Another Breaking Relationship Thread: Opinion from the men?



  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    Going to bold everything in order to counter your statement, not to start an argument but it's actually things he's said or something that's already been done and failed.
    Ok, for the first half, I'd say he's just a male. And that's the way they are. But if he is abusive, get out of there now. Past or not. Suggestions for some of the problems though:
    - He doesn't do dishes. (Exchange this for other chores. Like you do the dishes, he does the trash.) Believes he shouldn't have to do any of this, since I'm a female... yes it's sexist but with less "that's a girl's job" attitude
    - Doesn't pick up his clothes. (So where does he leave them? I finally gave up and put a hamper in "his" room just so they'd get off the floor. It might sound silly, but the less distant that has to be traveled, the more likely he'll do it.) he leaves them where ever he decides to strip em and it's up to me to clean things up
    - Leaves tracks of water all over the apartment after his shower. (Get a fluffy bathroom mat or absorber thing.) I have that
    - Leaves the cap off the toothpaste. (Get the kind with a flip cap that's attached. Again sounds silly but you choose your battles.)
    - Never puts any of his stuff away. (Again, see the distance thing. Otherwise don't know what to tell you.) his attitude is dropping it at the front door and see what happens (usually involves me tripping over shoes in the middle of the night)[/]
    - Leaves lights on after he's finished with a room-- do you realize how much money we'd save if he would? (Put timers on the lights? Esp. if you're worried about money.) Not an option in an apartment, to my knowledge[/]
    - He has no concept of money yet he thinks we can get a house in the future, yet it seems to be my money that would be funding the project. (money is a real problem. Maybe you can get a budgeting program or spreadsheet and show him the situation. And how unless he contributes, ain't happenin'.) We already tried that, it's hanging on the wall in the bedroom, it seems as soon as it was written it was thrown out the window
    - Expects me to be there at his beckon call regardless of time of day. (Like demands? He may need to mature and realize you have a life too and sometimes that's really not possible.) In all honesty, I haven't had a life for about a year, because I can't go anywhere without him calling me and demanding and questioning where I'm going, who I'm with etc

    Thank you for you help :)
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    Just thank god you are not married and have children. I know exactly how you are feeling...I have no advice, but I do have sympathy for you.

    Marriage is one thing. Children is another. And I would've gone a lot quicker realizing that I refuse to bring children up in that kind of environment. I'd rather be a single mum at that point.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    OK, I am assuming that you know the breakup is right, and it's the best way to proceed.
    Considering there was abuse, I would totally agree. Men who abuse women are cowards who seldom change.
    Move on that, and do not waver. Be kind but firm.
    Leave for an hour while he packs, and then gut it out while he goes on his way.
    Say nothing but "I will miss you", and shake his hand - no kiss and no tears.
    And then, after he's gone, cry your eyes out for 3 hours.

    Take a day off the next day for a free day from exercise and diet - JUST ONE DAY!
    On day 2 get back on track totally with your fitness program. At this point you will feel 100% better.
    Give yourself a week where you focus on nothing but fitness and work.
    On week 2 start meeting new people and prepare yourself for new guys who will enter the picture.
    Nature abhors a vacuum; others will fill the void, and you will enter a new, exciting time in your life.

    Good Luck, and ENJOY!:flowerforyou:
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    OK, I am assuming that you know the breakup is right, and it's the best way to proceed.
    Right? Any doubts, and go back and try to work it out. OK, so it's time to break off this relationship.
    Move on that, and do not waver. Be kind but firm.
    Leave for an hour while he packs, and then gut it out while he goes on his way.
    Say nothing but "I will miss you", and shake his hand - no kiss and no tears.
    And then, after he's gone, cry your eyes out for 3 hours.

    Take a day off the next day for a free day from exercise and diet - JUST ONE DAY!
    On day 2 get back on track totally with your fitness program. At this point you will feel 100% better.
    Give yourself a week where you focus on nothing but fitness and work.
    On week 2 start meeting new people and prepare yourself for new guys who will enter the picture.
    Nature abhors a vacuum; others will fill the void, and you will enter a new, exciting time in your life.

