anyone trying to lose weight for your wedding or one youre standing up in? how much do you want to lose and by when? im in two weddings in september so im really trying to kick my butt into gear...those pictures are FOREVER.


  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    I'm going to be in my brothers, Exactly 1 year from today. I want to be at goal by then, ideally at goal, then a bulk and cut cycle before. But at least at goal :)
  • konalove3
    konalove3 Posts: 79
    i wish i had a year! i shouldve started a looong time ago. im sooooo last minute
  • kittyraccoon7
    kittyraccoon7 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm getting married June 2, 2013, so I'm hoping to be at least NEAR my goal by then... I'm not going to be upset if I'm not as I am taking this slow, one day at a time, but it'd be nice :)

    my main goal is to get my arms toned...I don't mind being slightly heavyset in the waist/butt/thighs, but my neck has already slimmed down, I REALLY want my arms to stop waving when I do by then :laugh:
  • willot0722
    willot0722 Posts: 51 Member
    MY WEDDING IS IN DECEMBER! Yikes! Need to lose at least 60 more lbs!
  • AshQuill
    AshQuill Posts: 11 Member
    My wedding is in October 2012. I need to lose a bit, bulk a bit and just stop my gut from stretching the cummerbund.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I'm trying to maintain and perhaps lose a tiny bit. But I've got a year and a half!! lol
  • oneoddsock
    oneoddsock Posts: 321 Member
    I'm getting married in June 2013. I have about 20lb left to go. I need my wobbly arms to make themselves scarce by then too!
  • Tiarek
    Tiarek Posts: 4
    My best friend's getting married in August. Hoping to lose 10 more pounds by then or at least tone up the stomach area and hips.
  • shoobz
    shoobz Posts: 119
    I have a little under 2 years, so I'd say I should be well at my goal by then! My general goal is about 125-130, but I'd love to be maybe 112-115 on the day. :D
  • kittyraccoon7
    kittyraccoon7 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm getting married in June 2013. I have about 20lb left to go. I need my wobbly arms to make themselves scarce by then too!

    we're wedding buddies! :happy:
  • Stargirlsmiles88
    Stargirlsmiles88 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm in one in August and one in September. I'm trying to lose as much as I can (anything is an improvement!). My only wish was that I cared about my weight BEFORE my own I have a love/hate relationship with those pictures. :/
  • I'm getting married October 2013 and my best friend is June 2013 (so in 1 year!).

    I wanna hit my goal by my best friend's wedding then spend the remaining time focusing more on strength training and getting nice and toned for my big day.
  • popat89
    popat89 Posts: 83 Member
    There are wedding groups on here - join one, they're fun!
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    I'm already married but I'm actually trying to lose enough weight to fit into my wedding dress again by our 8th anniversary in November. I want to do a trash the dress photo session with my hubby if I can fit in the dress! So I feel like i'm trying to lose weight for a wedding all over again lol

    Congrats to everyone getting ready to tie the knot!!
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    Me! Me! My own wedding.... though I don't have a fiance.... or boyfriend, for that matter. Just a bunch of cats..... and.... well, I just got depressed.
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    I'm getting married in just over 6 weeks. Don't really need to lose anymore am happy with my size, but it's a strapless dress, so I'm seriously working on those shoulders and arms at the moment!
  • Stargirlsmiles88
    Stargirlsmiles88 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm already married but I'm actually trying to lose enough weight to fit into my wedding dress again by our 8th anniversary in November. I want to do a trash the dress photo session with my hubby if I can fit in the dress! So I feel like i'm trying to lose weight for a wedding all over again lol

    Congrats to everyone getting ready to tie the knot!!

    What is "trash the dress"? I'm not familiar with this concept. :)
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    I'm already married but I'm actually trying to lose enough weight to fit into my wedding dress again by our 8th anniversary in November. I want to do a trash the dress photo session with my hubby if I can fit in the dress! So I feel like i'm trying to lose weight for a wedding all over again lol

    Congrats to everyone getting ready to tie the knot!!

    What is "trash the dress"? I'm not familiar with this concept. :)

    Trash the Dress is a really fun style of photoshoot that couples often do on their anniversary. Basically it means you wear your wedding dress in an informal environment for a fun (and sometimes messy) photo shoot (assuming you aren't going to pass your dress along or sell it). If you do an google image search there are lots of really cool pics.

    Here's a couple examples
  • kacinace
    kacinace Posts: 70 Member
    I'm getting married this October. I'm hoping to lose 20 more by then and be at my lowest adult weight. Ultimately I'd like to lose another 15-20 after that...maybe more.
  • angieag23
    angieag23 Posts: 1
    Mine is in sept 2012 and I've already lost 25lbs and hope to loose another 15. 20 would be ideal :)