Terrified to ask this...



  • Inojbird
    Inojbird Posts: 10
    Sounds like you need to shop at Super King for fruits and veggies. They have great prices and the produce and fruit are good. They have in addition to their regular low prices, specials on Tues. and Wed. Their meat dept. also has wonderful prices on
    select items, including fish. I looked at their regular shelf products and wasn't impressed with their prices. As in any case you do have to shop around.

    As for soda, we rarely have it in my home. My kids are water drinkers, but don't get me wrong when they all lived here, if someone brought soda over they went wild. Now that their grown, none of them keep soda at their homes. Only if there is going to be a party. So kids do learn from their parents. Now is the time to set a good example and you and your kids will be healthier.

    Don't get discouraged, you have to many people here to support you....
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member

    I took a look at your food diary and I see that vegetables, fruits, lean meats and whole grains are missing. You seem to be meeting your daily calorie goal but the food is not nutritious enough.

    There are many websites that can give you samples of a day or week's worth of healthy meals so you can get some ideas. I tend to stay away from cheese slices. Too much sodium = too much water retention.

    Hang in there! You can make this work.
  • dougt333
    dougt333 Posts: 697
    There's been a lot of great advice in here. I would say don't worry so much. It's ok for the weight loss to take a while. Trying to rush it often discourages people. That's why the go down then back up again. For your strength training make sure you're doing a lot of reps with lower weight. That puts more focus on burning calories while note bulking up. Also Eggs and Tuna can be cheap protien sources. Otmeal is a great cheap meal source, and veggies are a great way to fill up. Green beans for example are practically just solidified water. It's really not very expensive to eat healthy. You'lle save more money by planning out your meals and eating well than you will by impulse eating on junk.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    How could I have forgotten peanut butter??!!

    And since you can eat a few more calories... potatoes, carrots... the starchy vegetables tend to be cheap, and when they aren't deep fried or smothered in something like butter, they're really pretty healthy.

    Also, while many people prefer fresh fruits and vegetables, frozen are pretty close in nutritional value, and often cheaper.

    You've got a wonderful attitude. I hope out of all these suggestions enough of them will work for you. I'm getting some good ideas from it too. Thank you!

    Oh, and did you already have oatmeal and/or granola on your list.

    And if you like pizza... how about homemade? It can be cheaper, healthier, and kids love getting to help make it by putting stuff on their own mini pizzas.
  • I know this has already been said but weigh and measure EVERYTHING, you will be surprised how much overestimation you do. Also, NEVER trust the calories on here to be accurate, this is user entered information as far as I know and I can have the product in hand and the range of being off can be any thing, I have seen like maybe 3 calories off, but I have also seen 3-4 hundred calories off.

    Frozen fruits and vegetables are easier to eat before they go bad, I am not sure if they are as healthy as the fresh, but it is better than pizza and soda (pop)

    Good luck on your journey, you are aware that you are not over weight and fall quite nicely into a healthy weight, right?

    Oh, and anyone who reads this, I make the mini pizza with English Muffins, which I found a package that is 90 calories for the entire muffin.
  • LindaLouLu
    LindaLouLu Posts: 271 Member
    How could I have forgotten peanut butter??!!

    And since you can eat a few more calories... potatoes, carrots... the starchy vegetables tend to be cheap, and when they aren't deep fried or smothered in something like butter, they're really pretty healthy.

    Also, while many people prefer fresh fruits and vegetables, frozen are pretty close in nutritional value, and often cheaper.

    You've got a wonderful attitude. I hope out of all these suggestions enough of them will work for you. I'm getting some good ideas from it too. Thank you!

    Oh, and did you already have oatmeal and/or granola on your list.

    And if you like pizza... how about homemade? It can be cheaper, healthier, and kids love getting to help make it by putting stuff on their own mini pizzas.

    :laugh: They wanted pizza this weekend. I came up with a mini pizza on the english mffins I had in the back of the fridge. PERFECT use for them since they were a little on the "stale" side and they wouldn't eat them toasted. I didn't have any sauce though. Ended up just putting on some oregano flakes I found in the back of the cupboard and some pepperoni slices the neighbor gave us a couple weeks ago.
  • lelstar
    lelstar Posts: 374 Member
    To me the problem is obvious. You are 5' 8.5" and156 lbs. you don't need to lose any more weight. Your body is trying to tell you that.

