Terrified to ask this...



  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    I can't even begin to afford fish. Where I'm at, one good sized piece (enough to feed 5 people) costs 3 times as much as any other meat. Even a can of Tuna costs as much as a gallon of gas.
    What does it cost for a fishing license? If you live near lakes, it's time to take up the greatest hobby ever invented.
  • inagaddadavegan
    inagaddadavegan Posts: 46 Member
    Please be gentle, but I need some help figuring out what is WRONG!?

    I've been on my journey to a smaller me for a year officially and on MFP for 160 of those days (as of this morning). My malfunction goes like this:

    I started MfP at 177lbs
    After the initial weight drop associated with keeping track of what I'm actually doing (tracking calories/exercise/water) I can't seem to drop but 1lb every 6th week?! :noway:

    On average (minus a few gym bans thanks to my youngest) I spend 5 days a week at the gym for at LEAST an hour doing various activities. I use the treadmills, the elliptical, walk the track (I'm working on running, but I have a short leg, so I still fall down a LOT), I pick things up and put them down.... You get the idea.
    I try to eat as best I can (minus some pizza here and there when there just really ISN'T any time to cook). I avoid soda most of the time (Root beer is my weakness and I KNOW I downed 2 mountain dews in one day, but it was hot and the water was only lukewarm vs. the ice cold soda). I've got a budget of only $160 a month to feed all 5 of us, so I make mostly everything I can from scratch. So, yeah. The foods not ALWAYS the best, but I try.
    I track my water and I must admit, the first few times I saw how MUCH it was, I was afraid I might drown in my sleep, but I'm over that little scare :laugh:

    How on EARTH am I only losing 1lb every 6th week?!?!

    I'm 5'8.5"
    CW: 156
    Loss goal per week set at 1lb because I've got 20 some lbs left to drop.

    I (think) I have opened my diary to MFP.
    Please, if someone could just tell me what the heck is going on here???
    Pretty please? :flowerforyou:

    You're getting so much good advice. There was a comment about dairy, I do agree with trying to eliminate or limit dairy. It isn't good for everyone - some 60% of adults are lactose intolerant and many don't even know it. This isn't even an illness, it's just that after mammals are weaned, it's natural in many people to stop producing the enzyme to digest milk. They (and this was me) just walk around not losing weight and feeling bloated sometimes and not really knowing why. Dairy is pushed so hard in the US but actually for calcium, (unless you have a nut allergy) almond milk has almost half the US RDA in one serving and other great nutrition. It does have less protein, though.

    The only thing I would add is to check your fiber. The going recommendation is something like 25 grams per day, and processed carbs (white rice, white flour, white pasta etc) won't give you nearly enough. I know many people say carbs are bad but the whole grain/nuts/seeds kinda carbs will keep your system moving and help you lose weight :)
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    Looking back over the past week in your food diary, I don't see much of any fruits and vegetables showing up. Are you eating fruits and veggies and not logging them? If yes, start logging them now. Do you weight / measure all your foods, and use the recipe builder function on the website for home cooked meals? If you're estimating or always trying to find something close enough in the MFP database, good chance you're off by a good bit on how much you are actually eating.

    As for the fruits and veg; if you're not eating much of any you really need to start incorporating them into your diet on a regular basis. Raw fruits and veggies are pretty much always relatively low in calories, high in fiber and packed full of vitamins and minerals your body needs to function at it's best.

    Given the amount you're working out, I do think you're not netting enough calories. Make sure you log your exercise as accurately as possible and maybe try eating back those exercise calories. A lot of people (myself included) have found that upping your calories even by only 200-300 a day will help your body break through a plateau.

    Your weight loss over those 370 equates to 0.8 lbs per week average. That's really not bad for a full year average.
  • LindaLouLu
    LindaLouLu Posts: 271 Member

    Eat more.

    I'm really trying to. Where I'm at now (eating as close to my goal calories as budget allows) is a HUGE improvement all by itself. I used to only eat one meal a day and it wasn't ever very much.
    I want to thank you for your suggestions.
    I'll work on trying to find more greens for less greenbacks :laugh:
  • LindaLouLu
    LindaLouLu Posts: 271 Member
    to change your macros click MY HOME...click GOALS...scroll down...click CHANGE GOALS..choose custom, click CONTINUE...you will be able to change the percentages.

    upping your protein will be a great thing.
    and watch the sodium!!!

    and i love weight training...you can pick up your kids and squat...i used to do that with mine.

