Really obese



    MBSNANA Posts: 149 Member
    Hello. Feel free to add me as your friend.I have 100 pounds to lose. I have been on here a little over a year. Was doing good and one trip to Myrtle Beach with crazy before going, while there, and a while after getting back. By the time I got control again I had gained all but 3 pounds back. So I am starting again with a lot of encouragement from some great ladies. I have most of the problems obese can bring on. Let's help each other with the help from our friends on here.
  • This is meant for HERMOSAPILATE]
    I'm shocked at the way you have spoken to this new person. The things you are saying are learned by those on the this site in a very short time, why did you have to hit her over the head with it the way you did? You could have said the same thing in a shorter and much LOVING way.
  • jyuubi
    jyuubi Posts: 109
    You can add me if you'd like. My total weight loss goal is 120lbs (though my profile says 34 at the moment), and I've always had problems with losing weight.
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    75 lbs to lose, add me if you like! I'm trying to ween off the lazy, and be a little more productive.
  • algernon1
    algernon1 Posts: 1 Member
    I also have at least 100 lbs to lose and have already lost 34 lbs by using this website. It is amazing to see in black and white what you eat and how few calories you are burning off. It was a real eye opener for me. I go to the YMCA now at least 5 days a week for some form of exercise. I love the swimming pool. Aqua aerobics and aqua Zumba are my favorites. And I burn more calories in the pool in an hour than any other exercise that I do.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I am overweight by over a 100 lbs. I recently joined this site and was amazed by what I eat, finding out I don't eat enough and how incredibly lazy I am. My life is filled with each moment accounted for, but it is sitting while doing intense work that leads to stress. As they say stress can be controlled by exercise, yesterday, I finally got up from the couch potato mode and began cleaning my home. One hour left me with more calories to eat. I am trying to find quantity of food that is good for essence, I'm learning my foods. It's not easy for me and I would like a friend who is overweight to encourage and be encouraged. I really don't find encouragement in "coat Hanger" sized friends. Let's do this journey together!

    I wish you the best of luck on your journey. You will certainly find great support on this site--I did. However, please consider that by belittling thin people as "coat hangers" you are not only missing out on some great support from people with a variety of body types and experiences (including folks who've lost 100 pounds and maintained it, who you could really learn from because they know what you are going through) but what if someone came on the site and said: "I don't want FAT friends who are 100 pounds overweight. I just want thin people like me." Someone would jump all over them and say they're mean and insulting. (and they would be)

    Hurtful comments go both ways--judging people solely by size is not nice.
    You could have said simply that you were seeking friends with similar weight loss goals, skipped the "coat hanger" comment, and simply not accepted any friend request from someone who doesn't fit your needs.
  • love2nicks
    love2nicks Posts: 21
    Everyone loses one pound at a time.

    I love this perspective, never thought of it like that :)
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    If I may...and please note, I am direct and bluntly honest.
    I am overweight by over a 100 lbs.
    You are not "really Obese". Obese, yes, but a far cry lighter than many more out there. Been there...and half way to another achievement.
    I'm learning my foods.
    OUTSTANDING! Always look to realization of what you are eating. You become more aware and that leads to better choices
    It's not easy for me and I would like a friend who is overweight to encourage and be encouraged. I really don't find encouragement in "coat Hanger" sized friends.
    Try not to limit yourself to the opportunity of knowing outstanding people that have already made this journey you are now undertaking. We have lots of useful information and may just be able to give you some great assistance.

    Here is how I approached everything at the beginning:
    1) THE MOST IMPORTANT thing in changing to a healthy lifestyle is Mental. REALIZE where you are (it appears you have this), VISUALIZE what it is you WANT, CHOOSE to get it (This is far easier to say than do), Take ACTION upon the right choices which bring you to SUCCESS. Without being MENTALLY FOCUSED, you will not succeed.

    2) Your Diet - this is not some Fad bullcrap that you are going to do for 8 or 12 weeks and, Im going to lose to so much and then be able to go back to how you ate before. THIS IS A LIFESTYLE. Remember that a Diet is the regular regimen of nutritional intake. Your diet is the SECOND MOST IMPORTANT part of your journey. Want to eat a Twinkie...hell, that spongie goodness. Just know that you need to maintain or Top Priority of Goals - Caloric Intake. Without having your DIET right, you will NOT succeed.

    3) Move your body. I dont know your overall physical condition..but overall, you will do better with exercise. And with Exercising, BUILD MUSCLE. If you do not, your body will ravage what muscle mass you still have, leading you on a "Skinny Fat" path. Additionally, by building muscle mass, you WILL BURN FAT FASTER. You dont need to bulk up, but you do need to build it.

    4) YOU ARE YOUR OWN MOTIVATION. This falls back on #1. If YOU don't want it, YOU will not get it. OWN UP, OWN THE CHOICE. OWN THE ACTION. OWN THE SUCCESS!

    5) Last and foremost....THERE ARE NO HEALTHY SHORTCUTS, MAGIC PILLS, LIQUIDS OR MAGIC PEE that will make this quicker. This is a journey to a new you. Stay Focused, Determined, Take ACTION and SUCCEED!

    EDIT - EVERY Moment is what you Create. Make it Greatness.
  • My4angels67
    I hear you. I am in a relationship with a very amazing patient man and he has been getting me to walk A LOT. But he is patient and kind, and he is going to help lower my calories. He has helped in more ways and I would be happy to share his ideas.
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    You CAN do this!!!
    I know where you are coming from - I had about 150-160lbs to lose from my highest weight - its taking time - but I'll get there.