    That's a good point, you're only half an inch shorter than me and only 1lb more than my goal weight. Are you sure you need to lose weight? I would look anorexic lower than 155

    Apparently I have a "Small frame"?? I only set my goal based on where the Dr. said I should aim for because of my wrist size? It's 5.25" if that helps. Maybe the Dr. is a quack and I'm beating my brains in for nothing??

    No if you have a smaller frame than me you can certainly be thinner. If you want to test him google it, a lot of people on here say the one that measure by your elbow is the most accurate and I used that to find out I have a medium frame.
  • LindaLouLu
    LindaLouLu Posts: 271 Member

    Good luck on your journey, you are aware that you are not over weight and fall quite nicely into a healthy weight, right?

    Oh, and anyone who reads this, I make the mini pizza with English Muffins, which I found a package that is 90 calories for the entire muffin.

    Yes. I know. I've only set my goal on such a low number because that is what my Dr. Recommended when I very first started out. I'm thinking on going to another and seeing what THEY might have to say.

    I made those this weekend (I think I even had one for lunch today). They were a HUGE hit! I think I may have found my new "pizza" :drinker:
  • LindaLouLu
    LindaLouLu Posts: 271 Member
    To me the problem is obvious. You are 5' 8.5" and156 lbs. you don't need to lose any more weight. Your body is trying to tell you that.

    That's a good point, you're only half an inch shorter than me and only 1lb more than my goal weight. Are you sure you need to lose weight? I would look anorexic lower than 155

    Apparently I have a "Small frame"?? I only set my goal based on where the Dr. said I should aim for because of my wrist size? It's 5.25" if that helps. Maybe the Dr. is a quack and I'm beating my brains in for nothing??

    No if you have a smaller frame than me you can certainly be thinner. If you want to test him google it, a lot of people on here say the one that measure by your elbow is the most accurate and I used that to find out I have a medium frame.

    I'd like to check him. Can I ask where you found that? And do you just measure the bones? Or the whole way across?
  • lelstar
    lelstar Posts: 374 Member
    To me the problem is obvious. You are 5' 8.5" and156 lbs. you don't need to lose any more weight. Your body is trying to tell you that.

    That's a good point, you're only half an inch shorter than me and only 1lb more than my goal weight. Are you sure you need to lose weight? I would look anorexic lower than 155

    Apparently I have a "Small frame"?? I only set my goal based on where the Dr. said I should aim for because of my wrist size? It's 5.25" if that helps. Maybe the Dr. is a quack and I'm beating my brains in for nothing??

    No if you have a smaller frame than me you can certainly be thinner. If you want to test him google it, a lot of people on here say the one that measure by your elbow is the most accurate and I used that to find out I have a medium frame.

    I'd like to check him. Can I ask where you found that? And do you just measure the bones? Or the whole way across?

    Just went and found the site I used
    Try that one
  • happypath101
    happypath101 Posts: 534
    You're getting so many good suggestions for exercise and diet, I thought I might add some cost-saving tips. My apologies if these were mentioned already; I didn't have time to read the whole thread.

    1. It's summer. Scout garage sales for exercise equipment and workout DVD's videos. You might also want to look for a cheap bicycle.
    2. If you have Craig's list in your city, scout them for the same.
    3. Check out your library for workout DVDs, videos, and books.

    Maybe you can save the gymn fee?

    4. Check out your library for books on cooking on a budget. There are tonnes. My Mom raised 4 of us on my Dad's small salary. She used to do this and we all appreciated the new recipes she found.
    5. Try shopping bulk for things like split peas, beans, rice, and oatmeal. You can save SO much money. It's a learning curve for most of us, but making soup or chillis or casseroles from what you find in the bulk bin can save you a lot. And, it's often tastier and more nutricious.
    6. Eggs + veggies = something cheap, quick, and healthy no matter how you put it together. On nights you're tempted to have pizza, try just doing some scrambled eggs with whatever veggies are hanging around. If you have more energy, do a fritatta or a crustless quiche.

