Adding the calories you burn to your total calorie intake



  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    interesting bump to her old post.

    7 months old.
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    PER JILLIAN MICHAELS the idea is to exercise to burn calories and that adding back the calories you burn is DEFEATING THE PURPOSE of doing it in the first I know now that what I do is correct!

    This lady is the expert YOU ARE NOT! I was not losing weight with MFP way of doing things! I am now losing weight by following JILLIAN's advice! I use the MFP way of looking up my foods and logging them but that is ALL I use this for! So you keep on not losing weight if you like..I WILL BE ONE OF THE BIGGEST LOSERS!!!!!:laugh:

    I would listen to the poster who lost 311 pounds on this program. She is a media personality and they glam up biggest loser. I have yet to meet a person on MFP who did not lose while eating their exercise calories back. I eat them because I understand how MFP works. If you do not like the program with all due respect, I am sure you can pay for Jillians program and do it her way.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Congratulations. It looks like you're doing a great job of achieving that goal already - though perhaps not in the manner you intended.

    In the seven months this thread has been in existence, many people have patiently attempted to explain the difference in Jillian's method and MFP's calculations. Perhaps if you read the explanations and took a few moments to grasp them rather than adamantly insisting that Jillian knows everything and everybody else is an idiot, you'd understand that they are two different ways of arriving at the same endpoint. A deficit is a deficit, however it is created. Too large of a deficit has potentially negative consequences and doesn't necessarily mean that you'll lose weight faster (as evidenced by all the "HELP!!1!1!!, NOT LOSING WEIGHT!1!!!!!" threads, many from users who eat 1200 or less calories and exercise for three hours a day).

    If you're trying to rely upon Jillian's methods using MFP's settings, you're doing it wrong. If you're trying to rely on MFP's settings using Jillian's methods, you're still doing it wrong. If you want to use MFP, do the program as MFP recommends it; if you want to use Jillian's methods, do the program as Jillian recommends it (and there IS a difference).

    It's my understanding that the method Jillian is advocating is similar to what is set forth in this thread:

    Perhaps if you took the time to read through that thread and educate yourself, you wouldn't feel the need to turn on the caps lock key and berate people who are only trying to help you.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    PER JILLIAN MICHAELS the idea is to exercise to burn calories and that adding back the calories you burn is DEFEATING THE PURPOSE of doing it in the first I know now that what I do is correct!

    This lady is the expert YOU ARE NOT! I was not losing weight with MFP way of doing things! I am now losing weight by following JILLIAN's advice! I use the MFP way of looking up my foods and logging them but that is ALL I use this for! So you keep on not losing weight if you like..I WILL BE ONE OF THE BIGGEST LOSERS!!!!!:laugh:

    Well... darlin... you may be right... but not in the way you are hoping.

    Good luck on your journey.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Well according to Jillian Michaels who I think knows more than all of us the idea is to exercise to burn calories and that adding back the calories you burn is DEFEATING THE PURPOSE of doing it in the first I know now that what I do is correct!

    Why did you bump your own post more than 6 months after you posted?
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    Well according to Jillian Michaels who I think knows more than all of us the idea is to exercise to burn calories and that adding back the calories you burn is DEFEATING THE PURPOSE of doing it in the first I know now that what I do is correct!

    Well good for you then. You should continue to lose weight, inches, and gain muscle while never feeling hungry or sluggish. If it work for you then go a head. But is the purpose of this thread to change those who do it differently than you?
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    PER JILLIAN MICHAELS the idea is to exercise to burn calories and that adding back the calories you burn is DEFEATING THE PURPOSE of doing it in the first I know now that what I do is correct!

    This lady is the expert YOU ARE NOT! I was not losing weight with MFP way of doing things! I am now losing weight by following JILLIAN's advice! I use the MFP way of looking up my foods and logging them but that is ALL I use this for! So you keep on not losing weight if you like..I WILL BE ONE OF THE BIGGEST LOSERS!!!!!:laugh:

    Apparently not. I started losing weight in July 2012, one year after you, and I'm already ahead of you.