    Its not always easy - but once you get the ball rolling - you can totally do it!!!
  • SizeHealthy2
    Welcome to your journey. I am not going to lie, it has been rough but I would not change the feeling that I now have for me. It has been 7 yrs. of lots of detours, highways, roadblocks etc. I was 408lbs and I am now over half my weight now. Let me encourage and motivate you. This journey is yours not anyone else. This journey is about you at your pace. You have to look in the mirror and love you. No matter how long it takes you can do it. There are no quick fixes. I live a Size healthy lifestyle. I am not on a diet because diets have restrictions and you get tired of being on a diet because you feel like you are depriving yourself. Living a size healthy lifestyle says I'm choosing alternative foods to live better. Instead of fried chicken, eat bake chicken. Instead of soda drink water and if you want some flavor add a packet of flavoring. Instead of buying processed foods cook your meals. There is no such thing called healthy fast food. I trust not what they put in their food because I did not make it. This journey is about the way you think about yourself and those around you. If you don't have an accountability partner let me be that partner. I have a support group
    On FB called sizehealthy. If you can see it, you can achieve it but you must believe it first!
  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    Add me, if you like. Wishing you great success in your journey to a healthier you! :flowerforyou:
  • BeSophisticate
    You can DO it!!!

    I also started working out because I have a sedentary/high stress job and figured all those un-burned stress hormones floating around in my body were killing me. I just got off my backside and started burning some of that useless fight or flight nonsense. :happy:
  • Erin70CA
    Erin70CA Posts: 85
    You can add me is you like. I started off as class 1 obese according to Canadian standards. It takes time and you will probably have some tough days, believe me I have several a week. I have 60 to lose overall.

    The first couple of weeks using MFP I screwed up every second day. I was exhausted...lazy etc......I am getting better.

    I exercise about 5 days a week. In the beginning I hated it, just do it - even if it is only 15 minutes.

    I am an emotional eater. Tired, angry, nervouse, bored etc.. These feelings all make me want to eat. I am down to about 2-3 day per week where I go over my calories still, but lifelong habits take time to change. It took me 5 years to gain all the weight, so I am not panicing about how fast I lose it.....

    You can and will do this!!!!!!!! ;)
  • leester
    leester Posts: 25 Member
    I have over 100 lbs to lose am working in 25 lb increments (not so overwhelming). I have met one goal - many more to to
  • Ayirela
    Ayirela Posts: 204 Member
    I am overweight by over a 100 lbs. I recently joined this site and was amazed by what I eat, finding out I don't eat enough and how incredibly lazy I am. My life is filled with each moment accounted for, but it is sitting while doing intense work that leads to stress. As they say stress can be controlled by exercise, yesterday, I finally got up from the couch potato mode and began cleaning my home. One hour left me with more calories to eat. I am trying to find quantity of food that is good for essence, I'm learning my foods. It's not easy for me and I would like a friend who is overweight to encourage and be encouraged. I really don't find encouragement in "coat Hanger" sized friends. Let's do this journey together!

    I have over 100 pounds to lose, but I'm not judging anyone on their size motivation is motivation. Those "coat hangers" you refer to could have easily been in the same position you're in a year ago. I find them to be rather motivating and spirit lifting. Regardless if someone has to lose 100 pounds, 500 pounds, 10 pounds or even 5 to get where they need to be....they are still working at it....just my personal thought on the matter. Everyone is here for different reasons some need to gain weight and some are just trying to make healthier lifestyle choices even if they don't need to lose the pounds....just saying motivation is motivation it shouldn't be judged on their current size or shape.
  • cryshelle247
    cryshelle247 Posts: 78 Member
    u can add me i have 100 lbs to lose as well look all u have to do is find alternate foods to eat... like instead of waffles sausage bacon and eggs how about wheat waffles turkey sausage turkey bacon and instead of like 4 sausages and 3 slices of bacon make it two sausages and one slice of bacon. then try eating oatmeals and instead of adding granulated sugars add brown sugar instead i like to use organic syrups but those are really expensive. instead of eating so much bread try pita bread. if u r a juice drinker really cut back on juice i loved juice not to much soda and before starting this just cutting back on juice and sweets i lost 8lbs IN ONE WEEK . u can do it u just have to find alternatives. and exercise ... even if u jog for two minutes thats a start and each day add a extra minute to your jog . do crunches start off trying to do 20 and add a extra 5 on. trust me it works do 30 squats . before i got all fat i use to be really fit and slim and did these work out routines u can do it love
  • Pinky1147
    Pinky1147 Posts: 105
    I have the same amount to lose... you can do it!!
  • NancyNiles
    NancyNiles Posts: 145 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. I used to have 100 lbs to lose (or 100 was my first goal) but I'm down 32 lbs now so I've got a little less than 70 to go. I'd be happy to share any information, experience or encouragement I've gleaned along the way.

    P.S. To the people whining about her "coat hangar" comment ... if the OP wants to surround herself with people who are sharing her journey, that is her right and she doesn't need anyone's approval to do so. Moreover, she doesn't need to hear anyone griping about it either. Yes, it helps to have "been there, done that" friends, but she'll get there in her own time. You can't tell by looking at someone's photo if they are a weight-loss success story, or one of those people who doles out weight loss and eating advice but has never been more than a couple pounds overweight in their life, so let her do her thing, make friends she has something in common with, learn and grow and expand her circle over time like everyone else did. And y'all need to just shut your yaps about it. My 2 cents, for what it's worth.
  • sapienti
    sapienti Posts: 17
    Take it one day a time. This is a very useful tool. Enter your calories religiously and honestly, it will help you to find and eliminate the worst culprits. Don't think of the exercise calories as a reason to eat more food. Try to keep your calorie count near your goal despite the exercise leeway. I'm here on account of my doctor's orders, but I'm glad I'm here. You're in the right place, with the right people! Welcome.