Gaining weight after 600-700 calorie diet?



  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Some would prefer an echo chamber.
    That's the place where nobody is ever wrong, and a collective agreement exists where we kill each other with kindness.
    If your dear friend is standing in the way of an oncoming bus, it's not polite to tell him to get out of the way.
    Your dear friend might feel that you are judging the way he is standing, and that also might hurt the bus's feelings....:bigsmile:
  • Healthymom207
    Healthymom207 Posts: 67 Member
    it could but i hear dead people never really get weight problems

    LMAO, nicely put!
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    no more posts, im closing the topic

    I don't blame you, never ask this forum questions... ever.

    Well when you can't handle the truth...

    OR, the entire forum is filled with trolls.
    If all somebody wants is a pat on the head no matter what, don't come here. This is not the estrogen echo chamber.
    This person is totally out of line with what MFP recommends, and guess what?
    She's suffering predictable consequences.
    Pointing this out does not make somebody a troll. She needs to learn, but if not, others can learn from this obvious mistake.

    What is an estrogen echo chamber?
    That's the place where nobody is ever wrong, and a collective agreement exists where we kill each other with kindness.
    If your dear friend is standing in the way of an oncoming bus, it's not polite to tell him to get out of the way.
    Your dear friend might feel that you are judging the way he is standing, and that also might hurt the bus's feelings....:bigsmile:

    Well the bus has feelings too. Buses never get any respect.....
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    THIS - don't know what I even bother. It hurts me to see others hurt.
    It's like I feel their pain. No more of this....
  • jodycoady
    jodycoady Posts: 598 Member
    In my case, yes, it caused problems. It makes it harder to lose weight. My thyroid is under active. I have heart problems. My skin lost a lot of elasticity. My stomach / bowels are no longer right. Some of this is "corrected" a little. But most of it is irreversible. Ended up in hospital at 31 with heart problems is not fun. My muscle tone is nowhere near what it once was. And it is taking me a lot more than some people I have seen to see any results.
    AND it took a full two years before my body totally started leveling out correctly for me to see any real results.

    That said.... I am eating at a LOW of 1500 calories now and working out. I do eat back some if not all of my exercise calories. I am starting to see my shape again. I have my energy back to some degree. Still stay cold, but not like I used to. My hair has gotten thicker again. My skin has cleared up. My nails are growing again and not tearing on everything. I sleep better. Not longer, but I feel far more rested.

    AND I am losing. It just took time to get to where I needed to be..... And I know I never want to be where I was. I was struggling with my ED for a while (started at 13) . And never again.

    Thanks for should be a professional mentor!
  • siriusalien
    siriusalien Posts: 207
    The responses on this forum are a great reason I'm ditching MFP. Some very troubled people acting out through their keyboards. Just rude, nasty, ugly
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