    Oh, and I eat my exercise calories.
  • woodys1
    woodys1 Posts: 10 Member
    correct ndmain77
  • originalcookiemonster
    PER JILLIAN MICHAELS the idea is to exercise to burn calories and that adding back the calories you burn is DEFEATING THE PURPOSE of doing it in the first I know now that what I do is correct!

    This lady is the expert YOU ARE NOT! I was not losing weight with MFP way of doing things! I am now losing weight by following JILLIAN's advice! I use the MFP way of looking up my foods and logging them but that is ALL I use this for! So you keep on not losing weight if you like..I WILL BE ONE OF THE BIGGEST LOSERS!!!!!:laugh:

    Ok then. I'll just take my weight loss, fat loss, and especially science/math away from this thread. Don't want to get in your way.

  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    Well according to Jillian Michaels who I think knows more than all of us

    I disagree.

    the idea is to exercise to burn calories and that adding back the calories you burn is DEFEATING THE PURPOSE of doing it in the first I know now that what I do is correct!

    The reason you are saying this is because you do not yet understand how MFP calculates your desired calorie intake. Please see the link I attached above, and after reading it, you should then understand the difference between MFP's calorie recommendation, and external calorie estimation tools.

    Jillian is not using MFP's caloric intake tools. Because of this, her comments do not apply to people who ARE using MFP's caloric intake tools.

    Listen to this man.. he knows what he is talking about.
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    PER JILLIAN MICHAELS the idea is to exercise to burn calories and that adding back the calories you burn is DEFEATING THE PURPOSE of doing it in the first I know now that what I do is correct!

    This lady is the expert YOU ARE NOT! I was not losing weight with MFP way of doing things! I am now losing weight by following JILLIAN's advice! I use the MFP way of looking up my foods and logging them but that is ALL I use this for! So you keep on not losing weight if you like..I WILL BE ONE OF THE BIGGEST LOSERS!!!!!:laugh:

    I looked at Jillian Michael's eating plan for the 30 Day Shred. It contains 1400 calories per day. Her plan is for a person to do a 20 minute workout per day and eat 1400 calories. Frankly, that's about the same as having a 1200 goal and eating back the exercise calories. They don't show enough about eating on The Biggest Loser, but they do give them fuel. I am sure they are eating quite a bit more to sustain hours of working out per day.

    I eat back my exercise calories and am losing weight. I have gained lean body mass while losing fat.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Well according to Jillian Michaels who I think knows more than all of us the idea is to exercise to burn calories and that adding back the calories you burn is DEFEATING THE PURPOSE of doing it in the first I know now that what I do is correct!

    Jillian Michaels knows a lot about training, and very little about nutrition..... Anyways, why ask the question if you are not interested in the answer?
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member
    PER JILLIAN MICHAELS the idea is to exercise to burn calories and that adding back the calories you burn is DEFEATING THE PURPOSE of doing it in the first I know now that what I do is correct!

    This lady is the expert YOU ARE NOT! I was not losing weight with MFP way of doing things! I am now losing weight by following JILLIAN's advice! I use the MFP way of looking up my foods and logging them but that is ALL I use this for! So you keep on not losing weight if you like..I WILL BE ONE OF THE BIGGEST LOSERS!!!!!:laugh:

    well at least you're consistent in your beliefs (at least over the last 6 months that you have been posting on this topic).

    If you are wanting to lose by dieting primarily and not racking up huge exercise calorie burns, then no, I suppose you don't need to eat back your exercise calories. For those of us who burn large amounts of calories, eating a portion of them back is the only way to survive and get the most out of our workouts. For example, my long run this last weekend was 17.6km and burned approximately 1500 calories. MFP gives me 1500 calories for doing nothing. Eating only the calories that I burned that day would leave me VERY ill.

