*Push Til You Drop Challenge*



  • Louisequeen1970
    2nd of July but im in................. Anything to keep me accountable..........

    CW 226lbs
    jeans size 18, I couldnt fit into them 6 wks ago. lol

    I now weigh on a Saturday, so will always be a day behind........ Always fasionably late. Thanks xx
  • peony1001
    peony1001 Posts: 8
    I'm doing a balanced carb, protein and lots of veggies meal plan. You have a small portion of carbohydrate for breakfast and lunch (e.g. 1 slice of toast, 1 pitta bread, 3 small potatoes), along with a portion of protein (e.g. lean chicken, turkey - size of your fist or palm open flat, or one egg - boiled/poached/omelette) and then as much vegetables as you like. Sounds mad but it's really difficult to each too many vegetables (steamed/raw/stir-fry in spray oil). Even if you eat like a whole broccoli and some onions and carrots, it's about 150/200 calories which is nothing compared to a piece of cake or 3 (yes, just THREE) biscuits. Then for dinner, the same proportions but I try to avoid the carbs if possible. Usually I can't, as I love carbs, but I think the portion control helps anyway as I am a carb monster otherwise. For fruit, I will have one or two pieces a day. Not too much as the fruit I like is pretty high in sugar (mangos, pineapple).

    Goal for the week is to stick to the food plan!
  • loristeck
    loristeck Posts: 6 Member
    Count me in! Just in time as I'm determined to get MOST of the weight off this month and want to work hard, eat clean and keep my head right. I'll finish my stats tonight and post.
    Weigh in this AM: 156.4
    Thanks! :-)
  • x98btg
    x98btg Posts: 8 Member
    I am in as well!

    SW: 197.6
    Clothing size: 14

    Goal: Lose 12lbs and one pant size (12)

    I will add the rest of the measurments later today.
  • katharine61
    Please count me in if you gace room for another.

    I need all the motivation I can get as I have piled lots on whilst battling clinical depression.

    I have set myself a challenge for September to complete 60k cardio

    NAME: Katharine
    Starting weight 82k
    Dress size 16 UK
  • teganpreston
    teganpreston Posts: 12 Member
    My goal for the week was to be more active!

    Started well over the weekend. Saturday spent an hour and half at dog agility training, where me and Zac (my little doggy) tore up the course.

    Sunday myself, the fiance and Zac headed down to the beach and played football for about 2 hours. I know we must have been working hard because even though it was grey and cloudy I only had a little vest top on and wasn't cold. Also Zac got so worn out he hid under the pier for a nap!

    I'm back to work today but have already stuck to my active goal by walking to the shop at lunchtime instead of driving (even though it's raining!) so I'm off to a good start and just need to keep it up for the rest of the week. Any weight loss at the end will be great!
  • thmprdale
    thmprdale Posts: 30 Member
    Hey everyone!

    My goal for this week is to get through the first week of c25k and get through one set of level one of 30DS. So far I've made it halfway through the cardio. :) I also hope to lose either a pound or an inch off my hips.

    So I accomplishes one of my goals for the week! Not only did I get through the first set but I got through the whole first day of 30 day shred! So proud! Now, onto c25k. :)
  • heaven_511
    heaven_511 Posts: 315 Member
    Count me in!

    Name: Angel
    CW: 157
    Goal: To get back down to 146 by the end of July
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    im on day 2 or 3 of low carb and yes it was hrd but manageable

    @skiny2be u hve any recipes to share also when we are far from home any suggestions when theres only fast food or restaurants? so far ive been under 50g of crbs yesterday cholesterol and protein was high tho
  • jessigrabenstetter
    I'm in!