    Good Luck, and ENJOY!:flowerforyou:

    Interesting idea of incorporating my working out into my recovery. Can I have a container of Ben&Jerry's on my cry-my-eyes-out day? Feels only right :)
    But we have gone through the same process of packing things up and unpacking for a while and I just don't know if things will get better at this point. If and when week 2 roles around, meeting new people would not be on my to-do list. But at least I might not have the constant need to be checking my phone every hour wondering when he's planning on coming home after he had left without saying very much.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    OK, I am assuming that you know the breakup is right, and it's the best way to proceed.
    Right? Any doubts, and go back and try to work it out. OK, so it's time to break off this relationship.
    Move on that, and do not waver. Be kind but firm.
    Leave for an hour while he packs, and then gut it out while he goes on his way.
    Say nothing but "I will miss you", and shake his hand - no kiss and no tears.
    And then, after he's gone, cry your eyes out for 3 hours.

    Take a day off the next day for a free day from exercise and diet - JUST ONE DAY!
    On day 2 get back on track totally with your fitness program. At this point you will feel 100% better.
    Give yourself a week where you focus on nothing but fitness and work.
    On week 2 start meeting new people and prepare yourself for new guys who will enter the picture.
    Nature abhors a vacuum; others will fill the void, and you will enter a new, exciting time in your life.

    Good Luck, and ENJOY!:flowerforyou:

    Interesting idea of incorporating my working out into my recovery. Can I have a container of Ben&Jerry's on my cry-my-eyes-out day? Feels only right :)
    But we have gone through the same process of packing things up and unpacking for a while and I just don't know if things will get better at this point. If and when week 2 roles around, meeting new people would not be on my to-do list. But at least I might not have the constant need to be checking my phone every hour wondering when he's planning on coming home after he had left without saying very much.
    it's important to get out and meet new people - not for cheap sex or even dating. Just get out and be with others, have some fun, and that too has a healing effect.
    Isolation will have you groveling at his feet again.
    Again, best of luck.
    Life can be a real kick in the butt, but be a person who acts - not reacts.
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    Thank you.

    Here's another question to incorporate:
    Should I change my relationship status before or after everything is said and done

    Actually as I typed this I realized I didn't want to be one of "those" girls where everybody knew about it before he did...
    Disregard this question, I just figured I might as well continue my train of thought.
  • falcon367
    falcon367 Posts: 116
    IMO, you've given us all the answer by asking the question ... wouldn't you agree?

    Listen .. you're young .. there is simply no reason to prolong the obvious.

    Either sit and talk to him, or write him and tell him how you feel ... try to keep things amicable as it will reduce the stress long term. More than likely, he is having the same feelings as yourself. Tell him that no matter what your intentions were in the beginning, things are not working out as you had planned and that one of you has to move to save whatever friendship remains.

    If he decides to leave, give him time alone to pack. Don't sit and watch ... get out, clear your head and come back when he's gone.

    Remember, no one and I mean no one will be perfect for you or you for them. (notice I said you for them too) Even though someone leaves off the toothpaste cap, you may do something equally irritating in his eyes. BUT, is it worth throwing away a relationship for? That's the question you have to ask yourself. Choose your battles ... there will be plenty along the way ... is it really worth the argument? You decide.

    What you will find someday, is someone will be easy ... things will just naturally flow with him and it will be mutual. Life isn't easy ... relationships are difficult ... even the great ones can be taxing at times ... and marriage, not to mention children can exacerbate even the smallest of problems. If you think relationships are hard, just wait till you become a parent. ;)

    Gather your thoughts, make a decision, set your plan into action and don't look back. Good luck to you.
  • PicNic00
    PicNic00 Posts: 269 Member
    Just thank god you are not married and have children. I know exactly how you are feeling...I have no advice, but I do have sympathy for you.

    Marriage is one thing. Children is another. And I would've gone a lot quicker realizing that I refuse to bring children up in that kind of environment. I'd rather be a single mum at that point.

