Free food in the office



  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Bring in your own food, and eat it. If you're not hungry, you will be less tempted by the free junkfood.
  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    We have similar situations... someone is always bringing us chicken biscuits or sausage and egg biscuits in the mornings and king size bags of m&m's in the afternoon.

    What helps me is knowing how far I have come. At some point when I think I can handle it, I will enjoy the biscuit and work my day around it, or get in a good workout later in the day. At this point - it's not something that I can do
  • niceMarly
    niceMarly Posts: 89 Member
    It just happens to be "free ice cream" day at work today! I watched the supervisors dole out bowls of yummy ice cream (complete with self-serve toppings, of course!) from the sidelines, thinking how I was going to resist that! I asked if they had any popsicles, and they did, but they were way back in the kitchen and I would have had to walk thru the whole call I just smiled and continued walking out the door.....
    Last week we had a BBQ....and I did have ONE hamburger, with lots of lettuce....the week before it was a bake sale (thankfully my day off!)....surprisingly, my co-workers have been very supportive and understanding...
    Btw, it's free ice cream day cause it's 40 C out there!! I loved going into work today because it is an air-condtiioned building!
  • lniber22
    lniber22 Posts: 29 Member
    I HATE coconut. So I tell myself everything has coconut and run quickly in the other direction. Works too since I now visualize the dreaded nasty thing....kills my craving.:drinker:
  • aegisprncs
    aegisprncs Posts: 240 Member
    We have full on buffets in our office. And when that's not going on, my office mate always has a candy bowl on her desk (backed up by a whole drawer full) crackers and bread/toast (yes, she has a toaster). And if that's not enough, it's alway someone's birthday. What do I do. Quite literally, I walk away. But when it's just sitting there ready to eat in my office. I just try and focus on my work or talk to someone about anytingto change my focus. Then I drink some water or coffee.
  • FrozenTundra511
    FrozenTundra511 Posts: 206 Member
    We have a guy that brings a dozen donuts almost every day and it is placed 3 feet behind me on the other side of my cubicle.
    Willpower... that's all I can say. I allow myself 1/2 Maple Bar 1-2 times per week.
  • KourtneyP83
    KourtneyP83 Posts: 319
    If I can't stop thinking about it, I usually get a little and move on. That happens at my work sometimes's hard. We have a guy who brings us donuts every.single.Saturday. Takes quite a bit of will power not to eat one.
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    Have a very small taste and then move on! lol, jk. Usually it is to avoid. I think it would be best if the items are kept in the other room. It is easier to avoid.

    When I am very tempted then I just take a very small bite enough to kill my craving then I walk away. Good idea.
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    Also, just read success stories on MFP to keep youself focused. That's what I do when I'm slacking.
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    We have doughnut monday...every Monday!! Everyone sits around the conference room table, which has boxes of dougnuts in the middle, and talks about their weekend while eating a doughnut! That's when I have to have serious willpower and bring my cup of tea to sip on and try hard not to stare at the doughnuts!! :) A lot of the time I will eat a snack before we go into the conference room so I'm thinking with my brain and not my stomach! :)

    However, if it is a birthday I will literally have a very very small sliver of homemade cake! :)
  • MariaLivingFit
    MariaLivingFit Posts: 224 Member
    Would it be possible to move the food location to a different area?

    If not, maybe you should bring in "free fruit" and have a nice big bowl of fruit for your office mates to choose from. Maybe that will give them a "hint", and encourage others to start bringing in healthier foods for everyone.
  • MosierTim
    MosierTim Posts: 56 Member
    I spray windex on it :bigsmile:

    I've killed a couple of co-workers in the process but in the end it really is worth it :smokin:

  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    The company I work for provides bagels every day as well as fresh fruit that is delivered daily. We also have lunches catered and a bevy of food options around at any given time.

    I drink my water, eat my snacks and ignore it. You choose to do this. Just rise above and move on. You are making yourself healthy. Others will follow if/when they are ready. Many will never be.
  • Krys_140
    Krys_140 Posts: 648 Member
    I pack my lunch and snacks for work every day except Fridays, and bring coffee in a travel mug. Here is how I decide what to do about free food at work:

    1. Is it a social thing, ie. is everyone gathering for coffee and snacks? If so, I'll at least go over with my mug. I might take my planned snack (a piece of fruit or whatever) if I haven't had it yet. That way I don't miss out on the social aspect and my hands are busy.

    2. Could I have bought whatever it is myself if I'd wanted some? If so, I usually pass. I could just go get a bagel or donut if I wanted one. It's not like I am passing on the bagels and donuts I could buy every day just because they cost money.

    If homemade or special treats are involved, I'll usually indulge in a sensible portion and do my best to fit it in to my plan. This may mean saving part of my lunch for another day, having a smaller portion of dinner, or going for a longer walk with my dog after work.

  • shendras
    shendras Posts: 46 Member
    Chew a piece of minty gum when temptation strikes. For me at least, it kills the craving!
  • MosierTim
    MosierTim Posts: 56 Member
    See my problem was not the temptation; I am pretty good at not eating the treats. The problem in this office is my co-workers bugging about why I am not eating anything they brought. Giving me a "hard time" that pizza will not kill me, after all it covers all the major food groups it must be relatively healthy - LOL

    Finally I learned to combat them by telling them exactly how many calories they were eating. It did not take long for them to stop asking and trying to tempt me :tongue:

    yet one more reason I married you!
  • kdarbouz
    kdarbouz Posts: 5
    I ask myself is it really worth it.
  • samadora
    samadora Posts: 7
    East your own healthy snacks and just imagine the fat you're avoiding... lol
  • dawnrenee567
    dawnrenee567 Posts: 292 Member
    I have my breakfast/snack/lunch/snack already planned for the day.

    I check calories, etc.. on snacks that are in, decide if I can work it in or not.

    Yesterday they were cookies that were 170/piece - I passed.
  • akaporn
    akaporn Posts: 231 Member
    Just a fun idea.

    Every FREE snack you eat, you donate $5 to your local food bank. Keep the jar or a piece of paper around. See if this work.

    And to all the suppliers, I appreciate you bringing in donuts. Just want to remind you that I'm not gonna just give you a $10K contract because of that. Perishable gift never works. You'll be better off bringing bunch of pens and note pads with your logo.