Picture of my legs ( you're warned! ) what exercise?

I hate my legs, they are my least favourite part..I just find them hideous! I go on my crosstrainer each day and walk when I can, but I dont see any difference in them at all, even when I lost over 1 stone and a half :(

Could someone give me some advice as to what I should aim to do each day? They are horrible!



  • First of all your legs are not bad. Mine are Much Bigger but i hav e added more weights to my work out and in the last month alone i have went from have my thighs measure 30.75 to 29 even.. You can do it!!!!!
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,851 Member
    They look fine to me, but I Guess if you want them to change, squats and lunges may be your best friend. Jogging and running may help as well with toning them up. Jillian michaels has a workout DVD Killer Buns and Thighs thay may also help to sexify your legs. Good Luck
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    I second what OP said. I used to hate my legs too but ran a lot which did reduce the size yet they were still flabby. Once I started weight lifting, that's when they firmed up and looked much better. And yeah, they don't look bad at all.
  • colpol1
    colpol1 Posts: 59 Member
    First of all your legs are not bad. Mine are Much Bigger but i hav e added more weights to my work out and in the last month alone i have went from have my thighs measure 30.75 to 29 even.. You can do it!!!!!

    What kind of weights are you doing if you dont mind me asking? I have a weight bench ( well, my boyfriend does! ) which I dont use so would be cool to know what you're doing to make a difference :) thanks!
  • fhsjewfro
    fhsjewfro Posts: 101 Member
    squats are, and always will be the best leg exercise option

    in my honest opinion, squats > running

    depending on how much you are overweight i would stay away from running, most individuals lack proper form and just end up putting a lot of pressure on the joints and ultimately speeding up energy. Treadmill = bad. Stationary bike, elliptical = your best friend.

    and squats are proven to help strengthen your knees anyway, if going to proper depth that is
  • colpol1
    colpol1 Posts: 59 Member
    squats are, and always will be the best leg exercise option

    in my honest opinion, squats > running

    depending on how much you are overweight i would stay away from running, most individuals lack proper form and just end up putting a lot of pressure on the joints and ultimately speeding up energy. Treadmill = bad. Stationary bike, elliptical = your best friend.

    and squats are proven to help strengthen your knees anyway, if going to proper depth that is

    I really want to do squats, but I try and fail each time..I always seem to bend my back as I go down and cant keep it straight, is it still okay to do them like that?
  • KaitieBean
    KaitieBean Posts: 24
    Your legs legs look very similar to mine when I first started this journey. I started walking and biking a lot (at least an hour a day), and on top of that I was also doing some POP Pilates workouts that targeted inner thighs. I a still very unhappy with my legs but they are continuing to change with time. Don't get discouraged, I'm sure you will start seeing results soon!
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i hate my legs too. you're brave for wearing skin tight pants!
  • eiha
    eiha Posts: 27
    I hate my legs, they are my least favourite part..I just find them hideous! I go on my crosstrainer each day and walk when I can, but I dont see any difference in them at all, even when I lost over 1 stone and a half :(

    Could someone give me some advice as to what I should aim to do each day? They are horrible!


    SERIOUSLY nothing wrong with your legs!!!!
  • froglady98
    froglady98 Posts: 10
    I really want to do squats, but I try and fail each time..I always seem to bend my back as I go down and cant keep it straight, is it still okay to do them like that?

    Try wall squats with a ball in the small of your back! It really helps with stability! I also tend to fall ot:wink: herwise
  • colpol1
    colpol1 Posts: 59 Member
    Your legs legs look very similar to mine when I first started this journey. I started walking and biking a lot (at least an hour a day), and on top of that I was also doing some POP Pilates workouts that targeted inner thighs. I a still very unhappy with my legs but they are continuing to change with time. Don't get discouraged, I'm sure you will start seeing results soon!

    POP pilates? never heard of that before but will be looking it up! Seems like I have a good few things to try out :) will mix them up a little..I also have an exercise bike so I will start using that again with the crosstrainer!
    It sucks you're still unhappy with your legs :( but like you said, they will change :) like mine hopefully will soon too :p
  • colpol1
    colpol1 Posts: 59 Member
    Try wall squats with a ball in the small of your back! It really helps with stability! I also tend to fall otherwise

    Thank you for that! I just need a ball now =p
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    they look fine to me....don't worry about it
  • cyurt
    cyurt Posts: 37 Member
    cycling!!! it kills and i cant stand it but its totally worth it.....
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    squats are, and always will be the best leg exercise option

    in my honest opinion, squats > running

    depending on how much you are overweight i would stay away from running, most individuals lack proper form and just end up putting a lot of pressure on the joints and ultimately speeding up energy. Treadmill = bad. Stationary bike, elliptical = your best friend.

    and squats are proven to help strengthen your knees anyway, if going to proper depth that is

    I really want to do squats, but I try and fail each time..I always seem to bend my back as I go down and cant keep it straight, is it still okay to do them like that?

    do them without any weights at all at first. focus on form. if you can't do a squat without bending your back, you probably need to also do some stretching and work on your flexibility.

    in the meantime, my thoughts are that running does legs a large amount of goodness.
  • reddi2roll
    reddi2roll Posts: 356 Member
    Bike riding will really tone your legs. There is also a work out called Barre 3 that is a mixture of ballet, pilates and yoga that would be helpful.
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    I trimmed my legs down about 4 inches a piece with gradual weight loss and pilates. I tend to carry some weight in my legs, and while they're still not small they're very shapely.

    Unfortunately, spot reducing isn't possible, but with persistence you can trim them down.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Jillian Michaels' DVDs 30 Day Shred and No More Trouble Zones are fab for getting shape to your legs (lots of lunges and squats which will show you proper form). I also love hiking and running for giving my legs definition. Nothing gives your legs tone like walking up big hills all day!
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Squats. Yoga. Rock climbing. Stairs.
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    I really want to do squats, but I try and fail each time..I always seem to bend my back as I go down and cant keep it straight, is it still okay to do them like that?

    If you can't squat without bending over, hold your hands flat against the wall, or better yet, grab a chair or table and hold onto it. make sure you engage the movement by bringing your hips back, not by bending at the knees. look forward and hold your head up, this will help you keep from bending your back. Ensure youe shins remain straigh upright, and get your hip flexers just past level with your knees before pressing you. when you come up, press out with your knees, most people tend to buckle inward which can cause irritation and knee pain. Once you have perfected that, get rid of the chair! Once you perfect that, move on to Burpees!!!