    You are sooooooo young!!! don't waist your youth on this nonsense. When your 30 and look back you will be sooooooo glad.
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    IMO, you've given us all the answer by asking the question ... wouldn't you agree?

    Listen .. you're young .. there is simply no reason to prolong the obvious.

    Either sit and talk to him, or write him and tell him how you feel ... try to keep things amicable as it will reduce the stress long term. More than likely, he is having the same feelings as yourself. Tell him that no matter what your intentions were in the beginning, things are not working out as you had planned and that one of you has to move to save whatever friendship remains.

    If he decides to leave, give him time alone to pack. Don't sit and watch ... get out, clear your head and come back when he's gone.

    Remember, no one and I mean no one will be perfect for you or you for them. (notice I said you for them too) Even though someone leaves off the toothpaste cap, you may do something equally irritating in his eyes. BUT, is it worth throwing away a relationship for? That's the question you have to ask yourself. Choose your battles ... there will be plenty along the way ... is it really worth the argument? You decide.

    What you will find someday, is someone will be easy ... things will just naturally flow with him and it will be mutual. Life isn't easy ... relationships are difficult ... even the great ones can be taxing at times ... and marriage, not to mention children can exacerbate even the smallest of problems. If you think relationships are hard, just wait till you become a parent. ;)

    Gather your thoughts, make a decision, set your plan into action and don't look back. Good luck to you.

    This all being said, thank you. Although I realize the cap off the toothpaste argument is petty and was nothing to discuss in reality since the cat has a tendency of running off with it lol
    I also realize that I can't expect perfection as it's not realistic to have your bar set so high.
    But perhaps I have been answering my own questions and I already knew what needed to be done and perhaps I was just looking for some kind of confirmation..

    I honestly cannot wait until I have children, but I refuse to have any children in this kind of unstable relationship.
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    The best advice you will ever receive:

    YOU CAN NEVER CHANGE A MAN. No matter how much you want to, a person won't make a change unless they want that change in their life.

    100% truth. I wasted 5.5 years trying to change someone. Moving on was the healthiest and smartest thing I ever did.
  • Mctree20
    Mctree20 Posts: 137
    OK, I am assuming that you know the breakup is right, and it's the best way to proceed.
    Right? Any doubts, and go back and try to work it out. OK, so it's time to break off this relationship.
    Move on that, and do not waver. Be kind but firm.
    Leave for an hour while he packs, and then gut it out while he goes on his way.
    Say nothing but "I will miss you", and shake his hand - no kiss and no tears.
    And then, after he's gone, cry your eyes out for 3 hours.

    Take a day off the next day for a free day from exercise and diet - JUST ONE DAY!
    On day 2 get back on track totally with your fitness program. At this point you will feel 100% better.
    Give yourself a week where you focus on nothing but fitness and work.
    On week 2 start meeting new people and prepare yourself for new guys who will enter the picture.
    Nature abhors a vacuum; others will fill the void, and you will enter a new, exciting time in your life.

    Good Luck, and ENJOY!:flowerforyou:

    Interesting idea of incorporating my working out into my recovery. Can I have a container of Ben&Jerry's on my cry-my-eyes-out day? Feels only right :)
    But we have gone through the same process of packing things up and unpacking for a while and I just don't know if things will get better at this point. If and when week 2 roles around, meeting new people would not be on my to-do list. But at least I might not have the constant need to be checking my phone every hour wondering when he's planning on coming home after he had left without saying very much.
    it's important to get out and meet new people - not for cheap sex or even dating. Just get out and be with others, have some fun, and that too has a healing effect.
    Isolation will have you groveling at his feet again.
    Again, best of luck.
    Life can be a real kick in the butt, but be a person who acts - not reacts.

    Very true. It can get real lonely, real fast, when a relationship has ended.
  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 623 Member
    OK, I am assuming that you know the breakup is right, and it's the best way to proceed.
    Considering there was abuse, I would totally agree. Men who abuse women are cowards who seldom change.
    Move on that, and do not waver. Be kind but firm.
    Leave for an hour while he packs, and then gut it out while he goes on his way.
    Say nothing but "I will miss you", and shake his hand - no kiss and no tears.
    And then, after he's gone, cry your eyes out for 3 hours.

