Walmart - an observation

TXBelle1174 Posts: 615 Member
I was reading another thread and a lot of people mentioned shopping at Walmart (for groceries) but made remarks about how they hate it. I find this amusing. I have a Super Walmart right down the street from my house. It is very convenient, especially when I need something RIGHT NOW! I shop there A LOT!! I have two kids and I buy everything from diapers to toilet paper there. However, I HATE shopping there. I try so hard to avoid Walmart by shopping at Target but they dont always have what I need. I mean, I actually get a headache when I think about having to go into that store but yet I find myself in there at least 2 - 3 times per week. So what is it, exactly, that we HATE about Walmart? For me, its the crowds, slow cashiers, long lines, but there is something else about it.... I cant put my finger on it... Is it the general demeanor of the employees and other shoppers in the store?? If we hate it so much, why do we keep going back? For me - convenience, prices on every day stuff (diapers, milk, etc). Is it the same for you?

Note **I am bored at work. Can you tell?***


  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    I agree. I hate going to Walmart too. Yes, I save money & can get everything on my list, but inevitably, when it's time to check out, there will be only one register open with 100 people in front of me (I exaggerate. A little). Maybe not all Walmarts are like this, but mine is.
  • Thats funny. I have 8 younger brothers and sisters and do a lot of the shopping at my house.... I hate walmart too! i try to avoid it at all costs... in walmart's defense, they are normally less expensive and they do have almost everything.

    maybe this is why?

    - sometimes i feel like you get better quality shopping at target or other superstores.
    - their produce isnt amazing (HEB is much better)
    - always crowded
    - i never find a good parking spot
    - its almost too big
  • dvnjustina
    dvnjustina Posts: 114 Member
    I don't buy my groceries at Walmart if I can avoid it. I don't really save money, their produce and meat aren't appealing to me and I rather support my local independent stores. Walmart also doesn't have everything. I've been in 4 separate Walmarts looking for rye flour. I'm assuming that they just don't carry it.
  • tmos512
    tmos512 Posts: 119 Member
    It's dirty and I always end up buying more than "just groceries" in there.
  • strawberrie_milk
    strawberrie_milk Posts: 381 Member
    I hate the shoppers.. the Walmart in my town is always filled with gross/rude people. Idk why but they always seems to flock to Walmart, they're never in any other grocery chains.
  • ka_bateman
    ka_bateman Posts: 230 Member
    Ugh, I hate it too! I'm there maybe once a week or once every two weeks b/c it's about 30 minutes from us. But I hate it b/c I own a small business and I know I should be shopping elsewhere to help us little guys.

    But, I just don't feel like going to several stores for a few items and pulling the baby out every time. Plus, I need to save money too...but I still get mad at myself. It's so damn convenient. Damn you Walmart
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    For me, it used to be the prices but I find Safeway and the other's practically the same price, Walmart's prices are way too high anymore........I go there about once or twice a month........
  • jennlove79
    jennlove79 Posts: 36 Member
    What I find extremely funny is that when there are lines at Walmart, people start complaining about how they should open another register.

    Yet, at Price Chopper(the grocery store), no one complains when there are huge lines. They just stand in line and wait their turn.
  • LostinFat77
    LostinFat77 Posts: 24 Member
    What I hate about it is that it has pretty much anything I would need for daily living. I hate feeling tied to a store. It shouldn't be that way but living in a small town, competitors don't always measure up. Sometimes smaller chains will have better prices but selection is poor.