    Good luck. (By the way, I'm no stranger to having it take 6 weeks to drop a pound. Sometimes bodies are just weird. Just keep trying things until it gives up, stops fighting you, and lets you fit into the skinny jeans again! :O)
  • LindaLouLu
    LindaLouLu Posts: 271 Member

    Just went and found the site I used
    Try that one

    Ugh! If I measured that right (I had to look at pictures) it comes out being 2.25 inches. Still a small frame, but thank GOODNESS he didn't see THAT low side number. I'd go CRAZY! It's got it set at 126-139. :sad:
  • happypath101
    happypath101 Posts: 534
    I never knew there was such a thing as a body frame measurement. Thanks for sharing! I saw the questions on how to measure the elbow and, sure enough, it's NOT the circumfrance. I found these instructions; hope it helps:
  • Jishmeister
    Jishmeister Posts: 108
    Exercising along with eating right can help you lose 2 pounds a week, maybe even 3. For me, I keep my calorie intake 500 calories less than my BMR and then I strive to burn 500 calories or more exercising, usually 1-2 hours brisk walking a day, or if you have an elliptical cross training machine at home, 1 hour can easily burn 500+ calories.

    As for eating, stick to whole foods and stay away from processed junk food. Fruits, veggies, wheat bread, low fat cheeses and milk, yogurt (with live enzymes and cultures), and lean/white meat (like fish, turkey, and chicken) are all great for you. Sodas, potato chips, red meat, fried foods (the worst!), fast food, and sugary sweets are very unhealthy and best be avoided.

    A suggestion when grocery shopping, stick to the outer aisles and edges of the grocery store. That's where you'll find everything you need, mostly whole foods. If you start going down the middle aisles then you start finding processes junk food like frozen dinners, pop tarts, and other things you don't need.
  • LindaLouLu
    LindaLouLu Posts: 271 Member
    I never knew there was such a thing as a body frame measurement. Thanks for sharing! I saw the questions on how to measure the elbow and, sure enough, it's NOT the circumfrance. I found these instructions; hope it helps:

    Glad it helped both of us! :laugh: I measured right. Sad. Just....Sad. Still glad the Dr didn't see those numbers though. Whew!
  • shunima
    shunima Posts: 13 Member
    Forgive me if these have already been suggested, but I don't have a moment to read through the thread and I really want to help:

    1) NEVER drink soda. Just never. Don't. Ever.
    2) Cereal makes just as good (if not better) an"instant" dinner as pizza. Even better if it's old-fashioned oatmeal. Only takes 5 minutes, you control the sugar and there's NO fat or sodium in there. Do your kids and yourself a favor and NEVER bring home a pizza. Just never. Don't. Ever.
    3) Get yourself a 32-oz, refillable water bottle and keep it with you at all times. Drink. Refill. Drink. Refill. Drink. Refill. Try not to float away.
    4) Log EVERYTHING you put in your mouth. No cheating. Not even a bite! If you think it's too small to log, it's too small to bother putting in your mouth. No excuses.

    Honestly, you will see a difference if you do the above. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!

    Yes, honestly you will see a difference. You'll have no fun in your life anymore. Have the soda, have the piece of pizza occasionally and see that you stay near to your calorie limits. Eat according to your goal and always eat the calories you burn in the gym. It's even ok to "overeat" some day(s) and to "undereat" the next day(s). That's an easy way to avoid hitting a plateau for a longer period. I had, pizza, soda, beers, candies, chocolate (but all in moderation) and the only thing that caused a standstill in losing weight was when I did not eat enough. When you are serious about losing weight eating healthier choices becomes a natural habit anyway but it does not mean that you have to cut out the little sins completely. Life's about joy :-)
  • lelstar
    lelstar Posts: 374 Member
    Wow lol. I'm not going down to the low end of my recommended range, I've been 155 before and know that's what's good for me
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    If you're BMI is in the healthy range, what is the issue? Your pics seem fine. Why do you want to lose more weight? Not everyone needs to be a skinny supermodel, after all. As women age, a fuller body is more sexy, anyway.

    Having said that, I do think you need to eat more fruits and veggies. Agree that soda is not the best choice. Although it's hard with a family, I get it...

    Have you thought of growing your own food to supplement your diet? A greenhouse if you're in the north could be a great investment. And it's another activity that burns calories. Kids can help, too, and it's quite educational (and fun).

    Also agree that you should end your gym membership if it keeps you from choosing healthy foods. Walking, running, gardening, fishing (great suggestion), etc., are all "free" activities that can burn a lot of calories.

    Good luck.

  • kathyms13
    kathyms13 Posts: 497 Member
    i looked at your diary and was surprised to see no salads no veg its all processed foods, thats never good, we need the healthy fruit and veg.