Too hard?



  • lexingtonjane
    lexingtonjane Posts: 11 Member

    This is true, if it was easy everyone would be doing it. A few helpful suggestions would be if you are just getting back into it...find something you like and stick with it for awhile before jumping into something like 30DS. You have to walk before you can run. Also like someone else suggested getting a work out partner helps tremendously with motivation and staying on track. Also....don't judge yourself too harshly. So you tried 30DS and it sucked the first time. Give it another go and just do the best you can. I will get easier!

    Great Advice Lizzie! I am partial to swimming so when I started my weight loss journey I swam laps with an underwater MP3 player that was loaded with club music. It kept me pumped and in the pool WAY longer than just hearing water woosh by my ears. Music is key to stay motivated.