Cramming Our Brains NOT Our Faces! - Week 2



  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    Elsyetoplin, that's great! Yay, for studying! Keep up the great work!
  • truedecember
    truedecember Posts: 151 Member
    UGH to roommates who are AWESOME cooks and make a pre-first-day-of-class meal of pasta/meat sauce, bruscetta, a mozzerella/tomato/asparagus salad, and cupcakes!!!

    I swear, the week I finally make it without going over calories is going to be amazing...
  • UGH to roommates who are AWESOME cooks and make a pre-first-day-of-class meal of pasta/meat sauce, bruscetta, a mozzerella/tomato/asparagus salad, and cupcakes!!!

    I swear, the week I finally make it without going over calories is going to be amazing...

    a mozzerella/tomato/asparagus salad sounds AMAZING. Does it happen to be low cal? It sounds like it would be. And are your roommates nice enough to give you the recipe. lol.

    By the way. Down to 275 this morning. 4 pounds down from my weekend weight.
  • kroger7
    kroger7 Posts: 124 Member
    yikes, roommates sound dangerous! That's one reason I'm looking forward to going back to school to my little bachelor apartment all alone lol no more temptation from my boyfriend' fast food addiction, or my brothers' and dad's constant snacking :laugh: all alone, i can only buy what is good to eat...and hopefully not run out and buy a bag of those little halloween candies that are on sale everywhere now :grumble: hehehe
  • You guys are all lucky. I'm already in my second week of school.
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    I don't go school and I only have my daughter. I do buy her little treats though. I've been very good about not eating her little treats. I'll give her one of the treats and eat an apple instead!
    pre-weekend weight: 154.
    and here's to hoping this three-day weekend (!!!!!) will be good...i'm going out of town (to san antonio!) but i don't think i'll be going out so hopefully i'll be okay.
    have a good weekend!
  • Hey guys. I'm trying to find snacks, other than granola bars, that can easily be brought to class. My schedule is such that I often don't have time for a proper lunch and so I need something i can eat in class. Any ideas? Thanks!
  • veggies just try not to crunch so much. My teachers didn't mind. grapes work well too.
  • truedecember
    truedecember Posts: 151 Member
    Aaaaand the hard part of the week is here... dang weekends! I already have the urge to have a few drinks and grab some Taco Bell.... or a donut from our donut shop that is open until 2am..... ugh, being at school and losing weight is HARD!!
  • Totally craving a hamburger and fries today! >_< I've been going from 119 to 120 all month LONG! >_< HOPEFULLY, when I start P90x next week that will start changing. Gotta change my workout routine. That's what got me started on losing weight in the first place. So...-crosses fingers- :wink:
  • Aaaaand the hard part of the week is here... dang weekends! I already have the urge to have a few drinks and grab some Taco Bell.... or a donut from our donut shop that is open until 2am..... ugh, being at school and losing weight is HARD!!

    And this is why I'm glad that I'm one of the rare few that doesn't drink. I just really do not get it. Tastes nasty. Just remember if you have alcohol in your system, the body will try to rid of the alcohol first as it's a toxin and doesn't even metabolize (so you get absolutely nothing nutrition wise from it) and then the carbs and finally the fat. So the chances of you losing fat while drinking alcohol every day or even a couple times a week are...small as in you've got to work extra hard at the gym. :noway: If you're going to be miserable after eating said donut or Taco Bell (which I totally do not trust :sick:), just don't.
  • kroger7
    kroger7 Posts: 124 Member
    yeah, until i started trying to lose weight i felt like a weirdo for not drinking very often (i do once every 3 or 4 months) now i'm happy i at least don't have THAT holding me back as well. doughnuts on the other hand....:laugh:
  • truedecember
    truedecember Posts: 151 Member
    Yeah I actually have decided I'm going to try not drinking at all... it's going to be weird because I go to a big party school, but I am not THAT into the party scene so hopefully it won't be too hard! I just feel horrible every time I drink... but yeah resisting the doughnuts is hard lol...
  • yeah drinking has definitely been the biggest challenge for me, too. i go to a huge party school (TULANE - #19 party school in the country, and in the city of MARDI GRAS) plus i'm in a sorority so drinking is a huge part of my social life, and is probably what caused me to gain weight last year. i've only been going out on the weekends so far, and this year i went away with a friend for the weekend, so i'm not at school for one of the really big party weekends. hopefully that'll start off next week right so i can actually lose some weight next week and get closer to my goal before next weekend almost definitely throws it off a little.
  • Weigh in tommorow! Hows everyone feeling?
  • Great school/purse snacks: Almonds or trailmix is great, little manderine oranges are yummy and help if your tired, but bring a wetnap cuz your fingers will get sticky
  • I guess i'm the first for the monday Crew!!! i didn't exercize at all last week, its so hard to get motivated and school and work are so crazy...HELP!!!

    but i lost .2 pounds which is way better than gaining so yeay!

    SW: 149
    CW: 133.4
    GW: 125
  • kroger7
    kroger7 Posts: 124 Member
    actually we started a new thread for this week :)
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