Walmart - an observation



  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    It just feels...dirty. Everything about it. Maybe it's how i was raised, but i just don't feel right going there, and i can't buy produce at all. I also work for a smaller, local grocery and i tend to support them because the quality, cleanliness and friendliness is better.
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 378 Member
    I could make a very long list, but here are a few things:

    No decent gluten-free section.
    They buy the cheapest produce, so you don't see organic there often, if at all. Additionally, it rots in two days.
    People who push and shove, let their children run around unsupervised, swearing, etc.
    The fact that they pay their staff so poorly and treat them poorly as well.
    The stores around here are dirty, especially the bathrooms where people throw their used kotex pads and diapers directly on the floor.
    They don't have that big of a selection compared to other stores. They offer the cheapest which does not equate to best with me.
    You can't find anything made in the USA at Walmart. If you do, consider it a miracle.
    The lines.
    The parking lot is always over-flowing.
    The fact that it is more about capitalism than serving the customer.

    I could go on, but those are my biggest pet peeves.
  • histora
    histora Posts: 287 Member
    I forgot to add that I couldn't stand the produce offered at my local Walmart. Why, if I live in the heart of red potato country, do they insist on trucking their potatoes from Utah and charging me $2 more.

    The fruitflies always came with the bananas, apples were bruised, and the leeks were wilted.

    Why does Walmart produce always seem to be questionable?

    And for the person who said they didn't understand why we let other people and problems affect us...I didn't. I voted with my pursebook. They weren't saving me money, I didn't like how they treated me, so I left.
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    I believe in the UK Walmart is 'ASDA'... and yes I hate it and only ever go there in an emergency. It's full of chavs.

    Oooh is it Asda? The supermarket that has people patting themselves on the *kitten* in their adverts!!

    That's the one! ****** ******
  • Dawn200321
    Dawn200321 Posts: 64 Member
    I hate wal mart!!!! However as the mother of a 20 month old son I go often. Everything is just cheaper there. I perfer Target but the prices are higher. Why does walmart have 20 lanes and only two open...and on a Saturday! I was just there today and that was my experience. Anyways...I suppose no matter how much I hate it I will continue to go...sigh
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    erm.... why were those words deleted??

    In the TV ad people pat their pocket with money in it twice, which makes a c-h-i-n-k sound so I typed the work twice and it gets auto deleted.

    I'm not aware of c-h-i-n-k being rude?? Well not on this side of the pond it isn't?? :huh: :noway:
  • histora
    histora Posts: 287 Member
    erm.... why were those words deleted??

    In the TV ad people pat their pocket with money in it twice, which makes a c-h-i-n-k sound so I typed the work twice and it gets auto deleted.

    I'm not aware of c-h-i-n-k being rude?? Well not on this side of the pond it isn't?? :huh: :noway:

    On this side of the puddle "c h i n k" is a slang derogatory term towards Asians, especially Chinese, that came to America in the 1800's.
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    Ah thank you.
  • mochaphobic
    mochaphobic Posts: 92 Member
    erm.... why were those words deleted??

    In the TV ad people pat their pocket with money in it twice, which makes a c-h-i-n-k sound so I typed the work twice and it gets auto deleted.

    I'm not aware of c-h-i-n-k being rude?? Well not on this side of the pond it isn't?? :huh: :noway:

    That word does have bad connotations in some areas of the US ~ I think it's used to describe a certain group of people? Not sure, just remember hearing someone a long time ago correct a student in my school and say that we don't call people that.

    With that being said, my Walmart is pretty nice and the only reason I don't care to shop there is that I spend soooo much time shopping there each week. I cannot go in and spend just $10, it's at least $100 and more often a full cart and $300+. I do much of my grocery shopping there ~ Aldi and Jewel are my alternatives and I can't find everything I normally buy at either of those two stores. Our Walmart is clean, the employees are friendly (usually) and the lines are normally 2-3 people deep, unless you are shopping at Christmastime.
  • choochoobell
    choochoobell Posts: 147 Member
    Bump for now
  • imthelobster
    imthelobster Posts: 179 Member
    I don't like Walmart because:

    1. the employees appear to HATE working there, and are very unhelpful
    2. the store is messy/not kept up with the way that some more expensive stores are
    3. my particular store is EXTREMELY busy, to the point that sometimes I get shoved when trying to get down an aisle, unless I'm shopping at 2am

    And yet... because it's so much less expensive than other stores, I continue to shop there. And complain about it the whole time...
  • imthelobster
    imthelobster Posts: 179 Member
    I've been to 4 Walmarts in Florida. All of them were full of loud and smelly people. Mothers running around with 7 kids who are opening packages and dumping crap all over and rude people that have no civility. When I go into Target afterwards, I feel like I just walked into high-society. People don't smell, they aren't pushy, they say "excuse me" and "thank you,"

    Also, in 3 of the 4 Walmarts, I half-expected to be stabbed in the parking lot.
    I'm about to move to Orlando and I've been told by local residents to avoid a particular Walmart because people are robbed at gunpoint a lot there. I laughed and said they must be joking because it isn't in a bad neighborhood. Then I turned on the tv and saw there was a shooting there last week...

    Yeah, I actually live in Orlando, and I didn't mind Walmart until I moved down here from Vermont. The ones in Florida I've found are absolutely terrible.
  • Hung_Lo
    Hung_Lo Posts: 11
    I like driving electric carts at wal-mart only half the time they broken.
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I used to work for Walmart.. There is a reason the staff has a poor demeanor.. They don't get treated well
    They have a bazillion employees who get next to no hours and yet remain understaffed..

    And all the idiots shop there lol

    I used yo shop there a lot but not anymore. They took away our self check outs so I really hate it now
  • cmcmommy
    cmcmommy Posts: 197 Member
    We have 3 Walmarts within a 10 mile radius and i DO NOT shop at any of them. I went right after grand opening of the second one because i was mailed a free gift card. the store is trashy the employees avoid eye contact. the groceries where around the same price ( some more) then my local Meijer store. They DO NOT double coupons so no savings there. Their clothing is made cheap because its all bought overseas. I really do not see the fascination in them . Oh ya and we had a shooting there last week
    ( cops shot a shoplifter) . Mind you i live in a nice area. But nasty creepy low life people seem to flock there.
  • The walmart in my area is pretty nice.
  • anberlingasm
    anberlingasm Posts: 177
    I believe in the UK Walmart is 'ASDA'... and yes I hate it and only ever go there in an emergency. It's full of chavs.

    It's really not an equivalent. Asda existed before Walmart bought the chain, and hasn't really changed much (IMO) since.
  • Krmviolin61
    Krmviolin61 Posts: 9 Member
    I hate Walmart because no one is willing to help you find something. You have to go up and ask to find that little jar of pesto or whatever else you need. Another reason why I hate it is because I find something I don't need, think I need it, and take it home.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    It's funny how everyone goes on and on about how evil wal mart is,but then they still shop there.
    You do relize that makes you part of the problem.
  • piratesaregrand
    piratesaregrand Posts: 356 Member
    I live in New Zealand, and going to the us in a few weeks, I am almost as excited to go to Walmart as I am Disneyland