    Name: Jess
    SW: 188
    Dress Size: 16-18
    Goal: 175
  • teganpreston
    teganpreston Posts: 12 Member
    So I accomplishes one of my goals for the week! Not only did I get through the first set but I got through the whole first day of 30 day shred! So proud! Now, onto c25k. :)

    Well done you! I really enjoyed 30DS when I did it and I can't sing the praises of C25K enough. I started that program last year with the idea of becoming a light jogger. I've now competed in loads of 10ks a few half marathons and am now training for the London Marathon next year. I remember the first time you had to do a non stop 20 min run and thinking I would never be able to do it but the program builds you up so gently that it was a breeze!

    Good luck and let us know how you get on!
  • Tammi623
    Tammi623 Posts: 113 Member
    ok so I'm having a rough start

    I went out and bought all this healthy food on Friday and I was soooo excited.

    Friday night the entire region was hit with this ridiculous storm that had trees and power lines down everywhere. So basically I lost power for 2.5 - 3 days and all of my food went bad. I couldn't go to the gym as it was literally 100 degrees with no power and I was more concerned with the near apocalyptic state that the area was in than the gym.

    Starting from Scratch!!

    I have to:

    1st: clean my house (especially the refrigerator)
    2nd: Buy more food and stock up on my exhausted emergency supplies
    3rd: GET TO THE GYM!!!!

    I’m determined to get back on track! (>.<) <- my game face lol
  • dawnM3007
    dawnM3007 Posts: 37
    Hi, I'm in!!

    Name: Dawn
    SW: 148 (as of last wk but may have gone up)
    GW: 140
    Waist: 33
    Hips: 36

    30 day goal: to continue the insanity workouts and shrink in some way, be it weight or measurements!
    And to eat healthier foods and cut out the rubbish!
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    @dawn dont worry if your doing insanity then tht w8 is muscle thats y they sy track the inches instead im currently doing insnity but not everydy i wna drop 10-15 lbs first then do it to tone up
  • thmprdale
    thmprdale Posts: 30 Member
    So I accomplishes one of my goals for the week! Not only did I get through the first set but I got through the whole first day of 30 day shred! So proud! Now, onto c25k. :)

    Well done you! I really enjoyed 30DS when I did it and I can't sing the praises of C25K enough. I started that program last year with the idea of becoming a light jogger. I've now competed in loads of 10ks a few half marathons and am now training for the London Marathon next year. I remember the first time you had to do a non stop 20 min run and thinking I would never be able to do it but the program builds you up so gently that it was a breeze!

    Good luck and let us know how you get on!

    Thank you! C25k didn't go so well this week. I learned two things: 1. Don't run after just eating or you will get the worst side stitch ever which will hurt for days and 2. Don't run on the sidewalk, try running on the grass so it'll be easier on the knees and you won't be out for days for that. Lol I'm learning as I go.

    I'm going to go weight right now to see if I made my weight/measurement goal.
  • KristinArredondo
    KristinArredondo Posts: 127 Member
    WEIGH IN IS TODAY LADIES!!!! How did everyone do!?! Honestly, I could've done way better...!

    PLEASE POST YOUR WEIGH-INS AND RESULTS HERE TODAY! Can't wait to see em! If you're like me this week, and didn't do as good as you wanted...keep your chin up, because we have a new week coming up!!

    On a side note,.,I'm really red to start my p90x again...I had great results when I did it a few months ago!
  • peony1001
    peony1001 Posts: 8
    I have lost 1 lbs since last week, which I am soooooo happy about as I didn't have a great week training-wise. Next week's going to be even better I hope!!!
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    I've lost no weight this week :( I blame the holiday food that I couldn't say no to....and my lack of will power. Oh well, i'll do better this week!
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    1.5 lbs lost but didn't eat good for 2 days an didn't workout those two days could of done better tho
  • thmprdale
    thmprdale Posts: 30 Member
    Proud of myself this week!

    SW: 219.2
    CW: 216.8

    Starting Waist/Hip: 36/45
    Current: 34.5/43.5

    Total weight lost: 2.4 lbs.
    Total inches lost: 3 in.

    Keep it up ladies! Remember, this is just the first week and a new one is about to start up!