I think we should



  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I did not say revenge. I'm asking if you would rather someone who murdered a 6 year old girl, if you would want them to sit on death row for 25 years before they got their turn.

    No, because I don't believe in capital punishment.
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    You sound like the Taliban.
  • Foxypoo61287
    Foxypoo61287 Posts: 638 Member
    We could just go pink! I read about this a long time ago ago and loved the idea :love:

    That is awesome. Anything to lower crime rates, and punish people that do wrong correctly.
  • Foxypoo61287
    Foxypoo61287 Posts: 638 Member
    I did not say revenge. I'm asking if you would rather someone who murdered a 6 year old girl, if you would want them to sit on death row for 25 years before they got their turn.

    No, because I don't believe in capital punishment.

    So you would want some dirt bag man who decided that a little girl in her pretty pink dress was good enough for him, to leave her body lifeless in the woods, and then he gets to sit in a nice little jail cell, with AC and food and watch tv for the next 35 years & be out on parole in lets say 23.
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    you never made the debate team did you?
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    Not that I fully endorse the OP, but I gotta say that sounds like that worked out the way it should have. It would have been one thing if it was just allegations, but he actually caught the guy in the middle of it ...
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I did not say revenge. I'm asking if you would rather someone who murdered a 6 year old girl, if you would want them to sit on death row for 25 years before they got their turn.

    No, because I don't believe in capital punishment.

    So you would want some dirt bag man who decided that a little girl in her pretty pink dress was good enough for him, to leave her body lifeless in the woods, and then he gets to sit in a nice little jail cell, with AC and food and watch tv for the next 35 years & be out on parole in lets say 23.

    Yes. Incarceration is punishment. Prisons aren't nice places.

    I don't believe in killing and capital punishment has never been shown to be an effective deterrent.
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    Not that I fully endorse the OP, but I gotta say that sounds like that worked out the way it should have. It would have been one thing if it was just allegations, but he actually caught the guy in the middle of it ...
    I don't either but I do wish criminals would truly get punished for their crimes. Bob's got the right idea with the Arizona prison.
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    I did not say revenge. I'm asking if you would rather someone who murdered a 6 year old girl, if you would want them to sit on death row for 25 years before they got their turn.

    No, because I don't believe in capital punishment.

    So you would want some dirt bag man who decided that a little girl in her pretty pink dress was good enough for him, to leave her body lifeless in the woods, and then he gets to sit in a nice little jail cell, with AC and food and watch tv for the next 35 years & be out on parole in lets say 23.

    Yes. Incarceration is punishment. Prisons aren't nice places.

    I don't believe in killing and capital punishment has never been shown to be an effective deterrent.

    I work in a federal prison. Punishment, my *kitten*. The inmates have it better than most free citizens that I know.

    And, capital punishment in its original form WAS an effective deterrent. It is our current appeals system that has everything all ****ed up.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member

  • lorijh72
    lorijh72 Posts: 118 Member
    you could always move to a more progressive part of the world where the laws are a lot like this. I know some countries in the middle east match these ideals.

    but I do agree that the American justice system needs a major overhaul. I like what the Sheriff in AZ has done with the tent city jail with none of the comforts of home.
    Totally agree with you completely!!!!!!
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Aren't we the joyous one tonight... Seriously though, I agree with the premise that we need to be harder on criminals... especially those who commit serious crimes... As far as cutting out the tongues of those who lie, there would be nobody left with a tongue past age 6 if we were to fully implement that thought. Tougher on serious crimes? ABSOLUTELY... I actually do like the removal of "certain parts of the male anatomy" idea for men who abuse children (especially)... Hmmmmmmm, perhaps sewing the corresponding part of the woman who does the same thing as a corresponding punishment? Then again, we do live in a civilized country but harsher punishments for those who commit serious crimes, I am all for.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    Yes. Incarceration is punishment. Prisons aren't nice places.

    I don't believe in killing and capital punishment has never been shown to be an effective deterrent.

    I work in a federal prison. Punishment, my *kitten*. The inmates have it better than most free citizens that I know.

    And, capital punishment in its original form WAS an effective deterrent. It is our current appeals system that has everything all ****ed up.
    Word. I personally wouldn't argue that prisons are nice places (I've never been to jail, even—from what movies have shown me there are a lot of perks they get, but then there's also shower rape, so you know), but from everyone I've heard of going to prison, you mostly just learn to be a better criminal in prison ...

    Aside from that, just being in "a bad place" isn't really what I would call rehabilitation. But I'm becoming more and more of the mind that there are some people who commit crimes without thought and who will feel guilty and learn from their mistake and those who just ... are criminals and always will be. They're probably a product of their environment, which should lead to all sorts of conclusions.
  • Foxypoo61287
    Foxypoo61287 Posts: 638 Member
    you never made the debate team did you?

    this is not a debate, this is my opinion.
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    How soon before this gets locked??

  • ChanniVincent
    What would you do if someone killed your mother? Or your sister? If some man like Sandusky came along and did something to your little brother? Would you want him to just, hang around in a cell for 30 years? What about the guy who is driving home drunk, and runs a stop light & kills a family of 4. Meh, sit in prison and waste our money for 25 years. I mean we have trillions and trillions of dollars to do that, right?

    I'd kill them if they killed someone I loved, in the exact same way they did, except i'd take more time so they can suffer.
    I do feel how you feel, I hate the law its way toooooo easy. If someone touched my daughter I'd get ahold of them before the law simply because there gonna get what they deserve.
  • Foxypoo61287
    Foxypoo61287 Posts: 638 Member
    How soon before this gets locked??


    why would it get locked?
  • Doing_The_Unstruck
    Doing_The_Unstruck Posts: 241 Member
    I agree that the legal system is to easy on some crimes. I agree on death penalty for all intentional murders, and chopping off molesters junk, but the stealing and lieing punishments you suggest are a little to harsh.
  • Sockimobi
    Sockimobi Posts: 541
    How soon before this gets locked??


    why would it get locked?

    For dangerous levels of utterly, utterly idiotic opinions as offered by you.