Starting Supreme 90 On Thursday!



  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    I felt like I was going to die during Tabata and Cardio Challenge...they definitely test you. Today was my second go round on Ultimate Ball-I definitely did better. The pikes and one legged planks are my undoing. I think it's a combo of my core not being very strong and my ball being junk. It's supposed to be an average 65cm ball but my hubby and I just measured it and it's more like 60 plus it's very flimsy. Mine goes halfway down when I put my weight on it, plus it rolls all over the place. I've been checking some out online and it looks like the higher quality ones actually have some sand in them to keep them from moving too much. I'll be looking into buying a new one later this week.

    I did Cardio Challenge yesteday. I definitely start to drag around the halfway mark, but I was able to get through it. I'm mad because I got 2 seconds away from going the entire 30 seconds on the plank jacks and my body wimped out. I know when you hit failure, you shouldn't push through, but I was irked with my legs for quitting. :)

    Another thing for me to get used to on CC is using lighter weights and going faster on the moves. Because it's a metabolic cardio workout and not a resistance workout, I need to pick weights that I can move quickly and controlled. I tend to pick heavier weights and move slower, which is not the point of the workout.

    One legged planks on the ball = pratfalls for me. I just do them on the floor for now and will attempt them on the ball again when I get a sturdier one.

    Your exercise ball sounds like it's the twin of mine. Mine also loses air like crazy. So much so that I hear it hissing during the workout. Thanks for the tip about the ones that are slightly weighted with sand.
  • LeeBee2012
    LeeBee2012 Posts: 94 Member
    Just finished Total Body! A great short workout perfect before heading to work. I am still sore from the back/shoulders/tri vid the day before. I am not following it in the order from the calendar. I am just mainly focusing on the upper body and core segments so I already get a lot of cardio from running and zumba. I do like the tabata inferno, but the plyo is a lot of jarring on my knees. Cardio Challenge is not as bad, as everyone mentioned, but again, I'm mainly focusing on arms and shoulders to get tank top ready!
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Just finished Total Body! A great short workout perfect before heading to work. I am still sore from the back/shoulders/tri vid the day before. I am not following it in the order from the calendar. I am just mainly focusing on the upper body and core segments so I already get a lot of cardio from running and zumba. I do like the tabata inferno, but the plyo is a lot of jarring on my knees. Cardio Challenge is not as bad, as everyone mentioned, but again, I'm mainly focusing on arms and shoulders to get tank top ready!

    Sounds great LeeBee! :flowerforyou:

    Today was cardio challenge for me...still hate it! :laugh: It was particularly hard today to do any of the upper body work as my arms/shoulders/back are still screaming from yesterday's use of heavier weights. But I'm proud of myself! I'm pushing through and I can tell I'm getting stronger and that's what this is all about!
  • LeeBee2012
    LeeBee2012 Posts: 94 Member
    Today was cardio challenge for me...still hate it! :laugh: It was particularly hard today to do any of the upper body work as my arms/shoulders/back are still screaming from yesterday's use of heavier weights. But I'm proud of myself! I'm pushing through and I can tell I'm getting stronger and that's what this is all about!

    Are you starting to see the results? I just finished doing core dynamics. I love that one because its nice and quick and i still feel like I get a good workout. I am starting to notice that a lot of my clothes that had gotten snug are starting to fit better. So I am hopeful that it is working. Cheers to you for surviving cardio challenge and for using heavier weights the day before. You rock!
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Today was cardio challenge for me...still hate it! :laugh: It was particularly hard today to do any of the upper body work as my arms/shoulders/back are still screaming from yesterday's use of heavier weights. But I'm proud of myself! I'm pushing through and I can tell I'm getting stronger and that's what this is all about!

    Are you starting to see the results? I just finished doing core dynamics. I love that one because its nice and quick and i still feel like I get a good workout. I am starting to notice that a lot of my clothes that had gotten snug are starting to fit better. So I am hopeful that it is working. Cheers to you for surviving cardio challenge and for using heavier weights the day before. You rock!

    I've dropped 2.8lbs. in my first 15 days; I'm hoping to drop another 2lbs by the end of the first 30 days. I'll take my measurements again at that point. I definitely feel stronger, especially in my upper body which is where I'm the weakest-next to my core! I'm definitely proud of that accomplishment!
    I haven't done core dynamics yet-looking forward to some new DVDs here soon!
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    Hi, all. I haven't quit. I've just been too lazy to post updates. :)

    Since the first three weeks are the same, it's a good gauge to measure progress. I'm able to do more reps now and complete more circuits than I could at the beginning. I'm even able to do a few tricep pushups and pushup rows!

    I'm now on Day 22 and notice that I won't have to deal with Tabata or Ultimate Ball for almost two weeks. I am *so* heartbroken about that. But seriously, I'm looking forward to doing Total Body today and Core Dynamics tomorrow and the whole new rotation for that matter. I'm not getting bored, but I do need some fresh workouts.

    I finally used light weights for Cardio Challenge and felt like I got more out of the workout. It's cardio, not strength and I can do the weighted moves faster and with better form holding light weights.

    Looking ahead at the month two schedule, I'm thinking of altering it. I've worked the calendar to where Saturdays are my rest days, but the way month two is scheduled, the rest days will move to Wednesday. Saturday is my errand/cleaning day, so I know I won't have time to work out. I wonder what genius thought that altering the 6 days on/1 day off for week 4 to nine straight days was a good idea.

    As for progress, I'm seeing physical changes. I have non flex definition in my arms, shoulders, and thighs and my waist looks a little smaller. My clothes feel looser and my back rolls aren't as prominent in my tighter fitting tops. I tried on a size 6 skirt that fit when I bought it last fall, but that I could not zip up last month. I still could not zip it up all the way, but the zipper stopped only an inch from the top instead of the 3 inches of last month.

    Today, I'm wearing a shirt that I bought 2 months ago that I've never worn due to my back fat. It's a small and the day I bought it, I tried it on the medium as well. The medium was a little loose and I knew that I'd be working on losing weight, so I bought the smaller size. It's gratifying to be able to wear it today and not be self concious. The back rolls are there, but they are ripples instead of the waves that they were in May.

    With that being said, I had planned to weigh and measure myself on day 30, but I'm afraid to. Even though I see and feel changes, a part of me thinks that it's in my head or it's wishful thinking and that I will be disappointed with the actual results. Like I will have only lost a pound or a 1/4 inch off my waist or something like that. I just don't want to get discouraged if I'm not doing as numerically well as I think I am.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    That's great progress Matiara!! Take your measurements-I think you'll be surprised!

    I'm almost done with my first three weeks. I too am looking forward to not dealing with Tabata Inferno and Cardio Challenge for a bit...I love that it's one hell of a workout but I'm just not a fan of that crazy cardio!

    Onwards and upwards everyone!
  • LeeBee2012
    LeeBee2012 Posts: 94 Member
    I did cardio challenge yesterday and it wasn't so bad. I enjoyed the 30 second breaks. The bear crawl and plank jacks were brutal. Taking a day off today. My body is not as sore as earlier this month, so that's definitely a good sign!
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    Did Total Body yesterday for the first time and I am sore today for the first time in a couple of weeks.

    I shocked myself because I was actually able to do a few Plyo pushups, including the hand clap. That's insane to me.
  • shaybuggie
    shaybuggie Posts: 160 Member
    It's a really great workout! But there's one point in which you workout 9 days straight! Now, I don't follow their recommended rest days to a T, but I follow the vid order very strictly. I also tried pyle push ups (or whatever it's called) and can't do it to save y life! Lol Get ready for some intense cardio (and strength too), and good luck!