Bodyrock - confusing!



  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    EVERYONE, PLEASE JOIN ME IN MY GROUP! I will post every day- new routine for that day, support & motivation. LET'S DO IT!
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Didn't read through everyone's posts, but Bodyrock is awesome. It transformed my body. When I first started, I only do one bodyrock workout as my daily exercise. I usually do the workout from the day before. I saw changes in my body within a few weeks, just bodyrocking.

    And you don't need the equipments. I use dumbbells, kettelbells and medicine ball that we already have in place of the sandbag and ugi ball. I use a step stool or my ottoman for any exercises where the legs are elevated. Other exercises that need the dip station or equalizer, I just sub out with other exercises working the same or similar muscles. Anyone can bodyrock. You just do the exercises at your own fitness level.

    I added more weight lifting now because I want to push myself more. Some days I also do intervals on the bike for extra calories to eat.
  • sozzell
    sozzell Posts: 166
    Ok, so I decided that from this Monday I am starting the 30 day challenge! I had a proper look at the site last night, along with all the videos up to day 4 and I think I what I'm doing now...

    Something I'd be interested to know, though, is how many calories these workouts are likely to burn for the purposes of logging and making sure I'm still eating the right amount of calories.

    If anyone could advise I'd be really grateful! :-)
  • karabatak
    karabatak Posts: 34
    i'm starting the may challenge TODAY, decided not to wait until the 1st, if anyone is doing it or wants to join me please let me know, i could use all the support i can get :) especially because i just took three weeks off from exercising so AHHH HERE WE GO
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    I wasn't overweight but I was very very saggy skinny/fat and bodyrock really helped. I recommend getting none of the equipment if you are on a budget. Don't think you can't sub anything.
    I made my own sandbag, use a medicine ball as an Ugi and I had a walker as a dip station. I also use a kettlebell.
    Start off with any of their fit tests.
    From there start off with whatever workout they're doing for that day. Watch the video. Don't pay attention to the equipment breakdown cuz often its not what they use anyway. Watch the video. Lisa or whoever is leading will break every move down. Also if you find those too complicated, use the old Zuz workouts.
    Here is a link for a BR workout search
    They usually set the timer to 12 minutes, 10 seconds of rest and 50 of work. There is also an app you can use if you don't have the timer, though the timer is probably the one piece I'd say you have to have...but the app also works.

    Thats agreat idea! I think my dads old walker is still in the cellar
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    I LOVE body rock!! I get confused too and I don't have any equipment so it's frustrating to me. But it is such a great workout! I want to start doing it daily. I just always wonder if I'm getting enough with just 12 min a day. :/
  • darman210
    darman210 Posts: 2 Member
    I can't get the videos to play on my S3. Anyone else having this issue.