Bad co-worker habits



  • Leslietheriot
    Leslietheriot Posts: 303 Member
    I work at a 24 hour fast food joint...the most annoying thing to me is when at 3 a.m. you only have 2 employees and a manager and you get busy and no one can be found but ME. I often wonder why am I the only person working here????
  • Seaglass1123
    Seaglass1123 Posts: 500 Member
    Co-irkers (men) leaving the seat up & p*ssing on it. Really dude...
  • marz42
    marz42 Posts: 223 Member
    Oh I have been wanting to vent...

    My co worker has the annoying habit of walking into my office, sitting down, proceeding to talk (and talk and talk work/non-work related) and when there is nothing more for him to say he stays there. Just sits, I shuffle papers, work on my laptop and say leading remarks such as "Well better finish this up." or "Ok, great. Back to work" He still just sits there! Smiling. Like he is trying to think of a joke or something more to say. I end up closing my door just so he doesn't have an excuse to bother me.

    Sadly that doesn't stop him from knocking. I feel like he won't get the hint and I literally have to get up and go get water, go to the kitchen or hide in the restroom for him to get the point to get out of my office.

    He is one of those people with a incessant sense of odd humor however when he walks by my office and flickers the lights, brings in old tumbleweeds and hangs them from my ceiling..

    He is also very passive aggressive and that can cause other issues but alas I will only gripe about the irritating evacuation process I have to perform each time he stops in.

    Kind of sounds like he might have a crush imho
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I have Nosy McGee, Stinky Stinkerson, Mrs. Hot Air, and Mr. Full of it....
  • Pheonix2012
    Pheonix2012 Posts: 61 Member
    I work in the construction industry, but am a Project Manager in the OFFICE. This IS a male dominated industry, with a very small female to male ratio, HOWEVER, I do NOT need to see all the men in my office constantly adjusting/scratching their manparts!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ldyminerva
    ldyminerva Posts: 21
    I'm new to my job and sit so far away from everyone that it's lonely! But the one thing that i find odd is that they cut through this little room that saves them at most 3 WHOLE STEPS...Lazy!
  • alh228
    alh228 Posts: 13 Member
    The man who wears so much cologne that I can smell him 6 offices away from mine. Thankfully he travels a lot, but you don't even have to see him to know if he is in the office.
  • thingal12
    thingal12 Posts: 302 Member
    Mrs. Secretary : talks very loudly (on the phone, and to everyone in person).. very unprofessional in tone and in her facial expression.

    Ms. EA : Talks too much on her phone .. literally ALL DAY.. and is always complaining of getting paid too little (she is totally NOT)

    2nd Ms. EA : wears tight fitted skimpy outfits ALL YEAR LONG.. she had liposuction and breast augmentation 2 years ago, when she returned to work her boobs and butt were A LOT bigger than when she left. Talk of the town!
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    cube lady 2 seats behind me, talks so loud with her headset that I can barely hear the person on the other end of my phone call or even myself think, yet we know she can talk quieter because she does on personal calls.

    the receptionist who sings.. all day long..humming, singing.. drives me crazy LOL
  • jmilian825
    jmilian825 Posts: 193 Member
    lol does never shutting up count as a bad habit? I have to hear mine chatter away, sing loudly, make noises, yell, say stupid stuff for 6 hrs a day :( I 've thought about pepper spray hahahah
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    The man who wears so much cologne that I can smell him 6 offices away from mine. Thankfully he travels a lot, but you don't even have to see him to know if he is in the office.

    omg i have one of those too!
    he doesnt travel tho... he roams the office sometimes and the cologne just carries around the aisles and is so potent it gives us headaches! lol
  • Wonderwoman2677
    Wonderwoman2677 Posts: 434 Member
    We have a unisex bathroom and there are only two men in the office.

    Since man B started working here recently, there have been puddles (and i mean BIG puddles) of piss in front of the toilet, and the seat is always up....

    REALLY... would you like me to get your some targets to aim for??

    LMAO I've heard cheerios work for potty training.
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 379 Member
    We have a unisex bathroom and there are only two men in the office.

    Since man B started working here recently, there have been puddles (and i mean BIG puddles) of piss in front of the toilet, and the seat is always up....

    REALLY... would you like me to get your some targets to aim for??

    Put a bowl of cheerios on the back of the toilet with a sign saying, "Use these 'Cheerio ships' to improve you aim". I did this in one place I worked. No one ever found out who did it, but there were no more puddles on the floor or dribbles on the seat. :)
  • thingal12
    thingal12 Posts: 302 Member
    I work in the construction industry, but am a Project Manager in the OFFICE. This IS a male dominated industry, with a very small female to male ratio, HOWEVER, I do NOT need to see all the men in my office constantly adjusting/scratching their manparts!!!!!!!!!!!

    I work at a hospital and in finance. whenever a doc comes to talk with me in my office, he almost always touches his manparts!! LOL disgusting! must be the scrubs ?!?!?
  • sbernardy
    sbernardy Posts: 188
    How has no one said clipping fingernails?! Dear god. Doucher across the way clips his f*ckin' nails every other day. I don't get it. Do that ish in the privacy of your own home. Or the bathroom at the very least. F*cking disgusting.

    ^^^^ same here.. really how long does a person's fingernails grow... And who thinks to them self.. Hmm I should bring a clipper's to work so I can just sit at my desk and do verse's at home...

    I agree disgusting! :grumble:
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    I have Nosy McGee, Stinky Stinkerson, Mrs. Hot Air, and Mr. Full of it....

    hahah i like those nicknames LOL
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    The man who wears so much cologne that I can smell him 6 offices away from mine. Thankfully he travels a lot, but you don't even have to see him to know if he is in the office.

    Oh my...I have this problem at the gym. I'm sitting there busting my *kitten* and sweating and panting and then I get a HUGE WHIFF of F***ing axe or whatever you're wearing. BARF.
  • MellyGibson
    MellyGibson Posts: 297 Member
    There's a woman here that's rather large and she smells SO BAD that I literally gag when she walks by. One of my other friends is at least as big as she is, but she doesn't smell at all! One time I was in a bathroom stall when Stinky went into the one next to me. I couldn't get that stink out of my nose for at least an hour!

    Then there's the *kitten* that talks SO LOUD when he's on the phone.

    My work partner, whom I actually do like quite a bit, always uses the phrase, "...and stuff...." as a filler. "We got a request to do a label for Canada....and stuff....but we didn't know..."
  • jonward85
    jonward85 Posts: 534 Member
    I've got 2 cube neighbors that work on the same team. They will both dial in to the same conference call...then both put it on speaker. It's like a friggin surround sound. I want to SMACK THEM!
  • Josette89
    Josette89 Posts: 244
    Yup, the people that I would have to deal with at work remind me to relax and enjoy my time away from my job. My job is seasonal so I'm taking some time for myself right now. i do work some shifts with a medical agency though :) I have worked in many hospitals and that is why I am now in the culinary field. No more stress, I basically work alone in the kitchen just doing my own thing. But I know this coming season we will have new people working with us.... I hate having to get used to knew people. Learn their habits and their personalities, and hope that they can do their job right..... it's gonna be an interesting experience.