HELP:I just ate a whole pizza by myself



  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    I ate a whole thin crust pizza from Dominos tonight. I'm not going to lie, I really enjoyed it! I'm under my calories too and I feel fine. It wasn't the best choice of meal but I'll try to eat healthier tomorrow. You can do the same, no damage done :o)
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    stressing about what's already done is going to do your blood pressure more harm than the sodium you consumed.
  • chrisjathompson
    chrisjathompson Posts: 227 Member
    Next time order a better pizza. I ate a whole pizza yesterday and it didn't really affect my day. My meals are open, so feel free to have a look.

    I had a small thin crust from Dominos with light cheese, light sauce, light chicken, green peppers, banana peppers. I thought it was the best pizza I have had in a long time. I plan to have it again later next week.

    Don't avoid foods you like, cause that's too much effort. Find a way to make those foods your friend. I am liking this change so far because I am finding new favourite foods, and I am not eating the same supper everyday.

    Try and find restaurants that have healthy food that deliver and keep a list of their phone numbers. Also, you might have delivery companies in town that will pick up whatever you ask them too. This helps too since it's too easy to just pick up the phone, dial the number, and have the pizza girl ask if you want your regular order.
  • SarasMommy13
    You'll live.

    Wish I had pizza.

    Just drink plenty of water like you're doing and tomorrow is a new day!
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    If you didn't go over your calories then it hardly matters. Sodium, shmodium, it just makes you gain temporary water weight. Hardly vital in the weight loss battle.

    Is it possible to eat a whole large pizza and not go over your calories?

    That! Pizza is probably my all time favorite food (of course you are a LOT younger than me) and I would love to be able to eat half of that without going over calories ;-) but truly it is only one day let it go and you'll be fine:laugh:
  • jackiecamarena
    jackiecamarena Posts: 290 Member
    I was supposed to go for pizza tonight with some friends, but plans fell through. I hate you all. I want pizza. :sad:
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    YOU ARE FINE! Just drink a bunch of water, and if you ate high in sodium dont step on the scale for awhile. Maybe you arent eating enough calories or are depriving yourself... You should enjoy anything in moderation. And i think the only way you should worry about this situation if it happens every single day.... Just pick yourself up and move on!
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    The only shame is that it was pizza hut and not Dominos.

    Seriously don't beat yourself up. If I had gone as long as you without cheating, I would have eaten a pizza, a half gallon of ice cream, and probably a small wandering pet.
    DAASE Posts: 12 Member
    As long as you're aware of what you ate and you have remorse then you'll be just fine. We all have temporary setbacks and we can't beat ourselves up over it. Look it in the face and move on. Remember to try and wait 10 min. after your first serving to determine if you're still "hungry". Perhaps you're just bored (been there). It's over and done with, now it's time to get out and have a good walk :smile:
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    Sounds awesome :D Relax! I had half a thing crust last week and doing fine, came in well under cals too, so you probably didn't go too far over in the long run either.
  • jackiecamarena
    jackiecamarena Posts: 290 Member
    The only shame is that it was pizza hut and not Dominos.

    Seriously don't beat yourself up. If I had gone as long as you without cheating, I would have eaten a pizza, a half gallon of ice cream, and probably a small wandering pet.

    Dominos is theeee best.
  • rvezirian
    rvezirian Posts: 8 Member
    Peeps, the OP said in her post she is not worried about the calories.

    Sounds like she has high blood pressure (?) and wants to know if a sodium binge can hurt her and is looking for a way to undo it. Personally, I don't know the answer but that is what she's asking. Somebody said plenty of fluids. I'm guessing a diuretic might also help? I don't know.
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    I heard someone say once that giving up on a diet because you cheated one day is like smashing your iPhone with a hammer because you dropped it.

    Going over on your sodium will probably not result in your untimely death overnight. Drink some water and go to the gym tomorrow. No biggie.
  • lpina2mi
    lpina2mi Posts: 425 Member
    Stuff happens--you dealt with it with the extra hydration--you owned your responsibility. Now make a game plan to engineer that it can't happen again, such as no driving into a Pizza Hut or any other processed food chain. You were craving salt + fat + the feeling the fullness. Now it is time to dissect further.

    You said that you could not control your hunger. This sounds like you are hungry much of the time. That is the real issue that needs changing. Losing weight should not be a fight you are having with yourself. It is a retraining camp, where you are defining a healthier way to nourish your body.

    That feeling of fullness can be satisfied with legumes. Go to recipes and start collecting all sorts of bean dishes and put them into your menu several times every week. Legumes are a carb--but they also provide more nutrition than most breads or pastas or pizza crusts AND THEY PROVIDE FIBER.

    Other high volume foods the have plenty of nutrition are soups and salads. Pair these foods with proteins and/or good fats, because by themselves they will not keep you feeling full for very long.

    I specified goods fats--and there are many out there, because transfats should be avoided, but there are many mono & poly unsaturated and even some amount of saturated fats should be a part of most healthy diets. My favorites are olive oil, sesame oil, butter, coconut oil. I use these liberally when I cook, as well as herbs & spices. And I am not going hungry nor feeling hungry.

    In addition to increasing the amount of fat in my diet, I have a conservative amount of carbs from grains and grain-based foods AND I have severely restricted sugar--not eliminated, just keeping it to under 30g daily. Sugar can play into cravings.

    Look into whether too much sugar or abundant grains or not enough fats could be a root cause in your hunger.
  • BrittanyErica
    BrittanyErica Posts: 74 Member
    When I am really hungry, I try to eat a big portion of veggies first - helps take up some room so I don't eat as much of the rest of the

    uhm.. veggies are, in most cases, pure carbs.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    i dont think that would drastically effect your blood sugar. just keep that water coming in, stay away from the scale a day or 2 because you prolly will bloat from the sodium, and move on to the next day. does that happen to you a lot? i know if i have binges, it's because i have been depriving my body and it needs fuels, or something may be going on in my life and i eat instead. if you really just were mad hungry and it was tasty, then try to drink a glass or 2 of water beforehand, have like a salad or some veggies/fruit that way instead of the whole pizza, you will go good with a couple slices. dont make it your main meal, if you eat other healthy filling stuff with it then you will only want a slice or 2, while you fill up on a salad and nuts or something. dont let it get you down though, it happens to many of us
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Will I be okay for the night?

    Are you serious asking this? Do you have a BP condition, or are you just being dramatic? If not I think you'll live.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    The only shame is that it was pizza hut and not Dominos.

    Seriously don't beat yourself up. If I had gone as long as you without cheating, I would have eaten a pizza, a half gallon of ice cream, and probably a small wandering pet.

    Dominos is theeee best.

    eww on both pizzas. although i am a pizza snob from new york so none of that chain crap LOL. i kid...:laugh:
  • Elsos14051
    Try this. Click on link. wrk for me great all the time when I want to eat that much pizza.
  • tamaralaine1970
    First calm down and forgive your self. Keep drinking water. Go for a walk not a power walk but a reasonable pace, do not let the stress get you over exited that will cause more harm then the pizza. Yes you went over but that is something that can be delt with, Do not panic just begin again, now . have a salad for dinner, with more water, if your sodium levels are high then you need water to keep flushing your system out the best thing is to start again and not to let yourself stress out over this.