    Take a day off the next day for a free day from exercise and diet - JUST ONE DAY!
    On day 2 get back on track totally with your fitness program. At this point you will feel 100% better.
    Give yourself a week where you focus on nothing but fitness and work.
    On week 2 start meeting new people and prepare yourself for new guys who will enter the picture.
    Nature abhors a vacuum; others will fill the void, and you will enter a new, exciting time in your life.

    Good Luck, and ENJOY!:flowerforyou:

    ^^ This. Very well said...

    Did you both sign the lease? If not then you can ask him to move out. I do think he needs 30 days notice (squaters rights I believe).
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    OK, I am assuming that you know the breakup is right, and it's the best way to proceed.
    Right? Any doubts, and go back and try to work it out. OK, so it's time to break off this relationship.
    Move on that, and do not waver. Be kind but firm.
    Leave for an hour while he packs, and then gut it out while he goes on his way.
    Say nothing but "I will miss you", and shake his hand - no kiss and no tears.
    And then, after he's gone, cry your eyes out for 3 hours.

    Take a day off the next day for a free day from exercise and diet - JUST ONE DAY!
    On day 2 get back on track totally with your fitness program. At this point you will feel 100% better.
    Give yourself a week where you focus on nothing but fitness and work.
    On week 2 start meeting new people and prepare yourself for new guys who will enter the picture.
    Nature abhors a vacuum; others will fill the void, and you will enter a new, exciting time in your life.

    Good Luck, and ENJOY!:flowerforyou:

    Interesting idea of incorporating my working out into my recovery. Can I have a container of Ben&Jerry's on my cry-my-eyes-out day? Feels only right :)
    But we have gone through the same process of packing things up and unpacking for a while and I just don't know if things will get better at this point. If and when week 2 roles around, meeting new people would not be on my to-do list. But at least I might not have the constant need to be checking my phone every hour wondering when he's planning on coming home after he had left without saying very much.
    it's important to get out and meet new people - not for cheap sex or even dating. Just get out and be with others, have some fun, and that too has a healing effect.
    Isolation will have you groveling at his feet again.
    Again, best of luck.
    Life can be a real kick in the butt, but be a person who acts - not reacts.

    Very true. It can get real lonely, real fast, when a relationship has ended.

    I guess you missed the part on the fact that I'm left at home every night, majority of weekends while he's out and about enjoying his youth.
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    OK, I am assuming that you know the breakup is right, and it's the best way to proceed.
    Considering there was abuse, I would totally agree. Men who abuse women are cowards who seldom change.
    Move on that, and do not waver. Be kind but firm.
    Leave for an hour while he packs, and then gut it out while he goes on his way.
    Say nothing but "I will miss you", and shake his hand - no kiss and no tears.
    And then, after he's gone, cry your eyes out for 3 hours.

    Take a day off the next day for a free day from exercise and diet - JUST ONE DAY!
    On day 2 get back on track totally with your fitness program. At this point you will feel 100% better.
    Give yourself a week where you focus on nothing but fitness and work.
    On week 2 start meeting new people and prepare yourself for new guys who will enter the picture.
    Nature abhors a vacuum; others will fill the void, and you will enter a new, exciting time in your life.

    Good Luck, and ENJOY!:flowerforyou:

    ^^ This. Very well said...

    Did you both sign the lease? If not then you can ask him to move out. I do think he needs 30 days notice (squaters rights I believe).

    Can I snub "squaters rights" when the first few months he paid absolutely *kitten* all including rent, utilities and groceries? My name is the only one on the lease.
  • Mctree20
    Mctree20 Posts: 137
    OK, I am assuming that you know the breakup is right, and it's the best way to proceed.
    Right? Any doubts, and go back and try to work it out. OK, so it's time to break off this relationship.
    Move on that, and do not waver. Be kind but firm.
    Leave for an hour while he packs, and then gut it out while he goes on his way.
    Say nothing but "I will miss you", and shake his hand - no kiss and no tears.
    And then, after he's gone, cry your eyes out for 3 hours.

