Do you buy fast food for your kids?



  • katejenkins1
    katejenkins1 Posts: 210 Member
    Yes, all in moderation.
  • I do sometimes... More lately than normal because we have been moving... BUT, I am going to make a goal to rarely eat out soon (not only for health reasons, but cost as well!).
  • jseger3
    jseger3 Posts: 9
    No. Never. My kids make gagging noises as we drive by fast food places. Got them trained ;-) The closest we get is an occasional gluten free pizza.
  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    I don't have kids, but I don't eat fast food, so if I did have kids we wouldn't be eating there ever anyway.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I was also going to answer "rarely, but only as an occasional treat," but then I thought, "fast food shouldn't be a 'treat,' it's just crap!"

    I do take my kids to McD -- they get a happy meal with a burger, apples, and milk. It's usually just once or twice during the winter when it's super cold outside and they're going stir crazy (the McD near us has an indoor play area). My kids absolutely don't drink son's second grade teacher offered him some coke about a month ago and he refused, saying "I'm not allowed." I'm also proud to say that at a birthday party recently, both my kids got "tummy aches" from eating a piece of birthday cake, which made me happy. We don't keep sugary stuff in the house and when they want a sweet snack they have fruit.

    I don't want to deny them all junk food, because I don't want them to rebel and then overeat as soon as they're old enough to make their own food decisions (like I did), but I'm glad that at age 5 and 8, they're aware of what's healthy and what's not.
  • jgthomas78
    jgthomas78 Posts: 81
    Yes and I focus on portion control. We never get anything larger than a kids meal. I explain that even for adults that is a correct serviing size.
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    We live crazy lives so yes fast food is something we have to turn to usually once a week. I try really hard to make sure they eat well even if it's fast food. My kids actually love salad so I'll get them a salad, chicken, fruit, and milk. I really like Chick-fil-a when we're on the run. They have grilled nuggets and those applesauce pouches.