Dining out - availability of nutritional information

MNchick Posts: 371 Member
So, I was talking to my mom yesterday and asked her if she'd consider putting nutritional info/WW points on the menu at her restaurant. We went back and forth about whether or not information available on the menu would:

- make money - other restaurants have specific WW menus and/or lighter fare sections of the menu and advertise it. This potentially brings in business just by having it. I know that I have specifically made a point to have dinners at places like Applebee's because they have a WW menu with points already calculated, and when I go to other places, I look for the 'healthy' section of the menu

- lose money - maybe lose some sales based on people actually seeing how many calories they are about to consume. Also, the cost of printing new menus.

I then brought up the idea of just having it available online. After spending a lot of time with WW (I still go to meetings, but no longer track points, just calories here) and being on MFP, I have NO SHAME in parking my butt at a table and whipping out my iphone to look for nutritional information and tracking it before it even touches my lips.

So I ask...does the availability, or lack thereof, influence how and where you dine out?

I'd love any feedback to be able to pass it on to her!


  • MissLynne10
    MissLynne10 Posts: 64 Member
    Not being able to see the nutritional information on the menus doesn't really deter me from eating out. I usually read what's in each entree and pick out the obviously unhealthy ones, from there I look up the values from my phone. It would be much nicer if they offered another special menu with all of facts next to the entrees, but then again they'd lose customers.
  • fluffeesquirrel
    fluffeesquirrel Posts: 63 Member
    It doesn't deter me if it's unavailable, but it definitely draws me in if it is.
  • nene01pop
    nene01pop Posts: 80 Member
    adding an insert to the previous menu, and put the healthy choices with cal counts... If someone is really wanting to know and or they are watching what they eat... then more convenient for them... Me, I don't know if it would've stopped me before if I had known there were 500 cal in a lg mcdonalds fry... or 270 in Mc D's sweet tea... But now that I am looking and watching, it would be easier if there was a "special menu"....
  • EuroReady
    EuroReady Posts: 199 Member
    I WISH everywhere had calories listed. I understand why its not, and I can make due, but I think I'd eat out more if it was posted. I know that if I have a choice between places, I pick a place with nutritional information. If only more diners had it!
  • Pimpmonkey
    Pimpmonkey Posts: 566
    It doesn't deter me if it's unavailable, but it definitely draws me in if it is.
  • Pimpmonkey
    Pimpmonkey Posts: 566
    They were talking about that on the news this morning, but only for certain types of foods (i.e. Pizza) I think it should be posted for all, but I check my phone if it's not.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I've never seen that info on a menu, but I'd pay attention to it if it was there. I have looked stuff up online now and again, but its only fast food and some franchises that have that info here (Australia) and it's rare for me to eat that kind of food.

    If it was my restaurant I would have the info online and on a separate printout that people could pick up and see if they wanted to. Then you aren't confronting people with that info if they don't want it.

    Edited to add: this info itself wouldn't make me eat there or not, I'm smart enough to choose something healthier from the menu if I want to. It's the quality of the food and the service that will get me there and keep me coming back.
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    I would love calories on all menus. I am already eating out so I am not going to just leave the place if there are calories on the menu. We went to a restaurant recently that had calories for every item and I loved it. I ended up spending more money buying the fish etc than if I had bought the hamburger.
  • n_rockey
    n_rockey Posts: 52 Member
    I agree with some of the other posts. It won't keep me from going if I don't have the info, but I do tend to frequent places where I have been able to get the info and know there are healthy choices available (Subway, Applebees, etc.). A lot of times if I know where we are going ahead of time I will even look up the menu online so that I can see if they have nutrition information available so that I can make the most informed decision I can.
  • jenbridges
    jenbridges Posts: 213 Member
    i love it when restaurants put nutritional info on their menu! makes life sooo much easier! or even on their website.
  • krsaxton
    krsaxton Posts: 56 Member
    I like having the nutritional information. Not knowing has deterred me from some restaurants. When I was doing WW I used


    This site was very helpful! :)
  • hanahlai
    hanahlai Posts: 281 Member
    I prefer having the nutritional information.
  • MNchick
    MNchick Posts: 371 Member
    Thanks for all the great feedback!
  • CassandraMarie3
    CassandraMarie3 Posts: 147 Member
    I LOVE it when a restaurant has their info available. I have no problem if it is not on the menu, so long as I can find it online.

    I will say in some instances it has made me more likely to eat somewhere. For example, I found out I can get an unwich from Jimmy Johns for around 200 calories that will keep me full for hours. Now instead of eyeing my coworkers/family's lunch, I can order something that fits my lifestyle. Also, Panera has their calories listed, and it doesn't stop be from eating there, just helps me make better choices.

    What it comes down to is those who want the information will be pleased and grateful, those that don't wouldn't care either way. In my opinion, it would help business in the long run.

    What type of restaurant does your mom own?
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Maybe I'm too picky or I'm taking my new lifestyle seriously, but I won't go to a restaurant without knowing ahead what I'm going to eat, how many calories and how much sodium is in the food. I've learned that if I plan ahead I do well, if I don't.. well you know,, I go over on cals or sodium.
    If I owned a restaurant I'd list the calories of the healthier choices for those who eat healthier. I wouldn't bother listing the higher calorie stuff because if someone is going to eat that, they already KNOW it's bad for them and they probably don't care anyway.
    As long as the place is clean, having a restaurant with healthy options is the first thing I look for before we go out. Second is the sodium content.
  • laughingnome
    laughingnome Posts: 259 Member
    We went out to Bonefish and I checked out the calorie count before and knew what I was going to have before we left the house. I had a delicious meal and under the calorie count. Love the idea. When I see what some meals I used to eat were it's scarey and I know why I am fat
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I go to restaurants to enjoy my food. I am capable of making reasonable choices when I go out. I am definitely not going to choose some crap like Applebee's over an independent restaurant that probably has better quality and more nutrition.
  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member
    It doesn't deter me from going to a specific restaurant. But it will deter me from ordering an entree. I will just stick to a side salad or grilled chicken just to be safe. If those look questionable calorie wise, I just get the salad without dressing and will eat at home later.
    When I know ahead of time what the restaurant can offer me nutritionally, I'm stoked and will plan my day to order the entree or even an appetizer, heck even a drink! I don't work soo hard to be derailed by one meal.:drinker:
  • bigsisterdice
    I think it should be a law that it be provided for everything at least online - but I think on principle all restaurants should have at least a little separate handout with the nutritional info in it that you can ask for. I definitely go out of my way to eat at places who have the info clearly listed or at least easily available online. If I were your mom I would make a separate mini menu full of all the healthiest meals based on calories, carbs, and points, that people can look at if they want, and then just maybe put a little sticker about it on the normal menu or a little sign on the tables to let people know about it like "Ask us about our healthy choices menu!" Hope this helps!
  • robindina
    robindina Posts: 157 Member
    I use the nutritional guide as a way to narrow down choices on the menu. I would love it if every place had it.