    Take a day off the next day for a free day from exercise and diet - JUST ONE DAY!
    On day 2 get back on track totally with your fitness program. At this point you will feel 100% better.
    Give yourself a week where you focus on nothing but fitness and work.
    On week 2 start meeting new people and prepare yourself for new guys who will enter the picture.
    Nature abhors a vacuum; others will fill the void, and you will enter a new, exciting time in your life.

    Good Luck, and ENJOY!:flowerforyou:

    Interesting idea of incorporating my working out into my recovery. Can I have a container of Ben&Jerry's on my cry-my-eyes-out day? Feels only right :)
    But we have gone through the same process of packing things up and unpacking for a while and I just don't know if things will get better at this point. If and when week 2 roles around, meeting new people would not be on my to-do list. But at least I might not have the constant need to be checking my phone every hour wondering when he's planning on coming home after he had left without saying very much.
    it's important to get out and meet new people - not for cheap sex or even dating. Just get out and be with others, have some fun, and that too has a healing effect.
    Isolation will have you groveling at his feet again.
    Again, best of luck.
    Life can be a real kick in the butt, but be a person who acts - not reacts.

    Very true. It can get real lonely, real fast, when a relationship has ended.

    I guess you missed the part on the fact that I'm left at home every night, majority of weekends while he's out and about enjoying his youth.

    It's a very different feeling knowing that no-one is ever coming through that door, or going to be there in the morning.
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    OK, I am assuming that you know the breakup is right, and it's the best way to proceed.
    Right? Any doubts, and go back and try to work it out. OK, so it's time to break off this relationship.
    Move on that, and do not waver. Be kind but firm.
    Leave for an hour while he packs, and then gut it out while he goes on his way.
    Say nothing but "I will miss you", and shake his hand - no kiss and no tears.
    And then, after he's gone, cry your eyes out for 3 hours.

    Take a day off the next day for a free day from exercise and diet - JUST ONE DAY!
    On day 2 get back on track totally with your fitness program. At this point you will feel 100% better.
    Give yourself a week where you focus on nothing but fitness and work.
    On week 2 start meeting new people and prepare yourself for new guys who will enter the picture.
    Nature abhors a vacuum; others will fill the void, and you will enter a new, exciting time in your life.

    Good Luck, and ENJOY!:flowerforyou:

    Interesting idea of incorporating my working out into my recovery. Can I have a container of Ben&Jerry's on my cry-my-eyes-out day? Feels only right :)
    But we have gone through the same process of packing things up and unpacking for a while and I just don't know if things will get better at this point. If and when week 2 roles around, meeting new people would not be on my to-do list. But at least I might not have the constant need to be checking my phone every hour wondering when he's planning on coming home after he had left without saying very much.
    it's important to get out and meet new people - not for cheap sex or even dating. Just get out and be with others, have some fun, and that too has a healing effect.
    Isolation will have you groveling at his feet again.
    Again, best of luck.
    Life can be a real kick in the butt, but be a person who acts - not reacts.

    Very true. It can get real lonely, real fast, when a relationship has ended.

    I guess you missed the part on the fact that I'm left at home every night, majority of weekends while he's out and about enjoying his youth.

    It's a very different feeling knowing that no-one is ever coming through that door, or going to be there in the morning.

    The feeling of fear and abandonment has overwhelmed me so many times when he doesn't call me or tells me what's going on and all he has done is decide to sleep at a friends place and then I still might not see or hear from him until the day afternoon. And he acts like nothing happened like if he'd only been gone for an hour.
  • Mctree20
    Mctree20 Posts: 137
    OK, I am assuming that you know the breakup is right, and it's the best way to proceed.
    Right? Any doubts, and go back and try to work it out. OK, so it's time to break off this relationship.
    Move on that, and do not waver. Be kind but firm.
    Leave for an hour while he packs, and then gut it out while he goes on his way.
    Say nothing but "I will miss you", and shake his hand - no kiss and no tears.
    And then, after he's gone, cry your eyes out for 3 hours.

