Can I "save" exercise calories for another day?



  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Yes you can. Nothing is absolute. It's all in the averages.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    I have no choice but to do this since I tend to do two or three workouts of over 1,000 calories during the week. It is definitely not comfortable eating 1500 calories one day and 2500 the next. :)
  • Saiklor
    Saiklor Posts: 183
    Thank you to (almost) everyone who posted! Good to know!

    I don't typically eat back my exercise calories, I maybe eat half of them, but with Canada day and a big family weekend at the cottage coming up I'll be lovely to indulge a bit and not have to jump in a canoe/kayak/on the hiking trail for hours to justify it!
  • littlelol
    littlelol Posts: 539
    ohh glad i read this, means i can save for say a meal out at the weekend?
  • littlelol
    littlelol Posts: 539
    save calories i mean from day before ,for a meal out say at the end of the week?
  • littlebutcurvy
    im going try
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Yes, you sure can!

    I'll be banking calories all week in anticipation of the Super Bowl feast I am enjoying on Sunday!

  • mauswood
    mauswood Posts: 137 Member
    absolutely! Calories burned is calories burned - they don't expire. Some people just figure out how many net calories they want to consume for the whole week and then have days where they eat fewer than 1200 and days where they eat more....whatever works for you.
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    I have stopped looking at my weight loss from a daily thing and now more as a weekly thing. I use MFP to track food but I keep a journal and tally my exercise and cals I've eaten day to day so that I see my overall deficit for the week. (If there is a way to do that on here I don't know).

    Some days I'm more hungry, some days not. I try to go at a 1-1.5 loss a week so I just work my calories accordingly. I have had a few get togethers where I knew there would be rich food and I just cut my cals 100 or so earlier in the week so I didn't miss the mark on the day of the party. Find what works for you. In the end it simply boils down to cals in - cals out.