    You say 2-3 times a week, ha! Try 2-3 times a day. I call Walmart my pimp's house. They stay pimping me and my pocketbook. I get paid to give up to the pimp.
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member

    - i never find a good parking spot
    - its almost too big

    Yeah, I typically try to park between the two entrances. I start on the left side of the store & work my way over to the grocery section on the right side, picking up the frozen stuff last. If I forget something from the left side of the store, I have 2 choices: leave it or hoof it the 3 miles back over there (I exaggerate again. A little) & let my frozen things begin to thaw. Remember, you STILL have to get in that line to checkout. Usually, if I forget something from Side A, I just get it on another trip or hit the store close to home later on.
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    I haven't been to Walmart in a decade or so because it's so inconvenient. I'd have to get in the car and drive far outside of the city, deal with a chaotic parking lot, and walk through a gigantic confusing store trying to find what I need while children are screaming and running all around me. No thanks. If I can't walk to a store to get what I need I just order it on Amazon. :)
  • mmarcy7
    mmarcy7 Posts: 227 Member
    I hate Walmart because is represents everything that is wrong with America - a bunch of cheap, made in China crap, employees not paid a living wage, therefore they are very unhelpful. Other shoppers who also hate it there, so are rude and generally look miserable too, most of them overweight. But we have to go there because there are those few items you just can't find anywhere else. Or because it's a small town and they have put all the small shops out of business. And we also have to shop there because it's the cheapest place and everyone is broke because our jobs went to China so Walmart could buy the crap at the low prices.....
  • judith3
    judith3 Posts: 296 Member
    i Hate the lines, and the people who work there always seem like you are inconveniencing them by just walking in! I went into the changing room one day because i saw some shorts i thought were cute as well as a few other things well i was informed by the fitting room lady that the fitting rooms would be closing in five minutes, as i was in the fitting room she proceeded to stand outside my fitting room counting the minutes down i thought it was so rude!! It just seems that everyone there is so freaking rude!!
  • Perfectdiamonds1
    Perfectdiamonds1 Posts: 347 Member
    Prices are good, but I would rather Publix. The employees are rude. I must agree with you there. I dont know why.
  • sdoldsMD2013
    sdoldsMD2013 Posts: 128
    I don't like shopping at Walmart because the lines are always so long and there are always so many people there. But there are things that I can only get Walmart and it is convenient.
  • aillie
    aillie Posts: 8 Member
    I never had shopped at Walmart until one day my 87 year old grandmother who lives with us asked me to please go there for her to save money. I figured it is her money & she insisted it was cheap. When I finally found the groceries almost everything was more money then Winco, & I could not find a lot of things on her list. So I am back to not shopping at Wal-mart. I wonder if people dislike it so why do you shop there?
  • jpfrimmer
    jpfrimmer Posts: 134
    I cannot stand Walmart! I have only been there once in the past few months and I don't plan on going back any time soon. Here are some things that make going to walmart no fun.

    -it's always very crowded
    -their carts are terrible
    -there are always long lines no matter when you go
    -other shoppers are rude and some don't even bother putting on real clothes to go shopping! A lot of the parents don't even pay attention to their children while they are there.
    -the quality is not the best, especially their produce
    -we've taken our cars there a few times for oil changes because it's cheap, but they are very slow so I won't be taking my car there again.
    -the cashiers always question my coupons when I am following their policy
    -it's always DIRTY!!!
    -sometimes they don't keep a very good stock

    I'm sure there are more things that annoy me about walmart! LOL
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    It's certainly not as nice as Publix and Winn-Dixie...but it is much cheaper! I, personally, haven't had a problem with any employees. My big problem is that I get behind non-English speaking people on Food Stamps who always have a problem swiping their cards! Other than that, I love it!
  • PicNic00
    PicNic00 Posts: 269 Member
    I hate Walmart, yet spend about $500 a month there. They price match adds from other local grocery stores... So if Fry's has milk on sale, and Safeway has group beef on sale, I can get it for those low prices. HOWEVER.... That doesn't change the rude employees, the crowded stores, the crappy produce, or the overall sense of filth. Guess that is the price we pay for trying to stretch our dollars.......
  • xuashe
    xuashe Posts: 46
    Their meat is soo damn expensive.
    Their produce quality sucks!

    I only go to pick up bait and sporting goods and fiance and I will do some grocery shopping but its so much easier to go to Price Chopper or Red-X.