PCOS-ers who've lost weight



  • serenity56
    serenity56 Posts: 79 Member
    edited December 2014
    Doctor just told me I probably have PCOS but he wants to treat a thyroid issue before starting me on metformin because he's hoping that resolving the thyroid issues will fix the more severe PCOS-like symptoms I'm experiencing. I have most symptoms of PCOS, but totally regular (if severe!) cycles... go figure. Anyhow, following this thread... dr. has tasked me with dropping some lbs. to help lower testosterone. Blah! Too much going on!
  • Sameeraaaxx
    Sameeraaaxx Posts: 7 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hi everyone :)

    Just to tell youse a bit about my story...

    I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 18 and have struggled with weight gain, irregular periods, Hirsutism and loss of hair on scalp ever since. When I was first diagnosed I seem to remember being awfully down and depressed about everything. The stress of A Levels and being faced with PCOS wasn't the best combination. I remember when I went to the doctors about having a few extra hairs here and there and she laughed! Not what I was expecting to say the least.

    I have always been chubbier than your average and one of those that always wanted to diet but it was just a case of Ill start tomorrow and tomorrow never came. I have always been the chubby one in my groups of friends- not good when you have stunning, slim friends!

    I was constantly told Id look better after a 1 stone weight loss. This was my relatives too! It was only after looking at my cousins wedding pictures that Id realised how much weight Id put on. I was 10 stone 7 at my highest.

    In September 2014, I started this lifestyle change and have managed to get myself down to 9 stone hence a weight loss of 1 stone 7 pounds (21 pounds).

    Its been by no means easy- especially the first week when I felt so low. I was constantly reading about how hard it was to lose weight with PCOS. It got me so down that in the first week of starting this lifestyle change I missed my evening meal 3 times. My lunches that week consisted of a Kiwi fruit. Though I did lose 5 pounds in the first week that definitely wasn't the right way to go about as it made me feel lower.

    A few months on and I'm getting there. I'm by no means at my goal weight, I still have a PCOS belly to lose. Its most certainly not easy but it is doable.

    Eating properly combined with exercise and you'll get there.

    Prior to starting this change my typical day consisted of the following:

    Breakfast: 2 toasts with butter and tea
    Lunch: Burger and chips
    Snacks: Crisps, chocolates
    Evening meal: Anything and everything.

    At one point I remember eating 2 donner and chips a day which was awful.

    I also did no exercise whatsoever-unless it involved walking to a restaurant!

    Now my meals look something like this:

    Breakfast: Tea (not the best but I never have time)
    Lunch: Jacket potato with tuna and salad
    Evening meal: I eat what the rest of my family eat however a reasonable sized portion. For instance if they have chips, ill have chips. I just wont overload my plate and go in for seconds!.

    When I initially started the weight loss I didn't have any cheat days. Halfway through my weightloss I decided that Friday evening through to Sunday evening would be my cheat days! Though these may sound like a lot of cheat days, I don't binge as much as I use too. If I know Ill be going out and having a big evening dinner, ill eat less throughout the day.

    In terms of exercise, walking fast on a treadmill has worked for me. At the beginning I could barely manage 7 minutes on it. However I can now do up to 40. At one point I was walking home from work which took 45 minutes, however I feel I work harder and lose a lot more doing 30 minutes on a treadmill.

    In terms of PCOS symptoms my hair is falling out more now however I am pretty stressed at the moment so it may be due to this. I have also gone from not having a period in 9 months to being on every single month without the assistance from any pill! I was initially put on Dianette however came off it as I hadn't heard good things about it.

    Despite what you may read online, losing weight with PCOS is not as hard as people make it seem. You just have to keep trying and you'll get there. If you mess up, move on :)
  • jaimekbee1219
    jaimekbee1219 Posts: 96 Member
    Hi! I have PCOS - I didn't have a lot to lose (my starting weight was 150 & I'm 5'3), but it has taken me about a year to lose 12 pounds. I cut calories and the first seven pounds came off quickly, but then it was a long stretch of lose 3, gain 2. Upping my healthy fats really helped (nuts & avocado mostly). I'm on the pill to regulate my period so I don't know if those pounds lost has helped that, but I just noticed the other day that the patch of hair on my neck has lessened a bit. I went from shaving it every day, to every other. Now it's every two days. I have a very active job working with kid with autism (handling behaviors can be physically demanding), and we take them hiking three miles every Friday (sledding in the winter) so I don't really work out. But I try to do a lot of yoga.

    I didn't read all the posts so I don't know if anyone has mentioned this, but check out the P.C.O.Sis group - I have found it to be incredibly helpful. There are a lot of great tips and even just some general moral support.