in a big mac =) but if you do it like once a month you should be fine =)

    Ahh what?! Your telling me a glass of wine is over 500 cals? Lies.
    Wow, that's a big glass of wine you're having.

    OP - it's really up to you. It doesn't sound like your drinking's out of control, but why not try cutting it out and see? I still drink in moderation and fit it into my calorie goal. It hasn't slowed my weight-loss. I've heard other people say that cutting it out altogether really helped them to lose weight though, so it depends on the individual I suppose.
  • vanessatheriault
    vanessatheriault Posts: 1 Member
    I quit drinking, and seen a huge improvement in my body. Not only did i feel stronger at the gym, but I noticed my body changing in places I was having troubles with. I feel alot healthier too. Going to the gym early on a Saturday morning feels alot better then being hungover in bed! Give it a try! It's totally worth it.
  • TheFitFireman
    TheFitFireman Posts: 185 Member
    You don't need beer or booze to have fun, cheers to that :drinker:

    Once I stopped drinking I found that I was seeing the results I wanted faster; for me, a night of partying resulted in a day of laziness afterwards which usually involved fast food, not a good combo.