Protein immediately after a work out?



  • iKapuniai
    iKapuniai Posts: 594 Member
    For those who are saying that DAIRY/MILK is bad... why? I drink my protein w/ skim milk all the time.
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    your trainer is correct but if you are planning on whey protein it is very bad for you!

    thanks - i will check that out.
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    Why directly after working out and not 20-30 minutes later?

    If your trainer didn't/couldn't explain to you why directly after, you need to find a new trainer. The reason you should drink it directly after is because this is the time in which your muscles are broken down, your metabolic system is raging, and your body is trying to decide what to burn. If you drink the protein right away, if will help prevent the breakdown of your muscle and speed up the recovery process. If you don't have enough protein in your system, your body may decide "I am too lazy to search for fat, I'll just burn whatever I can to recover quicker" then you lose a big percentage of all the work you just did.

    edit: I must also agree with stonerdude. I am not a milk advocate and despise that the stuff is so easily trusted by the health and wellness community. Among may problems with milk and dairy products, they are full of anti-nutrients that break down cells and destroy nutrients in your body. Obviously, this is not good and consuming any dairy should be at least extremely limited if not cut out completely.

    It's not that he didn't/couldn't explain it to me, we just went over so many different things that I didn't stop and ask him particular questions about it. thanks for all of your advice. It's extremely helpful and makes a lot of sense as to why the body needs protein directly after. also, i'm going to do some more research on the dairy issue. :)
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    I don't like mixing the protein powders with water. I make a fruit smoothie (whole fruit, sometimes green tea in place of water, and protein powder) before I leave for the gym, and then I drink it afterwards. Maybe that would help you too.

    I detest the protein powder/water mixture so I think I will try this. I gag almost thinking about drinking it without doctoring it up someway
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    I always try and have something carby (like dried fruit) immediately after excersise and then a protein shake.

    I've read that this helps to stop your body burning the incoming protein for fuel and allows it to be used for muscle build/repair more effectively.

    I almost always intake the carbs immediately after i finish and the protein shake or protein based intake within 30 mins.

    awesome - also very helpful. thanks!
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    I've heard the same too and I find it helps me not be as sore the next day after an intense workout. My bootcamp instructor gave me an article about a study that showed that chocolate milk also does the same thing, so if you don't have time to make a protein shake after a workout, try grabbing a chocolate milk.

    I've heard this, too. I used to drink chocolate milk almost routinely after a work out, might have to start doing that again. :)
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    So, is natural protein (not a powder) just as effective?

    Totally, any time you can go completely natural it is highly recommended. I like to take a couple hard boiled eggs and mow down on them when I am done. If you have to go with a shake, I would recommend egg protein if you can find it. Its still not great, but anything to keep people off dairy. Hell, if your down grill you up a steak, wrap it in tin foil and head off to the gym! You'll look super badass mowing down on a steak after your workout while looking like a beast!

    I literally LOL'd. I wanna look like a badass mowing down on some steak at the gym..thanks for the tip ;-)
  • In_The_Moment
    I read that protein should be consumed within 30 to 45 min after a workout in order to repair the muscles. I am new to all of this, so I am reading all these responses to get some good tips.
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    I always drink my protein shake immediately after lifting and before cardio. I also have a shake for breakfast.
  • Chantal34
    Chantal34 Posts: 128
    I usually mix whey protein with almond milk.
  • ItsPheebs
    ItsPheebs Posts: 127 Member
    I don't like mixing the protein powders with water. I make a fruit smoothie (whole fruit, sometimes green tea in place of water, and protein powder) before I leave for the gym, and then I drink it afterwards. Maybe that would help you too.

    I detest the protein powder/water mixture so I think I will try this. I gag almost thinking about drinking it without doctoring it up someway

    I do something similar. I fill my blender bottle with ice and really cold soy or almond milk (I don't drink milk). By the time I'm done with my work out, it's melted a little so I have a little more liquid and then put in the protein powder after. But, I typically drink Vega right after ... it's vegan (rice and pea protein) and it mixes really well and tastes good.
  • dollipop
    dollipop Posts: 379 Member
    I'm not sure if this should be posted here vs. food & nutrition, but I'll ask anyway. Tomorrow I start working with a personal trainer. A few days ago during our assessment, he asked about the protein in my diet and I told him that often times after a workout, I make a whey protein shake (at home). He told me it's best to take whey IMMEDIATELY following the workout.. not to wait til I get home, 10 minutes, 20 minutes, etc. Obviously this means mixing it (with water, most likely) prior to working out and putting it down the hatch directly after we're done.

    Does anyone have experience with this? Why directly after working out and not 20-30 minutes later? I could probably utilize google, and I may end up doing so, but I'd like to hear from some of you guys on the matter...thanks :)
    My trainer says exactly the same thing.
  • NikoM5
    NikoM5 Posts: 488 Member

    Your trainer is either A) stupid, or B) just waking up from a long coma. Newer studies show that the body stays in a positive nitrogen balance for 24-48 hours post workout. The old "Anabolic window" theory that's been perpetrated by bro-scientists for years and years is garbage.

    There's many studies, but here's one.

    Here's an article with source cited from LiveStrong

    If your trainer is still spouting this commonly known myth then I worry what other bad advice you are being given.
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    i do it immediately after working out, but i workout at home so it's easier for me. no trainer has told me to do it that way specifically, but a lot of times i workout an hour to an hour and a half after eating, i workout for an hour or so, and it's about time for a "snack" when i'm done. i eat every 3hours or so. :)
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member

    Your trainer is either A) stupid, or B) just waking up from a long coma. Newer studies show that the body stays in a positive nitrogen balance for 24-48 hours post workout. The old "Anabolic window" theory that's been perpetrated by bro-scientists for years and years is garbage.

    There's many studies, but here's one.

    Here's an article with source cited from LiveStrong

    If your trainer is still spouting this commonly known myth then I worry what other bad advice you are being given.

    thanks for the articles. going to read. :)
  • relly1008
    relly1008 Posts: 175 Member
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I don't like mixing the protein powders with water. I make a fruit smoothie (whole fruit, sometimes green tea in place of water, and protein powder) before I leave for the gym, and then I drink it afterwards. Maybe that would help you too.

    I detest the protein powder/water mixture so I think I will try this. I gag almost thinking about drinking it without doctoring it up someway

    Try tastier protein powder, like Myofusion chocolate. I drink it plain with water every morning.
  • biglew909
    biglew909 Posts: 57 Member
    Google "bioavailability" for more info. It'll give you a better idea of why protein powder works better than whole foods for replenishing protein stores.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Really, unless you are planning on doing another intense workout in the same day, it isnt necessary to "refuel" immediately.
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member