    Thank you!! :flowerforyou:

    And I play lots of pick up and put down games with the smallest (he's 45lbs). Not sure if they'd really "count" as exercise since I usually do them every day for a good 30-45 minutes :laugh:
  • michaela531
    michaela531 Posts: 44 Member
    It appears that almost every day you are going over on your sodium intake. Perhaps you are retaining a lot of water? Try to cut back on the salt a bit. Good luck and great job so far!
  • bpetlock
    bpetlock Posts: 109

    Eat more.

    I'm really trying to. Where I'm at now (eating as close to my goal calories as budget allows) is a HUGE improvement all by itself. I used to only eat one meal a day and it wasn't ever very much.
    I want to thank you for your suggestions.
    I'll work on trying to find more greens for less greenbacks :laugh:

    It's hard on a budget. I know from experience. Just trade the money that you spend on pop (soda) for healthier options. A six pack of pop here in michigan costs about $5 That could buy you some extra veggies or fruits depending on if that's accurate where you are at. Good luck to you!
  • LindaLouLu
    LindaLouLu Posts: 271 Member

    Eating way too few calories is what got me here trying to track my stuff in the first place. I will try and do more, but sometimes, honestly, there just isn't any more food to HAVE.

    You sound like you need to locate a food pantry. Also see if Angel Food has a distributor near you. Sometimes they have really good produce boxes. Also you may qualify for food stamps. I know a lot of people think badly of food stamps but if you NEED them you should get them. It is people who get them just because they can that make it look bad. Also if any of your kids are under 5 look into WIC. They can help a lot with milk, eggs, peanut butter and good cereals. Oh and some cheese last I checked. We stopped going to our pantry and dropped WIC because we no longer needed it. Lets others get what they need.

    Sadly, I qualify for nothing in the way of food stamps or any other assistance from the state. My husband brings home $40 to much to get anything. I tried. Sat all day in their office while they were handing "money" over like it was going out of style to people that were bragging on bringing in almost double what we do (I don't have a job right now. Can NOT afford daycare and just don't qualify for assistance to help pay for it :ohwell: ). Though they DID tell me they'd be MORE than willing to "hook me up" if I would leave my husband :noway: :grumble: :noway:
    Same goes for the WIC office.
    Local food banks require a copy of you latest power bill so they can "verify" what income you said you had to pay your bills with.
    But thanks for the ideas. :flowerforyou:
  • ultragrrl
    ultragrrl Posts: 2 Member
    Drop all soda and pizza. It is amazing how much those "occasionally" add up. If you have a tight food budget they are expensive and you don't need them. Spend that in better quality foods. Water is much cheaper and you'll feel a lot better on $20 worth of veggies than $20 of soda pizza.

    Do you do intense cardio? Intervals on the eliptical would be great. Go really really fast for 30 secs, easy for a minute, repeat 5 times. You really gotta sweat hard and get that heart rate up.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Are you eating enough calories??

    Are you weighing your foods? If not the calories you are using will be wrong.

    Keep drinking lots of water.
  • michaela531
    michaela531 Posts: 44 Member
    It appears that almost every day you are going over on your sodium intake. Perhaps you are retaining a lot of water? Try to cut back on the salt a bit. Good luck and great job so far!
  • LindaLouLu
    LindaLouLu Posts: 271 Member
    I can't even begin to afford fish. Where I'm at, one good sized piece (enough to feed 5 people) costs 3 times as much as any other meat. Even a can of Tuna costs as much as a gallon of gas.
    What does it cost for a fishing license? If you live near lakes, it's time to take up the greatest hobby ever invented.

    Not sure, but we get one every year and have yet to catch more than a fistful of seaweed.
  • LindaLouLu
    LindaLouLu Posts: 271 Member
    If you've lost 21 lbs. in 160 days that's about a pound a week on average. That's not a bad loss level, especially for someone (now) at a healthy BMI.

    No no. 42lbs in 370 days. I've got 21 left to go.

    If you started at MFP at 177 lbs. and that was 160 days ago and you're now at 156, that's 21 lbs. in about 23 weeks. I must be misunderstanding.

    Sorry. MY math wasn't adding up. Yes. You are correct.
  • LindaLouLu
    LindaLouLu Posts: 271 Member

    Eat more.

    I'm really trying to. Where I'm at now (eating as close to my goal calories as budget allows) is a HUGE improvement all by itself. I used to only eat one meal a day and it wasn't ever very much.
    I want to thank you for your suggestions.
    I'll work on trying to find more greens for less greenbacks :laugh:

    It's hard on a budget. I know from experience. Just trade the money that you spend on pop (soda) for healthier options. A six pack of pop here in michigan costs about $5 That could buy you some extra veggies or fruits depending on if that's accurate where you are at. Good luck to you!

