Detox- does anyone recommend it. I have never tried it

Hi guys, i read often about detox ...has anyone ever tried it; is it effective and is it healthy to do?


  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    What kind of detox? That always makes me think of drugs/alcohol detoxing. What effects are you hoping to achieve?
  • bethmac_va
    bethmac_va Posts: 65
    Personally, I think they are dangerous. I was thinking about doing a juice "fast" and found this article. I'd already made up my mind not to do it but this article covers the dangers pretty well...
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    You have an amazing detoxifying organ in your body, the liver. Don't overstrain it with alcohol and too much junk and it'll do its job quite nicely.
  • joankpoirier
    joankpoirier Posts: 281 Member
    I have a couple of family and friends that have completed this process and noticed a big difference.
    if done correctly, as more of a cleanse Using whole foods and grains. there are some Great health benefits.
    But again it has to be done RIGHT
    "Increase energy, lose weight, and lower your cholesterol in 21 days. In just 3 weeks, Ultimate Reset will help your body get rid of the toxins you've been taking in for decades. This gentle, no-starvation cleanse helps restore your body to its optimal "factory settings," so you can feel, look, and be healthier than before.*"
  • CorrieJane
    CorrieJane Posts: 249 Member
    I just did my first ever juice cleanse!! You have to do it right-make sure you are getting the proper nutrients and think of it as a cleanse more then a fast. They get dangerous when people think of them as a "lose 10 pounds quick!!" kind of thing. As another responder said, our bodies have a wonderful detoxing system-the thing is, with so much processed food in todays typical diet, our livers can't keep up and "toxins" can build up in our cells. I was so nervous about doing my juice cleanse, but I found the whole process to be incredible. I did mine through a local juice cafe in my town-the lady who owns the cafe made me 3 or 4 juices and 2 broths for each day, I would pick up the next days juice the night before. Also, before I did my 3 days of just juice, I had 5 full days of "prep" where I eliminated or greatly reduced meat, dairy, alcohol, sugar and caffine from my diet so I didn't totally shock my body when I started juicing. Then afterwards I had 5 days of slowly re-introducing those foods back into my diet.

    The cafe I did mine through actually hosts group cleanses every few weeks, with a licensed nutritionist who keeps an online forum for the group to chat, swap receipes during prep week and lend support to each other during the cleanse. They do this group cleanse over weekends, and I work weekends, s I opted to do mine on my own schedule, but you might want to check around your town for a juice cafe-doing it in a group might be easier, especially the first time.

    The thing that was most rewarding for me was not the physical benefits, but the mental ones. If you had asked me before I did this if I thought I could basicly go vegan for a week, then go 3 whole days consuming nothing but juice and water, I would have said no way. However, I did it, and I did it completely, no cheating. It also changed the way I looked at food, and has helped me mentally every day since I broke my fast. It was a very empowering experience, and I'm thankful that I did it. I really did feel better afterwards, and it has helped me control my eating-food has always been my weakness, and I needed this tough mental food "challenge" to really get my head in the right place.

    I also recommend watching the documentary "Fat Sick and Nearly Dead". It's available on Netflix, and it follows one mans journey as he travels while on a 60-day juice fast. His story is amazing.

    Best of luck to you if you decide to try a detox. Again, make sure you give your body all the nutrients you need-I didn't have the knowledge to make my own juices properly, so I found someone to make them for me. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like as well!!
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I think the benefits are psychosomatic rather than physical.

    As Berry mentioned, your liver is designed to detox your body and unless you are hammering it with booze and junk - and I mean hammering it, not enjoying the odd pizza & beer - it will detox your body in 24 hrs, every 24 hrs and doesn't really need to be given any special detox treatments.

    Your kidneys also filter out a lot of daily crap too.

    There's certainly no harm in doing a detox or fast for a short period, but it should never be seen as a long-term solution to weight loss and you should always consult your GP if you have any worries.

    More importantly, if you do choose to follow a detox and you can't stick it more than 1-2 days, don't view it as a failure. You've given it a try, it wasn't for you, move on and find something that does work for you and your lifestyle.
  • ScubyUK
    ScubyUK Posts: 271 Member
    I completed a Juice Cleanse a couple of weeks ago. 6 x 250ml Juices (or smoothies), a day for 5 days, plus 2L of water.
    Day 1 and 2 were difficult, the Caffeine Withdrawal Headache was atrocious, but on days 3, 4 and 5 I started to feel brighter, more alert, and my skin cleared up.

