September's "No late night snacking" Challenge



  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I ate dinner too late last night. Need to start over. Tonight, though, we'll go out with friends, so I might have some drink (non-alcoholic, though) after my cutoff. If that all it'll be, I'll be happy. :wink:
  • I've been on a roll all week! It's like the more days I go without a late night snack the more motivated I am not to break my "winning streak." I've been sleeping better at night and feeling more energized in the morning. Thanks for creating this thread. Keep up the hard work guys, it pays off!
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    Gwad I am horriable at this latenight snacking thing.:embarassed: I just started my time of the month and I love to latenight snack! Uggh!:mad: I can't stand it! I wish I could be put in jail or something with no food till the morning! LOL:laugh:
  • Today sucks! I've had....let's just say..... several Rum & Diet Cokes (and counting), not to mention the Nacho Cheese Combos to top it off. Today was horrible. Hope tomorrow is better.
  • Hope it isn't too late to join you all! This is an area of my life that needs discipline. I have three kiddos under four and I tend to eat crackers when I wake up to feed my youngest...but I really am not hungry! Ah well, I am ready to kill this habit. Alright. I am going to bed now. Wish me luck!

    P.s. my cut-off time will be 8 p.m.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    An hour ago I was happy because I thought I would go to bed with an extra 170 calories in my calorie bank, and now I'm over by 500. How's that for a late night snacking problem! I'm debating whether I can force myself to work out. :ohwell:
  • I am going to pick up on this too! I am a horrible during the evening! The one thing that helps me is keeping busy. I try to organize something, work on a project or keep myself busy someone. Painting my nails helps too because I don't want to mess them up by eating!

    Blogging on this site when I want to munch now will be even better! :o) :heart:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Thank you loads for joining me in this, ladies :flowerforyou: . Makes me want to share my progress all over again :smile: . It was a bit discouraging to post all by myself - after all, this is a forum and not a blog :tongue: . I will join the newcomers by (re)starting today: here's to our succes :drinker:
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    Welp, I did it.... :ohwell: one long lonely night with no snacking after 7pm. Feels pretty good to accomplish it but man I was so hungry when I woke up! :laugh:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Feels pretty good to accomplish it but man I was so hungry when I woke up! :laugh:

    That's the best part :laugh: . Breakfast is like a reward :happy: . Well done! See? Perceverance is the key.
  • I was really bad last night. We ordered pizza from my favorite place and I completely went overboard. It just tasted so dang awesome. Anyways, I ended up going over my calories for the day by 450 and was just waaaay too full to even move, let alone exercise. Needless to say, I feel like crap today. My body is hating me right now.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I did well. Ate past 8 p.m., but nothing more once I finished dinner. I didn't do too well on my calories, though. :ohwell:
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    I was really bad last night. We ordered pizza from my favorite place and I completely went overboard. It just tasted so dang awesome. Anyways, I ended up going over my calories for the day by 450 and was just waaaay too full to even move, let alone exercise. Needless to say, I feel like crap today. My body is hating me right now.

    I feel ya sister! I went crazy lastnight, pasta and icecream! Why O why do I have no self control:sad: . I need a shock collar or something :laugh: Welp I told my BF to have the Apt junk food free by the time I get home! We have to go healthy shopping tonight!
  • Well I'm back on track. I don't know what it is about pizza that is just so irresistible. We are going on our big grocery trip today and I have created a fantastic shopping list to keep us in line at the store :laugh:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Stephanie, keep trying. After all, the ice cream won't melt over night :laugh: . And it's tastier before noon :wink: .

    Veronica, keep it up :flowerforyou: . Lemme know what you bought which is tasty and healthy all the same - I need ideas (and will try not to read your post on empty stomach :tongue: ).

    I did incredible yesterday - one of those days when nothing went into my mouth after 6p.m. I'm not sure if I went over calories, cos I did not log the dinner, but it wasn't hard last night (was busy in the evening and then went for a long walk). It did pay off: I got rid of some water weight which had made me nuts in the morning when I got on the scale.

    It's so much easier for me to say "nothing" than to allow myself a little snack. An apple makes me want a slice of bread with something, which then makes me want something more and so on.

    So let's stay strong and keep trying, everytime we fail. Good luck, pals :wink: :flowerforyou: :glasses:
  • vitabella
    vitabella Posts: 34 Member
    Late night snacking is the whole reason i can not lose weight! I eat perfect during normal hours but once its dark outside, and I am all alone..

    My goal is, the minute dinner is over, thats it, no more food for the night. Dinner is always at the same time every night for me too 7pm.

    Eating at night can seriously sabotage your weight loss. It was how i gained weight in the first place and why i couldnt lose it. So from now on i pray i never eat at night again, and if i am starving so that i dont feel deprived i might have a small piece of fruit. OR drinking hot tea really fills me up so thats a good one too.
  • Stephanie, keep trying. After all, the ice cream won't melt over night :laugh: . And it's tastier before noon :wink: .

    Veronica, keep it up :flowerforyou: . Lemme know what you bought which is tasty and healthy all the same - I need ideas (and will try not to read your post on empty stomach :tongue: ).

    I did incredible yesterday - one of those days when nothing went into my mouth after 6p.m. I'm not sure if I went over calories, cos I did not log the dinner, but it wasn't hard last night (was busy in the evening and then went for a long walk). It did pay off: I got rid of some water weight which had made me nuts in the morning when I got on the scale.

    It's so much easier for me to say "nothing" than to allow myself a little snack. An apple makes me want a slice of bread with something, which then makes me want something more and so on.

    So let's stay strong and keep trying, everytime we fail. Good luck, pals :wink: :flowerforyou: :glasses:

    Thanks so much for your support! I'm glad you've been doing well too. It always feels so rewarding to have one of those successful days huh. Keep it up! Shopping went very well. We bought tons of fresh fruit/veggies, some very lean ground beef, chicken, whole wheat pasta, low fat cottage cheese & string cheese. I've been on a bit of a fiber kick lately, so I also got some Fiber One Cereal, yogurt and chewy bars (for snack time). I bought a few Lean Cuisines (even though a have a lot of sodium) because my fiance is going to be working out of town all week and it's just easier. I'm also going to try taking Omega 3 Fish Oil (they are really smelly, so I hope I can even get them down!). I didn't really get much in the snack dept. so I should be able to stay on track. Keep on keepin' on:wink:

    Don't worry about the slip ups (everyone has them). Just worry about the here and now. Keep can do it!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Well well... I went to a street fest yesterday, but they were packing when we got there. :ohwell: So though I had saved some calories for it, all I had was a scoop of ice cream and a fruit tea. So I came home hungry. :ohwell: (I blame the tea for it) and I just had to eat something - but I still think I was good, since I did stop while still feeling a bit hungry (what made me feel finally full was the glass of water :wink: ).

    Keep on trying, ladies, you are doing great! :flowerforyou: I'll try harder myself :wink: .
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    If it weren't for the challenge, I would have munched all night. But because of it, I only had a tomato juice after coming back from the gym and a hot tea. And that was it! :drinker:
  • I totally agree. This challenge is awesome because if I slip up I have to "confess". It's a great way to stay motivated! I'm happy to report that I stuck to my commitment last night.
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