Calling all Mommies!



  • Proverbs31Stacey
    Proverbs31Stacey Posts: 2 Member
    I am a recovering workaholic mama of three. 8, 3, 1! I am a homeschooling mama. My 8 yr old daughter and I arr taking a college course suring the year for okanagan first nations language curtenyly i am teaching us till sept. I write alot of our curriculm and my just turning threr year old will be doin his second year of preschool. My husband and I own our own bussiness. I do all merchandising on my down time and go in daily with the kids to do bank post office ect. I go to the gym twice a werk and i am currenyly writting a mom luncheon study lessons fory moms group on frugal spending and making our own products suh as soap, food allfrom scratch! Feel free to add me!
  • flamax
    flamax Posts: 17 Member
    sending request now!!!!
  • OfficiallySexyVal
    OfficiallySexyVal Posts: 492 Member
    I am a single mom of a 1year old little boy, I work full time along with a 3 hour daily commute! All mommy's welcome to add me as well!
  • readyforthejourney
    Mom of one, (hoping for number two/working on it) Hubby, and I work full time one week days next week evenings. I will be adding you...Great topic, great community. You all reading this can add me too if you would like!
  • valerie521
    valerie521 Posts: 140 Member
    me too
    mommy+hubby+toddler+working fulltime+elderly parents+doggie = BUSY (and CRAZY)

    Add me :)
  • gerirojas
    gerirojas Posts: 101 Member
    Mommie of 4 I feel ya
  • aprillynn329
    aprillynn329 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm sending a request, too. Just rejoined today. Mom of 2, an almost 7 year old boy and a 5 month old girl, oh yea and a 34 year old husband... Working fulltime as a nurse.
  • cleorh
    cleorh Posts: 44 Member
    Hi I am a mummy to 4 wonderful children, 3 boys and 1 girl, feel free to add me as a friend, always need support xxxx
  • misfit34
    misfit34 Posts: 104 Member
    I am a wife and mother with full time job. sending request now!
  • sheiwat
    sheiwat Posts: 47
    Hey...I am a mother of three..ages 14,9, and 4 month old (whew). Also work as a full-time nurse.
  • AlsonChurch
    Mom to 2 yr old twins and a 3 month old. Have any of you added breast feeding to the "exercise"? If so, how and how did you determine calories burned? Thanks!!
  • BriaMc
    BriaMc Posts: 177 Member
    Feel free to add me everyone. I am a mommy to one beatiful 3.5 year old girl. I am a stay at home mom, and student and love fitness and living a healthy lifestyle. I'm on here like 50 times a day :P
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Hi there, I'm a married mother of 3, ages 23, 17, and 14! I work outside the home (I teach) but when my kids were small I was a stay at home mama. So I know how it is on both sides of the fence :)

    Anyone feel free to add me! :smile:
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    Full time working mommy here too. Feel free to add me ladies! I work 5 days a week in NYC, commute almost 4 hours a day and have a husband, child, home, dogs and family that require more than most of my attention. Yet I've still lost over 20 lbs. If I can do it. You can to!
  • ElviraCross
    ElviraCross Posts: 331 Member
    anyone can add me, I'm married with a 9 month old girl!
  • lifesazoo
    lifesazoo Posts: 118
    Mom of 3 here- 14, 6, and 3. I juggle my 3 kids, stepson, 7 dogs, cats, chickens, and rabbits on a small wannabe farm. I don't live near sidewalks, so walking isn't as easy as I would like it to be.

    Would love friends to help motivate and support. I've completely changed my lifestyle in the past week and couldn't be happier with my choice. I finally had my breaking point and gave up all of my crutches. Food is not what makes us happy- we are.
  • lookatdmoon
    First time mom here of a 11 month old. I work full time and sometimes up to 60 hrs. Hubby owns his biz and literally works 24/7 - Everday from spring to winter since it's a seasonal job. He spends time with her in the morning before the sitter and I have my time with her at night. It's been a challenge getting workouts in as I balance everything at night. My daughter definitely comes first and I do all else after she sleeps.

    I've been on this journey many times, but it was different before where I was a gym/bootcamp rat and now I've shifted to at home dvds and in the building gym.

    Feel free to add me. :)