    I did mention to the Nutritionist looking after me that I was finding myself getting hungry around 9 or 10 at night, so he said to add some Crudites, or some grilled Chicken Strips or a Small Salmon filet of an evening, basically something with 20g or so of Protein to help relieve the pangs.

    The idea is to help flush through all the rubbish, thus enabling the body to absorb a higher concentration of the nutrients we consume and aiding the Liver and Kidneys with their job.. It is definately NOT a substitute for a Healthy Balanced diet.

    I for one would highly recommend one.
  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    You have an amazing detoxifying organ in your body, the liver. Don't overstrain it with alcohol and too much junk and it'll do its job quite nicely.

    As Berry mentioned, your liver is designed to detox your body and unless you are hammering it with booze and junk - and I mean hammering it, not enjoying the odd pizza & beer - it will detox your body in 24 hrs, every 24 hrs and doesn't really need to be given any special detox treatments.

    Your kidneys also filter out a lot of daily crap too.

    I don't mean to hijack the thread but with the above in mind, how can people actually eat cow's liver? How disgusting is it to eat something that filters out the body's toxins. Blech!

    Anyway, the documentary "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead" is available to watch for free in the US on the site
    I'm in the process of the 15 day reboot right now, I'm doing the first 5 days plant based food and juice, the next 5 just juice and the last five plant based food and juice. Right now everything is fine, I've done plant based before so that's not a big deal for me but I am concerned about the all juice phase (headaches, lethargy, etc). The recipes are not as low calorie as one may think and they do provide proper nutrients, including protein, although low in protein. I've been drinking a green smoothie (from the site with added hemp protein powder and ground flax every day to make up some of the protein (these can also be added to the juices).

    It's worth a look at the documentary.
  • Merithyn
    Merithyn Posts: 284 Member
    I think the benefits are psychosomatic rather than physical.

    This. Plus, most people eat more crap than they realize, and not eating that for a week or so while maintaining the proper nutrients (probably for the first time ever) will definitely have an effect on your skin, energy levels, and attitude. Honestly, one doesn't need a juice purge in order to have those effects. Just double up on your fruits and veggies, minimize your bad fats, sugar, and alcohol, and voila! You've got the same thing without the extreme diet.
  • essjay76
    essjay76 Posts: 465 Member
    As a cleanse, or a quick fix to make you feel like you're lighter, it may be good to do once in a while. As a long term weight loss solution - not so ideal.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I believe it is an unnecessary process and I wouldn't recommend it.
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    If you're using any amount of drugs, or drinking alcohol in excess, yes, I suggest you detox from it.
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    I believe it is an unnecessary process and I wouldn't recommend it.

    What the friend said.
    People concerned with their bodies would benefit from understanding how it really works, it doesn't need any fashion diets or methods to regulate itself

  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    I agree with the prevailing wisdom here.

    I liked Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead but juicing is just another way of limiting calories. You'd be better off eating the whole plant and getting the satiety and digestive benefits of all that fiber you throw out.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    Detoxing is only necessary if you're an addict on drugs or alcohol.

    It's a waste of money and time. Clean up your eating, get in the right macro/micro nutrients, exercise, get rest and your body will "detox" just fine.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Are you trying to kick a heroin habit?
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    All you need to know.

    Also, from that page:
    “Helps Your Body…”: I once met an Osteopath at a small gathering. I nearly bit my tongue off as she told me about how she “helps the body heal itself.” Which is a clever way of saying “I don’t do anything, but feel free to thank me when you get better. Toodles!” Also note that if your body was really “off balance” or needed help “removing toxins.” You’d be at a real doctor, not buying herbs at CVS, because your skin would be yellow and you wouldn’t be able to stand.
  • mariamminhas
    Thanks this is really helpful. I have been reading about the Master Cleanse and agree that i need to get the nutrients right. since i am doing it for the first time i have rallyed some colleagues to do it with me so thats its a group thing and no guys i dont have any alcohol or drugs :)
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Hi guys, i read often about detox ...has anyone ever tried it; is it effective and is it healthy to do?
    Is this that coffee enema thing?
  • medaglia_06
    medaglia_06 Posts: 282 Member
    Jillian says the only thing you need to detox your body is drinking your water...