im full of scars... you?



  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    I am totally covered in scars.

    6 R knee arthroscopy scars (2 surgeries, 3 holes each)
    1 6 inch scar down the center of my R knee
    54 little white scars on either side of the 6 inch scar---all from the staples that held the incision together
    3 holes from an appendectomy
    1 c-section scar (they used the same scar for the second c-section so you really can't tell)
    A full stomach of stretch marks from being pregnant
    1 small incision in from of my ear from jaw surgery
    1 small round scar on my hand from a hot glue gun accident
    1 2 inch straight scar from a dog lead getting pulled past my leg at lightning speed
  • chowells78
    chowells78 Posts: 17
    Wow what a lot of scars, I don't have a single one how boring am I? I do however have a lot of stretchmarks after 3 children
  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    Let's see...

    * open appendectomy scar on the lower right side
    * a big one diagonally on the front of my neck from thyroid removal surgery
    * one splitting my right eyebrow in two parts from a fall face down on the sidewalk as a kid
    * many small oven burns and minor knife slices all over my hands and fingers from years of passionate love towards cooking
    * faded stretch marks on both knees and breasts from gaining weight
    * a long, thin one on the inside of my left lower arm, but I can't remember what it's from.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    I have quite a few too. Tomboys rule!!
    One on my left wrist from jumping out of a swing and my wrist ripped open.
    One on my left middle finger from surgery
    One on my thumb from burning it
    Some small speckled ones across my chest from a super terrible sunburn
    There's one in the back of my head from cracking it open and stitches.
    Right palm from a scissor mishap
    Right ankle from surgery
    Right thigh from soccer mishap
    Left shin from someones toenail. We were rough housing in the pool and somehow I lost a huge chunk of skin.
    Right foot/toes are scarred from a glass coke bottle that exploded in the freezer. It landed on/under my feet and sliced them open