Cramming Our Brains NOT Our Faces! - Week 2

loren Posts: 111
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
So let's start this new feed for weigh ins.... ANYONE FEEL FREE TO INTRODUCE YOURSELF AND JOIN IN!


  • loren
    loren Posts: 111
    So I cheated Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.... Unfortunately I'm up 2 lbs :(. SO....

    SW: 144
    Week 2: 146.6
  • loren
    loren Posts: 111
    So I cheated Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.... Unfortunately I'm up 2 lbs :(. SO....

    SW: 144
    Week 2: 146.6
  • Last Week - 120 lbs
    This Week - 119 lbs? O.O That's what my scale said after going to the bathroom (I just woke up), but I'm using a different scale today. ohwell When I get on my digital scale at my parent's place, I'll know for real. The digital scale always reads higher. grumble

    Btw my target is .5 pounds per week.
    I'm hoping to break my plateau once school starts. I'm actually more active during the school year. Plus I'll actually have a seminormal sleep cycle. laugh

    Note: This is weird. There are like two of the same threads.
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    I"m Silver.

    SW: 188
    CW: 184
    GW: 145

    My goal is to continue losing at 2 lbs per week. I'm been doing pretty good at it that past 2 weeks.
  • ecoker06
    ecoker06 Posts: 15


    I LOST FIVE POUNDS LAST WEEK!!!! but its all because i'm sad that my boyfriend just moved to az for college/baseball :(

    ToDaY WiLL bE a GrEaT dAy!
  • SW: 199lbs
    Week 2: 198lbs
    GW: 125lbs

    Not a big loss...but hey, it's SOMETHING! At least I'm not UP, right? :laugh:

    Great job ladies! Keep up the great work!
  • i haven't had a chance to go to the gym (where the scale is) today but will post again when i do. i cheated a bit this weekend (especially saturday) but was pretty good yesterday so hopefully i'll at least see a little loss. when i weighed myself yesterday i was up 3lbs from the day before but i'm hoping that was just the drinks from saturday night and that hopefully some of that will come off quickly ( wish me luck! and y'all are doing awesome!
  • okay just went to the gym for a few minutes to weigh in andddd...


    not fabulous, in fact 3 lbs up from where i was last week (154.5), but still down 1.4 lbs from yesterday! hopefully i'll be able to get down a little more over the course of this week and have a less crazy weekend (although that's never really guaranteed...) plus i've been going to the gym like a maniac lately so maybe some of it is muscle? i don't know but can always hope i guess.

    so i guess SW: 154.5, CW: 157.6, and GW: 125
  • I'm up a pound!!
    I did have some things to drink Friday night but other than that I've been eating healthy and going to the gym everyday. Maybe next week will be better.

    I have a long way to go.
  • loren
    loren Posts: 111
    I'm all for changing weigh in day to Friday haha! I cheat on the weekends and I think a lot of us are still carrying around water weight from eating/drinking bad. If everyone wants to keep weigh in day Monday then that's fine too. What do ya'll think?
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    My normal weigh in day is Friday's so Fridays are good for me. I weigh in on wednesdays for my other thread I'm following.
  • wks7777
    wks7777 Posts: 230
    Didnt lose anything this week cuz i cheated this weekend :( so still 150
  • I'm all for changing weigh in day to Friday haha! I cheat on the weekends and I think a lot of us are still carrying around water weight from eating/drinking bad. If everyone wants to keep weigh in day Monday then that's fine too. What do ya'll think?

    I know some people are opposed to weighing in more than once a week, but could we maybe do weigh-ins on Friday AND Monday? Because I know weighing in yesterday after two nights of drinking gave me a lot of motivation to work hard this week to get it off. So maybe like a baseline kind of thing on Friday and then a motivation weigh-in on Monday? Or maybe make the weigh-in day Wednesday as a half-way point? I don't know those are just a few thoughts.
  • I really like the idea of two weigh ins, Friday and Monday, or Friday and Wednesday. One of them could be optional -- the Wednesday one for example -- so people who only weigh once a week would not feel pressured to weigh in more than once. Otherwise, Friday works for me, if that's the will of the group. :)

    Random Happy: I just power-walked 3.2 miles, and "slow walked" for 30 minutes...that's over 300 calories burned and one day closer to a stronger, healthier body. I feel good!
  • truedecember
    truedecember Posts: 151 Member
    Hey everyone! I agree that Mondays might not be the best time to weight in... lol... but Fridays sounds great :D For me it also depends on when I can make it to the gym to use the scale. But I'm sure I didn't lose anything this week. In fact I'm pretty positive I didn't :blushing:

    So here's to making this week GREAT!!
  • hi! i'm martha & i'm joining this fun little group! i'm currently a freshman, not too worried about gaining the freshman fifteen though bc i'm vegan & there's nothing for me to eat here. so here it goes.

    SW: 155
    CW: 126
    GW: 110

    i was 128 last week, so i lost 2 pounds! whoohoo! i guess that's what happens when all you can eat is the salad bar lol.
  • I like the idea of two weigh ins also. Friday and Monday. It's good to know how the weekend affects weight. :smile:
  • loren
    loren Posts: 111
    I was back down to my pre-weekend weight this morning! :) 144.2............ I have only gone one day without cheating but I'm already so tired of being hungry. How is everyone else doing?
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    I snuck a weigh in in and I was 183.2! Tomorrow is my weigh in for my other thread, so I"m hoping it says the same thing tomorrow morning!
  • i was down to my pre-weekend weight this morning - 154.6 - i was so excited, and then had a good workout, a good food day and am not planning to go out tonight (who'd have thought i'd be happy to have studying to do so i could avoid going out and getting trashed!) so i'm pretty happy! yay!
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