Double standard (not sure what to title this)



  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    :flowerforyou: um we used to be property, and realy it depends on your socal cercle, oh and men suck, yeah that to
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    In my PERSONAL opinion, ANYONE that sleeps around gets a negative connotation. Male and female.
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    maybe just be yourself then.. why do you have to be anything?

    i say as long as everyone is informed, and you upfront about what your doing, they you cant feel bad about it. you dont feel bad about it, then being called a skeezie word or rep wouldnt phase anything.

    example, tell the person your not into anything serious and you are going to see other people. they are cool with that, then they arnt for you. you have a few different dates with other people and someone calls you a sl*t. i wouldnt feel like one, so i wouldnt feel bad about it. id prolly explain to the person that im not looking for a monogamous relationship and that the other people involved werent either.

    and in my mind, no guy with a buncha girls *cheating* is a player. hes just someone i would never assosiate myself with in the slightest. but thats ME anyone else could do what ever they want, and that would be their choice. tell you the truth, when i see someone like that highfivin another man for his newest score. all i think is

    stds. stds. stds. karmmmas suckss mann.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    ANSWER: It's an unfair gender double standard. Guys are studs, and girls are sluts.
    Pure absurdity.
    It's all the same in my book.
    But most societies view it through the eyes of gender bias. Welcome to the human race.:blushing:
  • chatnel
    chatnel Posts: 688 Member
    What's wrong with sleeping around? if you single and protected, who cares?

    people that label are just jealous they are not getting any
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    For me, I don't care who smashes who. Just know I'm not going to sleep with them unless they wrap it up.
  • MattTheWaterRat
    MattTheWaterRat Posts: 167 Member
    Both genders do not get away with multiple partners, because VD doesn't discriminate.
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    Which has more value?

    A key that can open a lot of locks?


    A lock that can be opened by a lot of keys?

    hmmmmmm, for me the second. What happens if you lose that one key? does your lock stay closed forever?
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    You're hanging out with the wrong friends. Most of my friends don't support adultery or "playin", and the very few who do are equal opportunity supporters.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I've always assumed it's because mankind has a history of men having wives and concubines or many wives and it was, then, socially acceptable. The jazzed up ideal of a harem still sets some men to drooling, yet if a woman wants a male harem it's weird, though they have been done before.

    I know in a lot of the urban societies (I'm talking the ghetto scene, race excluded entirely) having a lot of women or getting a lot of them pregnant with your child is a way to say you're a man, you're not a child or someone to be looked down upon. You have the base power of attraction and procreation. It doesn't work that way with women.

    And, one could argue the belief that human kind is not meant to be attached to one mate, that such things were created by an evolving society and religion.

    My thoughts are, if you've not committed yourself, verbally or otherwise, to one person and you are with others at the same time regardless of them knowing then that's your business. That drama comes from the personal beliefs of the ones you're seeing/sleeping with. If you're committed, then unless your partner agrees to an open relationship you've basically put yourself in a box. You have one person for love, for sex, for friendship, and whatever else you're looking for. There's no "oh he's manly and virile because he's got 4 girls" and no "oh my god she's seeing how many men? Tramp!"

    Long story short gender equality has not reached the points society and textbooks believe it has. We're still struggling to keep our right to wear pants too instead of just dresses and the right to hold our own jobs and not be babymakers and note takers. It's stupid but, well, when has anyone counted humanity as smart?
  • LunaPhaedra
    LunaPhaedra Posts: 71 Member
    I think everyone isn't looking far enough into the situation. A lot of people are blaming religion and culture; however, it's not the people involved made it up off the top of their heads. the fact is, polygamy is quite natural for humans. the reason for this, as was explained to me once in a biology class, partner-selection styles amongst different species tends to depend on the reproductive systems of each gender. If one gender has less chances at reproduction (e.g. for women, an egg once a month) then they generally have to be more choosy/picky in choosing a partner because they have less chances at having good offspring; on the other hand, if a gender has lots of chances at reproduction (e.g. for men, creating sperm several times a day) then they don't have to be very choosy because there are lots of opportunities at getting viable offspring.

    To be honest, the only 'unnatural' part of human reproductive methods is that, based on what happens in the rest of the animal kingdom, men for the most part have been the ones who tend to choose the woman/women they want. In the animal world the gender with the least opportunity at having children gets to be the picker (in our case, women). Although, I suppose we're kinda like lions then in that case. Whoever was the strongest lion got to join and mate with a pride of lionesses. but i think what happened is that those instincts got corrupted overtime and trandformed into this ugly (and frankly unrealistic) double standard culture.

    Actually, I've always been confused by the whole "you're a *kitten*" ideology. I mean, I've always been under the assumption that men LIKED 'easy' women. It seems kind of bizarre to want sex, yet get mad at a girl who's willing to give it. I think we just need to shed these cultural fears that are causing all of these confusing and harmful problems and accept our feelings and sexuality for how it naturally is for you.
  • Chubbyhulagirl
    Chubbyhulagirl Posts: 374 Member
    It may have started with religion, purity, morality and women being "property" way back when but I honestly think it comes down to anatomy. A guy has a penis that protrudes and a woman has a vagina that is penetrated. The vagina stretches and loosens essentially obtaining "wear and tear" from regular use. It reflects its amount of use and doesnt go back. This doesnt happen to a penis. They are the same regardless of the amount of partners.
    I can understand the thought of a lesser used vagina being more attractive to a man. It will probably be tighter and the less guys loads have been there done that the better.
    I dont think its ok to label anyone for enjoying sex. If youre a sleazy person in general thats another story...