Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid)



  • movitos
    movitos Posts: 2
    I too have hypothyroidism and am interested in the comments about foods that help or hinder thyroid function.

    Other things you want to avoid if you have hypothyroidism due to Hashimoto's disease are: gluten, iodine and walnuts.

    Hypothyroid people in general should avoid vegetable oils which hinder the function of the thyroid. Use instead coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil and real butter. Coconut oil supports thyroid health and boosts your metabolism!

    One more thing I'd like to mention is the use of plastic, herbicides and pesticides. They also should be avoided.

    You can find practical information on foods and natural ways to support your thyroid gland at
  • dtucker3800
    dtucker3800 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm glad I found this thread. I'll ask my doctor about the ArmourThyroid also. The Levoxyl isn't working for me.
  • dtucker3800
    dtucker3800 Posts: 17 Member
    Where do you find your Selenium with Vitamin A, C & E? Online?
  • iwantahealthierme13
    iwantahealthierme13 Posts: 337 Member
    I'm on synthroid, 0.088mg, I'm pretty sure that's the lowest dose a person can be on but before I took this I was miserable. I however LOST 23 pounds BEFORE the medication because I was nauseous all the time but now I have normal thyroid levels.
  • zinal
    zinal Posts: 28 Member
    I had my thyroid remove 2 years ago because of beniegn tumors and have been on levothyroxin since. I have gained 15lbs and struggle to keep weight off. I have noticed by cuttng carbs and exercising more it is slowly coming off. I avoid eatingan hour after taking medicine to let it absorb better, avoid soy because it interferes with meds, and take suppliments with lunch to avoid interference wth them as well. I try not to eat too much raw brocolli and things with natural iodine. At my next checkup I am going to ask the doctor about Armour because I have read it helps with moods and energy. I hope this helps a little
  • kateanne27
    kateanne27 Posts: 275 Member

    I have half a thyroid gland and was put on levothyroxine, since then I have gained 2 stone, no energy, cold hands and feet, slow metabolism. Every time I get my bloods checked I am in the normal range, so I do not agree when people say yes you will lose weight. sinthetic thyroid medication is crap, the thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate metabolism and this a very presice and no medication can replace it.

    Sounds like maybe you need different meds. They told me that Synthroid is always the doc's first option but it's not always successfull.

    Wow, I was told the opposite, Levo seems to be a docs first choice, but it isn't effective in some people, it didn't do much for me, synthroid has helped much more. I still need my dose adjusted maybe once a year, but that can happen with Hashimotos, the thyroid continues to deteriorate, it does make losing weight a challenge.
    I have heard about Armor Thyroid, which is supposed to be better for people who still have symptoms with other meds, but it is supposedly inconsistently available in some areas, and my doc doesn't want to screw with my levels if I can only get it sometimes. But it might be worth asking about.