    Take a day off the next day for a free day from exercise and diet - JUST ONE DAY!
    On day 2 get back on track totally with your fitness program. At this point you will feel 100% better.
    Give yourself a week where you focus on nothing but fitness and work.
    On week 2 start meeting new people and prepare yourself for new guys who will enter the picture.
    Nature abhors a vacuum; others will fill the void, and you will enter a new, exciting time in your life.

    Good Luck, and ENJOY!:flowerforyou:

    Interesting idea of incorporating my working out into my recovery. Can I have a container of Ben&Jerry's on my cry-my-eyes-out day? Feels only right :)
    But we have gone through the same process of packing things up and unpacking for a while and I just don't know if things will get better at this point. If and when week 2 roles around, meeting new people would not be on my to-do list. But at least I might not have the constant need to be checking my phone every hour wondering when he's planning on coming home after he had left without saying very much.
    it's important to get out and meet new people - not for cheap sex or even dating. Just get out and be with others, have some fun, and that too has a healing effect.
    Isolation will have you groveling at his feet again.
    Again, best of luck.
    Life can be a real kick in the butt, but be a person who acts - not reacts.

    Very true. It can get real lonely, real fast, when a relationship has ended.

    I guess you missed the part on the fact that I'm left at home every night, majority of weekends while he's out and about enjoying his youth.

    It's a very different feeling knowing that no-one is ever coming through that door, or going to be there in the morning.

    The feeling of fear and abandonment has overwhelmed me so many times when he doesn't call me or tells me what's going on and all he has done is decide to sleep at a friends place and then I still might not see or hear from him until the day afternoon. And he acts like nothing happened like if he'd only been gone for an hour.

    I've changed my mind. Pack his stuff up and show him the door!
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    OK, I am assuming that you know the breakup is right, and it's the best way to proceed.
    Right? Any doubts, and go back and try to work it out. OK, so it's time to break off this relationship.
    Move on that, and do not waver. Be kind but firm.
    Leave for an hour while he packs, and then gut it out while he goes on his way.
    Say nothing but "I will miss you", and shake his hand - no kiss and no tears.
    And then, after he's gone, cry your eyes out for 3 hours.

    Take a day off the next day for a free day from exercise and diet - JUST ONE DAY!
    On day 2 get back on track totally with your fitness program. At this point you will feel 100% better.
    Give yourself a week where you focus on nothing but fitness and work.
    On week 2 start meeting new people and prepare yourself for new guys who will enter the picture.
    Nature abhors a vacuum; others will fill the void, and you will enter a new, exciting time in your life.

    Good Luck, and ENJOY!:flowerforyou:

    Interesting idea of incorporating my working out into my recovery. Can I have a container of Ben&Jerry's on my cry-my-eyes-out day? Feels only right :)
    But we have gone through the same process of packing things up and unpacking for a while and I just don't know if things will get better at this point. If and when week 2 roles around, meeting new people would not be on my to-do list. But at least I might not have the constant need to be checking my phone every hour wondering when he's planning on coming home after he had left without saying very much.
    it's important to get out and meet new people - not for cheap sex or even dating. Just get out and be with others, have some fun, and that too has a healing effect.
    Isolation will have you groveling at his feet again.
    Again, best of luck.
    Life can be a real kick in the butt, but be a person who acts - not reacts.

    Very true. It can get real lonely, real fast, when a relationship has ended.

    I guess you missed the part on the fact that I'm left at home every night, majority of weekends while he's out and about enjoying his youth.

    It's a very different feeling knowing that no-one is ever coming through that door, or going to be there in the morning.

    The feeling of fear and abandonment has overwhelmed me so many times when he doesn't call me or tells me what's going on and all he has done is decide to sleep at a friends place and then I still might not see or hear from him until the day afternoon. And he acts like nothing happened like if he'd only been gone for an hour.

    I've changed my mind. Pack his stuff up and show him the door!

