Your favorite beachbody workout?



  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    I am in the same exact boat!! Just finishing Ripped in 30 and joining a July challenge where I can get a beachbody workout for only $40. My question though is I am looking for one that will get me cut, and I see most of their stuff is cardio based. I agree I don't think I am ready for Insanity yet either, or P90x. What I LOVED about Jillian is quick results and only 30 mins a day!!

    Actually, I think Ripped in 30 was the perfect prep for P90X. The workouts are twice as long, but it's a lot of the same weight lifting and cardio moves, plus more variety like yoga and kenpo. And you can always start with the weights or bands you can handle now and work up to the pull-up bar. I can't lift my body weight yet, so I'm using the bands.

    I do miss being able to get RI30 done before work though. With P90X, I have to work out in the evening when I'm more tired.

    If you want to get cut, I really think P90X is your best bet in the Beachbody collection.
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    Turbo Jam was ok..but I was bored very easily and lost focus. Chalean Extreme and Insanity
  • Sounds like you don't think you're "fit enough" or "ready" for any of them since you're saying you wouldn't be able to keep up.
    I know people who aren't in shape at all and did insanity. I think you should try turbofire, you'll be able to do it.
  • Skeels
    Skeels Posts: 929 Member
    Insanity Asylum my fav hands down...........P90X will always have a place in my heart though
  • laurensohn22
    laurensohn22 Posts: 163 Member
    I think Chalean Extreme is a great option for you. Its weight training and some cardio and is broken down into three phases.

    Here is information from the site:

    Slim in 6 is another effective program that doesn't get as much attention as the others but many people love it. Great for beginners.

    Les Mills Pump is fantastic (all weight training and only 3 days per week!) Its more expensive though because you need weights (I do wish they'd offer it without the weights):

    Turbo Fire does have a new option to buy that comes with the breakdown of the moves to prepare you, I don't think I'd like that but many do! (see the Get Fired Up and Fire Starter Classes DVD)

    They also have Body Gospel, Rev Abs, Hip Hop Abs-Beachbody has so many other programs, literally something for everyone.

    Hope this helps!

    omg thank you so much these are so many workouts i would love to do but couldn't afford to get them all :) yay
  • Naomi0504
    Naomi0504 Posts: 964 Member
    I agree with the pp who said Turbo Fire. It's intense, yes, but effective and fun :-) I'm on my last week of Turbo Fire, starting Chalene Extreme next week. When I first did TF, there were a few routines that I didn't get right away, but I figured them out eventually, and now I anticipate each move, I know them when she calls them out. I think you'll be fine!
  • laurensohn22
    laurensohn22 Posts: 163 Member
    I have turbo jam and love it

    Theres some beach body workouts up there

    This page is awesome it has a lot of workouts
  • AsaraFuriosa
    AsaraFuriosa Posts: 293 Member
    I did P90X then Insanity. I feel as though P90X prepared me for Insanity. Weight training vs circuit training. I like them both for different reasons. I was looking at what to do next so thanks for posting!

    Good luck on finding what works for you!
  • Turbo Fire is my absolute favorite!! For me it's THE most fun of all of the Beachbody workouts I've tried (P90X, Insanity, Turbo Jam)Turbo Jam is a lot of fun, too (and less intense than TF). I found that Turbo Fire is the only program that keeps me motivated beyond two weeks.
  • My all time favorites and the ones i've seen the most results from are Insanity and ChaLEAN Xtreme. Love them!!!!
  • I love everything Turbo. Lost over 80 lbs with Turbo jam. Then moved onto TurboFire, then got certified as a Turbo Kick Instructor because I love em so much. lol I have recently been turned onto Les Mills: PUMP and it is my second love next to Turbo.
  • lcn1220
    lcn1220 Posts: 124 Member
    #1 Insanity!
    #2 Turbofire's Hiit/cardio only.
    distant third: p90x's phase 1 upperbody dvds only.

    OP: you might want to start with Chalene Johnson's Chalene Extreme. It's got weights and cardio, not a huge time commitment, and I do think she's really good as an instructor. Unfortunately I'm a bit beyond CLX, but if I were to start again as a newbie I'd start there.
  • rogerbosch
    rogerbosch Posts: 343 Member
    After Insanity I am going to to an Insanity-Asylum/P90X hybrid to get the best of both worlds
  • RheneeB
    RheneeB Posts: 461 Member
    If you are looking for something fun you would really enjoy Turbo Jam. I just started Turbo Fire and it is crazy fast paced stuff but I am enjoying it. Turbo Jam will work you out, it has great music and you will love Chalene Johnson. Starting with it will prepare you to dive into some tougher stuff down the road. I think if you start something too difficult, you may get discouraged and give up. I know too many people that went right into purchasing P90X and Insanity and gave up after only a few days because it was too over the top for their fitness level. I think people tend to watch those infromercials and think that they can get the DVD's in, push play and perform at the level of those in the infromercial and then they get discouraged or disgusted with themselves because they can't.
  • Crly30
    Crly30 Posts: 11 Member
    Just an update on things. I am now about 167 and have been doing TJ for a while. I just got TF last week and I love it and can't wait to see my results.
  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    I am doing Insanity, then I'll be doing Insanity the Asylum.
  • Sarah1023
    Sarah1023 Posts: 194 Member
    I have previously done 17 weeks of TurboFire and had started Insanity then tore my ACL (thanks Shaun T) LOL. I'm all recovered now after 5 months of PT and started a hybrid of TurboFire and Insanity two weeks ago and I love it! It's the best of both worlds and I'm typically burning 400-700 calories per workout! I actually think I like Insanity better because it's so hard and I'm dripping sweat after the warm up! LOL. Good luck!
  • kazitykaz
    kazitykaz Posts: 87 Member
    You will be able to keep up. I have turbo fire and doing the prep schedule. The prep schedule is 9 weeks. Also each class has a new to class option which shows you the moves. Hope this helps.