    My husband is about to lose his soda supply. Just don't tell him until after I do :laugh:
  • soysos
    soysos Posts: 187 Member
    if you want suggestions on how to eat cheap, if you don't already own one get a good crocpot. trust me it will be the best $100 you ever spent. braising is the key to making use of meats that are always on sale. I don't know what its like where you live but around here I can usually get a chuck roast for $3.50 a pound throw in a can of tomatoes and some potatoes and feed five people for around $10. need something cheaper? a pound of dried beans a can of salsa a can of tomatoes and one ale. put it all in the crocpot before work. at dinner time cook up some rice and its chili night. if your any good with a knife its always cheaper to buy meats in primals and break them down yourself. as for filler do not underestimate cabbage. there is a lot you can do with cabbage and a lot of types to work with. if you need any more suggestions ask I'll be happy to help.
  • lelstar
    lelstar Posts: 374 Member
    To me the problem is obvious. You are 5' 8.5" and156 lbs. you don't need to lose any more weight. Your body is trying to tell you that.

    That's a good point, you're only half an inch shorter than me and only 1lb more than my goal weight. Are you sure you need to lose weight? I would look anorexic lower than 155
  • bpetlock
    bpetlock Posts: 109

    Eat more.

    I'm really trying to. Where I'm at now (eating as close to my goal calories as budget allows) is a HUGE improvement all by itself. I used to only eat one meal a day and it wasn't ever very much.
    I want to thank you for your suggestions.
    I'll work on trying to find more greens for less greenbacks :laugh:

    It's hard on a budget. I know from experience. Just trade the money that you spend on pop (soda) for healthier options. A six pack of pop here in michigan costs about $5 That could buy you some extra veggies or fruits depending on if that's accurate where you are at. Good luck to you!

    My husband is about to lose his soda supply. Just don't tell him until after I do :laugh:

    Maybe I should tell him for you. :laugh:
  • LindaLouLu
    LindaLouLu Posts: 271 Member
    To me the problem is obvious. You are 5' 8.5" and156 lbs. you don't need to lose any more weight. Your body is trying to tell you that.

    That's a good point, you're only half an inch shorter than me and only 1lb more than my goal weight. Are you sure you need to lose weight? I would look anorexic lower than 155

    Apparently I have a "Small frame"?? I only set my goal based on where the Dr. said I should aim for because of my wrist size? It's 5.25" if that helps. Maybe the Dr. is a quack and I'm beating my brains in for nothing??
  • LindaLouLu
    LindaLouLu Posts: 271 Member

    Eat more.

    I'm really trying to. Where I'm at now (eating as close to my goal calories as budget allows) is a HUGE improvement all by itself. I used to only eat one meal a day and it wasn't ever very much.
    I want to thank you for your suggestions.
    I'll work on trying to find more greens for less greenbacks :laugh:

    It's hard on a budget. I know from experience. Just trade the money that you spend on pop (soda) for healthier options. A six pack of pop here in michigan costs about $5 That could buy you some extra veggies or fruits depending on if that's accurate where you are at. Good luck to you!

    My husband is about to lose his soda supply. Just don't tell him until after I do :laugh:

    Maybe I should tell him for you. :laugh:

    That might be safer.... Can't see him doing a tantrum for a stranger...
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    I haven't read all the posts or much of your diary, but I'd suggest checking the amount of fiber you're eating. And as someone else said, make sure you're eating enough. (Read about EatMore2WeightLess, if you haven't already.)

    Rice and beans (homemade) are inexpensive, provide protein and other nutrients including fiber. Depending on where you live, is there a farmer's market or co-op nearby. This time of year (assuming you're in the Northern hemisphere) you may be able to get berries and early green vegetables very cheaply. There are other minor substitutions... mustard has more flavor and less fat than mayonnaise. Gazpacho? Salsa rather than cheese with chips? (I like cheese, so I'm not saying you shouldn't eat it, just trying to suggest some inexpensive options.) Ice tea (even sweetened) instead of soda? (If you make your own sun-tea, it's probably cheaper than the soda.) Baked, skinless chicken instead of fried? Chicken with tomato sauce and some spices? "Spanish omelette" - eggs with tomato sauce and sautéed vegetables? I don't think you need to reduce calories much, but I've tried to provide some ideas that may be healthier without adding more calories or being more expensive.

    Overall, you're doing well. Congratulations on loosing the weight you've already lost! And on keeping on in the same direction, even though it's been hard and slow... on the plus side, that may make it easier to keep off and reduce some side effects like loose skin or the drawn look some people get when they loose too fast. Some small additional changes may be enough to speed things up. My guess is that if you eat a little bit more and continue exercising. (Remember that over time the same exercise gets easier and burns less, so you might want to change your routine, if you can.)

    Good luck!