Hit a plateau after losing 4 lbs!!



  • Steen_bean
    Steen_bean Posts: 33 Member
    Iv seen stuck around 140-146lbs since september last year.

    I wouldnt think a stall that lasts nine months a plateau. I would think that is lack of a caloric deficit or a medical condition.

    Lack of caloric deficit? I had a friend work it out for me and I think im in the right area. (5'4, 141lbs, 21, f- If you know how to work it all out then please do) I think my problem is that my life is so busy that Im not 100% dedicated to weightloss/exercise. You know? Im on university holidays for 2 weeks so I'm going to bring in some strength and try finally kick the 140s *kitten*. :)
  • MissSonjaBelle
    MissSonjaBelle Posts: 43 Member
    Iv seen stuck around 140-146lbs since september last year. Having taking progress photos I can see iv lost weight around my stomach area, but I just reallly want to break past 140.

    Iv increased my intake to 1600 and mixed up my exercise routine. I am super keen to hear any tips?

    WOW your photos are awesome! Well done on your loss so far. You're haven't plateaued, you've stopped losing weight.

    What are you eating? That's probably where the issue lies. This is what works for me: I've consistently lost a kg a week for the past 6 weeks by eating chicken breast & sweet potato for 1 main meal, no fat yoghurt, protein powder and berries for a snack and not eating 3 - 4 hours before bed. I skip breakfast and exercise on an empty stomach 2 days on, one day off, then have a protein shake for lunch. I eat 15g - 30g chocolate bullets just about every day, a piece of fruit every day, one day a week i eat whatever i want (below 2000 calories). That's my diet and it's working really well!
  • MissSonjaBelle
    MissSonjaBelle Posts: 43 Member
    and don't eat 3 hours before bed.

    she has been here a week. dont start filling her head with total nonsense already. it doesnt matter if you eat while you are sleeping as long as you maintain a caloric deficit.

    It's not nonsense, it's a tip. And it does matter.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Iv seen stuck around 140-146lbs since september last year.

    I wouldnt think a stall that lasts nine months a plateau. I would think that is lack of a caloric deficit or a medical condition.

    Lack of caloric deficit? I had a friend work it out for me and I think im in the right area. (5'4, 141lbs, 21, f- If you know how to work it all out then please do) I think my problem is that my life is so busy that Im not 100% dedicated to weightloss/exercise. You know? Im on university holidays for 2 weeks so I'm going to bring in some strength and try finally kick the 140s *kitten*. :)

    I didnt say you werent dedicated but think about it...if anyone is at a true deficit for nine months they will lose weight ,,,right? maybe your friend was off or you are understimating intake or over estimating exercise calories ( assuming you eat back exzercise calories) no way someone could be at a deficit for nine months and not lose at least some weight.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    and don't eat 3 hours before bed.

    she has been here a week. dont start filling her head with total nonsense already. it doesnt matter if you eat while you are sleeping as long as you maintain a caloric deficit.

    It's not nonsense, it's a tip. And it does matter.

    actually it is nonsense and its a bad tip and it doesnt matter
  • Steen_bean
    Steen_bean Posts: 33 Member

    WOW your photos are awesome! Well done on your loss so far. You're haven't plateaued, you've stopped losing weight.

    What are you eating?

    Naaww thank you :) I think my body is happy with how it is, but I still want to lose another 5kg.
    Umm I wish I had been filling in my food diary so you could see it. I actually dont have breakfast before I do my morning exercise. I get up each morning, and swim, then come home and have a banana and toast or some oatmeal. Im quite a good eater.. except when it comes to bread. Bread and carbs are my downfall.. I eat sooo much of them. Chickens my favourite. I just had a chicken wrap for lunch :)

    I am reallly clueless with protein powder... Explaaainn? :)
  • ZiezieO
    ZiezieO Posts: 228 Member
    Excuse me.... you only started a week ago... 4 lbs could be considered all water weight in just one week.

    Tell me you hit a plateau after 3 months or 6 months of nonstop commitment.
  • MissSonjaBelle
    MissSonjaBelle Posts: 43 Member
    and don't eat 3 hours before bed.

    she has been here a week. dont start filling her head with total nonsense already. it doesnt matter if you eat while you are sleeping as long as you maintain a caloric deficit.

