Picture of my legs ( you're warned! ) what exercise?



  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Dear Squats,

    I love you...

    Yours Truly :)

  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    Dear Squats,

    I love you...

    Yours Truly :)

    this guy is the bomb. listen to him.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    Squats, Lunges, etc will help tone them, but you may always have thick legs. Nothing wrong with that at all, thick legs are much sexier than skinny little stick legs any day.

    Genetics may play a role in it as well. Granted I'm a man, so it's more "acceptable" but I have huge thighs that I got from my Dad. Even when I don't work out they are huge and cut, a light flex and I can see every muscle group in my thighs...my 2 1/2 year old son is the same way....and I'm not joking. At 2.5 years old you can see the muscles in his legs and they are easily 2x larger than my friend's son who is the same age.
  • SteveCabral94
    SteveCabral94 Posts: 73 Member
    squats are, and always will be the best leg exercise option

    in my honest opinion, squats > running

    depending on how much you are overweight i would stay away from running, most individuals lack proper form and just end up putting a lot of pressure on the joints and ultimately speeding up energy. Treadmill = bad. Stationary bike, elliptical = your best friend.

    and squats are proven to help strengthen your knees anyway, if going to proper depth that is

    I really want to do squats, but I try and fail each time..I always seem to bend my back as I go down and cant keep it straight, is it still okay to do them like that?
    The best way to start off is to stand with your back against a wall and just squat your body wieght. it will help you keep it straight.
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