Is there a way to make your parents love you?



  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    the book 'Toxic Parents' was mostly about approaching your parents and telling them that the way they treated toy hurt you very much, and how to get thru that tough 'revelation'. A very small portion touches on 'some parents cannot understand the hurt they caused'. No, it's called narcissism.

    My parent didn't want me, hated me, treated me with resentment and beat the s#it out of me pretty much every single day of my life.

    Suck it up and cut them out of your life. I did that and my parent still can't figure out why I'm 'unhappy'.

    Some people are that dense.
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    You deserve to be loved and I'm so sorry that your family doesn't give you that. I think that this will always cause you some pain but you have a choice in how it will affect the rest of your life. Surround yourself with good people of all ages, develop relationships and create the family you truly deserve.
  • Altarian
    Altarian Posts: 230 Member
    For my whole life, I have been screamed at, called names, and get blamed for practically everything that goes wrong in their lives.
    When my younger brother was physically abusive towards me, I would be blamed saying I must have done something to provoke it. They never listen to anything I say.

    They treat me so different to my younger brothers, they show them love, buy them anything they want/need but with me it seems like nothing but hatred (they have told me they hate me and was a mistake many times). They buy them clothes, cars, everything whilst I have to buy my own clothes and car.

    Is there a way to make them love me?

    This seriously hurts so much :/

    I grew up in a similar family life. and from personal experience there is nothing you can do to change them. If they want to be part of your life, when you finally get tired and the final straw is broke, they will find a way. What i mean by when is if you do eventually get to the point of moving on and trying to be yourself and stop trying to please them. By no means am i telling you what to do because what worked for me may not work for you. I wish you the best though and no one's opinion but your own on yourself really matters in the big picture. They are not you and you are not them.