    It's not nonsense, it's a tip. And it does matter.

    actually it is nonsense and its a bad tip and it doesnt matter

    Actually, eating before bed turns food that's meant to be used for energy into fat because you aren't burning it. Me and my mum have both had success by cutting out this one habit.
    Also, bodybuilders i know wake up at various stages of the night to eat/drink protein when they're gaining.
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I don't mean to be rude but 4 days is nothing. Seriously. Stop weighing yourself so much.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    and don't eat 3 hours before bed.

    she has been here a week. dont start filling her head with total nonsense already. it doesnt matter if you eat while you are sleeping as long as you maintain a caloric deficit.

    It's not nonsense, it's a tip. And it does matter.

    actually it is nonsense and its a bad tip and it doesnt matter

    Actually, eating before bed turns food that's meant to be used for energy into fat because you aren't burning it. Me and my mum have both had success by cutting out this one habit.
    Also, bodybuilders i know wake up at various stages of the night to eat/drink protein when they're gaining.

    well...you really just dont know what you are talking about...but if beleiveing that makes you happy then so be it.
  • MissSonjaBelle
    MissSonjaBelle Posts: 43 Member
    and don't eat 3 hours before bed.

    she has been here a week. dont start filling her head with total nonsense already. it doesnt matter if you eat while you are sleeping as long as you maintain a caloric deficit.

    It's not nonsense, it's a tip. And it does matter.

    actually it is nonsense and its a bad tip and it doesnt matter

    Actually, eating before bed turns food that's meant to be used for energy into fat because you aren't burning it. Me and my mum have both had success by cutting out this one habit.
    Also, bodybuilders i know wake up at various stages of the night to eat/drink protein when they're gaining.

    well...you really just dont know what you are talking about...but if beleiveing that makes you happy then so be it.

    Well i do because it's whats been working for me so it does make me happy. But thank you for your input.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    Four days isn't really a plateau. A plateau is usually a month or more.

    You body doesn't lose weight gradually, sometimes it just drops quickly and then levels out for a bit. Don't weigh yourself more than once a week. There are much better indications of weight loss than the scale anyway.
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    Yes, a little more patience will be your friend! I still have good months (down 10-15 lbs) followed by "bad" months (1-3 lbs.) No rhyme nor reason to it, but I've seen it happen over and over again and know I'll get past it. I don't think 4 days is long enough to call it a plateau. Just 1 bad meal (for me that would include too much sodium and maybe high glycemic carbs) can make my weight be up 4 lbs (or more) OVERNIGHT.It can take 2-3 days for that swell to go away. Even if you're keeping your calories in check, it could be a subtle difference in what you ate keeping the scale from moving. Since you think you're clothes are fitting a little better, I'd say that's a good sign and to keep at it.
    Good luck!

    Oh, editing to add: only 2 times in my life have I ever tried to lose weight, and both times it took more than 6 weeks before I saw 1 single pound lost. Biology is biology, if you're doing things pretty close to right, it'll kick in eventually.
  • VisBella
    VisBella Posts: 21 Member
    First, you are doing a great job with your eating plan and exercise routine! You are to be congratulated! I know it’s exciting when the pounds drop off at a faster rate in the beginning. I’m sure every dieter wishes that rate continued until we reached our goal. Alas, the human body does not function that way. So it’s important to remember that you are probably still losing fat even if your scale fails to reveal that fact. One very important thing to remember is that the scale is a woefully limited tool that only measures total weight, and does NOT tell you what those pounds are composed of. Fat, muscle, bone, water, organs, and the weight of the contents of your intestinal track are all part of your total weight. We talk about losing “weight”, but what we really mean is losing fat. You can still lose fat and the scale not show it, which is what I think is happening to you.

    You might want to think about getting a body composition scale. Costco and Amazon both have them. My daughter recently bought one from Costco for $55 that shows fat, muscle, BMI, water, and bone. I think this is a great tool, especially when weight loss appears stalled. Keep up your good work— you’ll reach your goal!