    Is there a reason behind this change of mind?
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    OK, I am assuming that you know the breakup is right, and it's the best way to proceed.
    Right? Any doubts, and go back and try to work it out. OK, so it's time to break off this relationship.
    Move on that, and do not waver. Be kind but firm.
    Leave for an hour while he packs, and then gut it out while he goes on his way.
    Say nothing but "I will miss you", and shake his hand - no kiss and no tears.
    And then, after he's gone, cry your eyes out for 3 hours.

    Take a day off the next day for a free day from exercise and diet - JUST ONE DAY!
    On day 2 get back on track totally with your fitness program. At this point you will feel 100% better.
    Give yourself a week where you focus on nothing but fitness and work.
    On week 2 start meeting new people and prepare yourself for new guys who will enter the picture.
    Nature abhors a vacuum; others will fill the void, and you will enter a new, exciting time in your life.

    Good Luck, and ENJOY!:flowerforyou:

    Interesting idea of incorporating my working out into my recovery. Can I have a container of Ben&Jerry's on my cry-my-eyes-out day? Feels only right :)
    But we have gone through the same process of packing things up and unpacking for a while and I just don't know if things will get better at this point. If and when week 2 roles around, meeting new people would not be on my to-do list. But at least I might not have the constant need to be checking my phone every hour wondering when he's planning on coming home after he had left without saying very much.
    it's important to get out and meet new people - not for cheap sex or even dating. Just get out and be with others, have some fun, and that too has a healing effect.
    Isolation will have you groveling at his feet again.
    Again, best of luck.
    Life can be a real kick in the butt, but be a person who acts - not reacts.

    Very true. It can get real lonely, real fast, when a relationship has ended.

    I guess you missed the part on the fact that I'm left at home every night, majority of weekends while he's out and about enjoying his youth.
    Your choice. Don't play the victim.
  • Mctree20
    Mctree20 Posts: 137
    OK, I am assuming that you know the breakup is right, and it's the best way to proceed.
    Right? Any doubts, and go back and try to work it out. OK, so it's time to break off this relationship.
    Move on that, and do not waver. Be kind but firm.
    Leave for an hour while he packs, and then gut it out while he goes on his way.
    Say nothing but "I will miss you", and shake his hand - no kiss and no tears.
    And then, after he's gone, cry your eyes out for 3 hours.

    Take a day off the next day for a free day from exercise and diet - JUST ONE DAY!
    On day 2 get back on track totally with your fitness program. At this point you will feel 100% better.
    Give yourself a week where you focus on nothing but fitness and work.
    On week 2 start meeting new people and prepare yourself for new guys who will enter the picture.
    Nature abhors a vacuum; others will fill the void, and you will enter a new, exciting time in your life.

    Good Luck, and ENJOY!:flowerforyou:

    Interesting idea of incorporating my working out into my recovery. Can I have a container of Ben&Jerry's on my cry-my-eyes-out day? Feels only right :)
    But we have gone through the same process of packing things up and unpacking for a while and I just don't know if things will get better at this point. If and when week 2 roles around, meeting new people would not be on my to-do list. But at least I might not have the constant need to be checking my phone every hour wondering when he's planning on coming home after he had left without saying very much.
    it's important to get out and meet new people - not for cheap sex or even dating. Just get out and be with others, have some fun, and that too has a healing effect.
    Isolation will have you groveling at his feet again.
    Again, best of luck.
    Life can be a real kick in the butt, but be a person who acts - not reacts.

    Very true. It can get real lonely, real fast, when a relationship has ended.

    I guess you missed the part on the fact that I'm left at home every night, majority of weekends while he's out and about enjoying his youth.

    It's a very different feeling knowing that no-one is ever coming through that door, or going to be there in the morning.

    The feeling of fear and abandonment has overwhelmed me so many times when he doesn't call me or tells me what's going on and all he has done is decide to sleep at a friends place and then I still might not see or hear from him until the day afternoon. And he acts like nothing happened like if he'd only been gone for an hour.

    I've changed my mind. Pack his stuff up and show him the door!

    Is there a reason behind this change of mind?

    Absolutley. From what you have written, it sounds like he shows you no respect and he is either too imature to be in a relationship or he just doesn't give a **** about you. Relationships are about being a partner to your partner. You will find better.