    I wonder what Jillian would say in this context. If it's anything other than "refuel" then she is an idiot.
  • CharlesLadd
    There was a similar question asked recently, to which I also responded. I exercise, not to lose weight but to strengthen my muscles, especially my heart, and to keep my metabolism high. If you exercise and don't eat those calories back, especially if you are on an aggressive weight loss program, you are at risk of your metabolism dropping into starve mode. Then no amount of dieting will result in weight loss, and when you start eating normally again you will likely gain. That is why so many weight loss efforts fail, especially the "lose weight fast" type. They get your metabolism screwed up. Eat those calories back and rely on the calorie deficit built into your plan to work for you. If you are trying to lose a pound a week (a sensible goal for women), it will take six months to lose 25 pounds. Be patient. Try to speed it up by starving your body of the fuel it needs and you will not lose that weight. Strive for moderate gains and be persistent.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I do wish that MFP properly explained the rationale behind eating back exercise calories during the set up process. Would certainly cut down these threads.

    If you're into the Jillian Michaels method then why not just follow her regime rather than criticise this one? You don't see me logging into WeightWatchers to post crap on their forums just because I believe converting foods into points is silly...
  • farmboyphotography
    farmboyphotography Posts: 181 Member
    Jillian Michaels is a reality tv show host who does what she does to get ratings and sell merchandise.

    ...MFP works and is a healthy and sustainable way to lose weight. The Biggest Loser is a tv show made to get ratings and sell products.


    Jillian Michaels is a sensationalist who made a lot of money humiliating people into getting fit while she made a boatload of money off of them. But hey, somebody has to be the biggest LOSER. HA HA HA.

    DON'T BUY THE HYPE. Oops. You already did.
  • _CowgirlUp_
    _CowgirlUp_ Posts: 585 Member
    Well according to Jillian Michaels who I think knows more than all of us the idea is to exercise to burn calories and that adding back the calories you burn is DEFEATING THE PURPOSE of doing it in the first I know now that what I do is correct!

    Why did you bump your own post more than 6 months after you posted?

    Because she's still not losing weight like she'd hoped she would and she's hoping for new answers and someone to agree with her?? SMH.
  • mazjarvis
    mazjarvis Posts: 19 Member
    i agree with the lady above. why post if you already have a closed view. Everyone is trying to explain it to you and i have to admit that i didn't understand this when i first joined, but i posted a similiar topic and someone explained it to me perfectly. If your calorie defecit is too great then your body is a very clever machine. It will put you into starvation mode and not work as efficiently at burning away your calories as it things you are having too few to survive.
    I suggest you eat back most of your calories so if there is a slight error with your HR then this will take this into account. this will stop your body holding back your metabolism and allow it to function with fat burning in mind.
    Also i think you will find that even when you watch biggest loser jillian explains on there about calorie defecit. That is why the contestant wear those armbands. They work out how many calories their body has used throughout the day as they are exercising so much. They then work out their defecit needed to burn calories. MFP has already done that for you so please please eat them and not only that ENJOY them......why be miserable xx GOOD LUCK
  • farmboyphotography
    farmboyphotography Posts: 181 Member
    There was a similar question asked recently, to which I also responded. I exercise, not to lose weight but to strengthen my muscles, especially my heart, and to keep my metabolism high. If you exercise and don't eat those calories back, especially if you are on an aggressive weight loss program, you are at risk of your metabolism dropping into starve mode. Then no amount of dieting will result in weight loss, and when you start eating normally again you will likely gain. That is why so many weight loss efforts fail, especially the "lose weight fast" type. They get your metabolism screwed up. Eat those calories back and rely on the calorie deficit built into your plan to work for you. If you are trying to lose a pound a week (a sensible goal for women), it will take six months to lose 25 pounds. Be patient. Try to speed it up by starving your body of the fuel it needs and you will not lose that weight. Strive for moderate gains and be persistent.

    Great, level-headed and reasonable response. What he said. Yes, yes, yes.
  • MrsSardone
    MrsSardone Posts: 194 Member
    I don't think she understands the math/science behind weight loss....