will quitting drinking really help THAT much??



  • LynC33
    LynC33 Posts: 196
    I would definately give it a try. There are alot of cals/carbs in alcohol and why would you want to let all your hard work and exercise go to waste? Friends should be supportive and encouraging no matter what because they should know how important this is for you. Having a good time isnt about the drink its about the company you're in. Even try switching to low carb or light beer ot cut back to once a fortnight. Good luck, and well done for wanting to try something new if other things arent working. Alot of people would just give up. Keep us posted on how you go :-))
  • you can do it occasionally but I know there the same amount of calories in a glass of red wine as there is in a big mac =) but if you do it like once a month you should be fine =)

    What? You must be using a fishbowl for a wine glass! :smile: My glass of red wine has about 130 cals!
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    I've basically given up alcohol for over 4 months now, don't regret it. It's a workout-killer for me, and I usually eat badly the next day. Easier to just not worry about it.
  • s00sh
    s00sh Posts: 91
    you can do it occasionally but I know there the same amount of calories in a glass of red wine as there is in a big mac =) but if you do it like once a month you should be fine =)

    For those of you freaking out, this is absolutely not true :)
  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    you can do it occasionally but I know there the same amount of calories in a glass of red wine as there is in a big mac =) but if you do it like once a month you should be fine =)

    This is ridiculous. 98 calories in a typical glass of red wine. Don't know where in the world you might've heard that.
  • rayraex
    rayraex Posts: 50
    Yes, it does make a huge difference. There are a lot of calories in alcohol. You should drink water whenever possible.

    Even diet soda is bad for you. Research shows that diet sodas actually cause you to eat more because your brain tastes the sweetness of the soda and prepares your body to receive sugar and calories. When it doesn't receive them, it causes hunger and you consume more food calories to make up for it.

    I have also heard that alcohol somehow bonds with the food in your stomach, making it harder to burn the calories and easier for it to turn into fat.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    My weight loss goes slower if I include alcohol, even if it fits into my daily calorie goal. I get faster results when I leave it alone for awhile. I've asked a lot of questions about why this occurs and haven't found a whole lot of answers.

    Right now, I've gone dry because I want to see a few lbs disappear that have crept back on. So I am hitting my calorie numbers and leaving alcohol alone, but I won't quit drinking forever. When I hit maintenance weight (again) I will slowly re-introduce it.
  • ebelliss
    ebelliss Posts: 126 Member
    i'm in college and when i came home for the summer this year, i went from drinking every weekend, about the same amount as you, to drinking nothing. i lost 5 pounds in the first week i was home. i also started eating better, but i really do believe that alcohol and water retention and all the gross stuff that comes from drinking contributed to that rapid weight loss
  • shirerose
    shirerose Posts: 116 Member
    nah, dude. drinking is awesome. once a week... even twice a week isn't that bad. but it does depend on what you are drinking. i do whiskey and diet coke. gets me tipsy and doesn't slow down my weight loss. i'm also getting in exercise walking around town to different bars. and walking from my house to the bar and back again. i'm a huge supporter of continuing drinking while trying to lose weight haha... but if you are drinking loads of sugary drinks, it's totally going to screw you up. all the vodka/diet soda drinkers are doing it right as well. :)
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Moderation is key.
    Drinking doesnt help fat loss at all.

    My opinion, if you decide to drink go at it on an empty stomach or have some quick carbs before going out.
    Anything consumed while the alcohol is in your system tends to get stored since the body is detoxifying.
  • shirerose
    shirerose Posts: 116 Member
    Yes, it does make a huge difference. There are a lot of calories in alcohol. You should drink water whenever possible.

    Even diet soda is bad for you. Research shows that diet sodas actually cause you to eat more because your brain tastes the sweetness of the soda and prepares your body to receive sugar and calories. When it doesn't receive them, it causes hunger and you consume more food calories to make up for it.

    I have also heard that alcohol somehow bonds with the food in your stomach, making it harder to burn the calories and easier for it to turn into fat.

    that's true about diet soda... but if you don't give in to the hunger it causes then it doesn't hurt you. easier said than done i guess. i dont drink it often but when i do, i've never had a problem with eating more because of it.
  • joeysims
    joeysims Posts: 12
    I quit drinking for all of 2011 (not a drop no kidding!) on a bet and I lost 10 lbs without changing anything else. I wasn't even drinking every weekend.

    Weightloss aside I never imagined how great I would feel! Now if I have one bud light while I'm coon hunting with the boys I'm struggling to keep up! And I used to be one of those people who would "sweat out" my hangovers! I can only imagine what that booze was doing to my body!

    Also I went downtown and hung out with my friends just as much not drinking as when I was and I actually met more people and made more friends sober than I ever did drinking.

    My overall assessment is booze and I had some really fun times together (and made a remarkable number of mistakes!) but generally it's over rated!
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    Just start doing blow instead.

  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    nah, dude. drinking is awesome. once a week... even twice a week isn't that bad. but it does depend on what you are drinking. i do whiskey and diet coke. gets me tipsy and doesn't slow down my weight loss. i'm also getting in exercise walking around town to different bars. and walking from my house to the bar and back again. i'm a huge supporter of continuing drinking while trying to lose weight haha...

    Marry me...
  • Ummmm no red wine is not more than a big mac! 1 glass of red wine (which is 5-6oz) is 122 calories. Look it up yourself.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Keep in mind that the caloric intake of any alcohol is moot if you eat while its in your system.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    A pint or two (depending on the beer), once or twice a week really isn't a huge amount of calories, so I doubt it will make a big difference either way. If you're accounting for those calories already it's not going to make any difference at all.
  • mauryr
    mauryr Posts: 385
    Can I ask a slightly different question: Are calories from alcohol any different from other calories? I have been assuming that calories are all the same.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    you can do it occasionally but I know there the same amount of calories in a glass of red wine as there is in a big mac =) but if you do it like once a month you should be fine =)

    For those of you freaking out, this is absolutely not true :)

    ~ 500 calories or so in a bottle of wine...no biggies...just fit it into your calories for the day and your good to go lol
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Can I ask a slightly different question: Are calories from alcohol any different from other calories? I have been assuming that calories are all the same.

    A calorie is a calorie