Embarrassed to exercise



  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    Sure there's probably people pointing and laughing at me but I can't see or hear them over the sound of how awesome I am.
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: LOVE IT Great attitude!!
  • primalchaos
    primalchaos Posts: 135 Member
    Is anyone else embarrassed to actually start going to the gym/running in public? I am happy swimming but at the moment I'm somewhere without a pool nearby, so that's not an option. I don't feel comfortable with exercising in public but I'm not sure what to do otherwise.
    Also, swimming/joining a gym = spending money, which, as a student, I definitely don't have much of to spare!!
    Are other people in the same situation? Or does anyone have any tips for me?

    I used to feel uncomfortable at the gym or at running events until I just did it. Yes, there are more athletic people and try as I might, I'll never get close to a 14:00 5k. I am faster than I was though. Keep it about you, focus on your effort, and take pride that you are doing all the footwork that will make the changes you want.
  • frando
    frando Posts: 583 Member
    youtube has a selection of work out videos that are great to try out, even better you have a really wide choice available to yourself. I've not got alot of money myself so I joined my gym with an off peak membership so I go during the quiet periods (weekdays from about 9am -4pm) and it was £20 compared to the on peak of £30 or any time £45 :D and some gyms, at least in my area, have a 'women's' only section.
  • curvymomo3
    curvymomo3 Posts: 253 Member
    Truthfully, I just shove my earbuds into my ears crank up the music and do my thing... I am embarressed too but I do it anyway, expecially free weights because there are tons of big men doing them too. Its what I gotta do to get to my goal yo!
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    Sure there's probably people pointing and laughing at me but I can't see or hear them over the sound of how awesome I am.

    I'm pretty sure I get looks while out on my morning walk/jogs too. Fairly certain I look like a pudgy kid awkwardly chasing the ice cream truck. But I don't care. Someday, I hope to be more graceful... lol In the meantime, they better stay out of my way, because I'm probably just as vicious as the pudgy kid who gets passed up by the ice cream man!

    I have to admit that sometimes I do see this girl running and think, "what in the hell is she thinking?!" Not because she's running, though... but because she's quite overweight and wearing super short shorts rolled down below her belly bulge and a sports bra. While her tummy is just jiggling all over the place. It kind of skeeves me out a little bit. I am super jiggly too (I've had five babies), but that's why I wrap my tummy up inside of my pants and shirt.
  • NannersBalletLegs
    NannersBalletLegs Posts: 207 Member
    I would skip the gym with its exorbitant fees, rigid contracts, and insecurity-inducing environ. I only use the gym at my university for the pool or for when it's ridiculously cold outside. I prefer going on long walks or bike riding on some nearby forest trails. Also, there are a lot of resistance and strength-training exercises that you can do at home as well...pushups and sit-ups/crunches for example. You could get a workout video and use that. There are so many things you can do without subjecting yourself to "gym culture." Good luck! :)
  • Katie1951
    Katie1951 Posts: 312 Member
    Walking is a valid exercise. It doesn't cost anything. Everybody walks somewhere.
  • Nillia2
    Nillia2 Posts: 36 Member
    I was and kinda still am. And joining a gym and buying dvds were a definite no no. So i went on youtube! Loads of exercises there that I could do in my little space, and i lost weight! so dont let the public stop you, do it in your home until you get comfortable will really pay off. Start by doing a lot of aerobic exercises...dats what I did and my breasts even look smaller :)
  • Loves418
    Loves418 Posts: 330 Member
    This is how I feel about the gym. If you have nothing better to do with your time and the money you spent to join the gym to stare at me then you are a fool. Those people are money wasters and if they have that much to waste they should give it to me so I can get a personal trainer.
    Seriously I put on my music and tune out the world. I can jog an entire song now on a speed of 4.00. Doesn't seem like much but to me it is a great accomplishment especially since I also suffer from a heel spur and I really shouldn't jog at all. JUST do it!
  • jamaljohar
    jamaljohar Posts: 55
    Is anyone else embarrassed to actually start going to the gym/running in public? I am happy swimming but at the moment I'm somewhere without a pool nearby, so that's not an option. I don't feel comfortable with exercising in public but I'm not sure what to do otherwise.
    Also, swimming/joining a gym = spending money, which, as a student, I definitely don't have much of to spare!!
    Are other people in the same situation? Or does anyone have any tips for me?
    i was over 300lbs when i started at the gym, i could barely keep a 3.5 pace on the treadmill without stopping every 2-3 mins, i couldnt lift more than 125lbs on the bench press, I WAS SOO EMBARRASSED working out especially since i felt like everyone else was so much stronger faster and fitter than i was, and it was hard in the beginning, but after a lil while i realized nobody in that place could care any less about me. they were so in tuned to getting themselves stronger faster, they didnt care about what i was doing,

  • I exercise to cheap workout dvds at home. I lift weights at home, I do yoga at home, I was & stair climb at home. I don't go out much. I use to walk outside. Listening to music while I exercise (in front of people) helped me.
  • Elif84
    Elif84 Posts: 287 Member
    I used to be embarassed until I realized, I won't get to where I want if I worry about what other people think.
  • Ironman2be
    Ironman2be Posts: 140 Member
    I was in your situation when i first started... i still hate going to the gym..that's just the anxiety in me i guess..but anywho..When i started i weighed around 335 lbs. I couldnt run at all, my knees would blow.....what i did was go for a walk on the walking/running/biking trail around my house...started off walking until i felt comfortable jogging. I'd jog while no one was around then when i saw someone i'd walk..or keep going :) Now i'm down a hundred lbs and i run.

    Those people are there for the same reasons you are..to get in shape. Any MATURE person that sees you exercising wouldn't negatively judge you, they know that you are trying, and doing something to better yourself!!

    It would be much different if you were at a restaurant sitting in a bar eating wings and drinking the biggest beer they have all afternoon.

    Get out there and screw what others think!
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    i was over 300lbs when i started at the gym, i could barely keep a 3.5 pace on the treadmill without stopping every 2-3 mins, i couldnt lift more than 125lbs on the bench press, I WAS SOO EMBARRASSED working out especially since i felt like everyone else was so much stronger faster and fitter than i was, and it was hard in the beginning, but after a lil while i realized nobody in that place could care any less about me. they were so in tuned to getting themselves stronger faster, they didnt care about what i was doing,


    Good God, I hope there's lots of people who can't lift 125+ on the bench press. I just got to 85 and was proud of myself. rofl
  • You, or anyone else, cannot control the thoughts of other people. The people who would even be worth your time caring about their thoughts are cheering you on! Healthy - physically, emotionally, and spiritually - people want only the best for you & will probably be thinking, "Good for her!", "I'm glad she's out here moving.", "Way to go!", etc... And perhaps some people will be inspired by you! Don't allow your perception of others' thoughts to keep you stuck in your embarrassment. It won't be long until you realize that bert16 and ChristineS_51 are right! Now GO and ENJOY!
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    It is all about taking the first step. Once you have done something a few times you find that it was no where near as bad as you thought it was going to be.

    1. The gym - Everyone there to get fitter and stronger and you will find a variety of ages, shapes and sizes use it.
    2. Running in public- most people only notice a stranger for 30 seconds then they move on with their own business so who cares.
    3. Excercise classes - If you try your best and be friendly you will fit in and soon instead of being the newbie you will be an old hand
    4. Home excersising - Is great if you have the discipline (I find I give up quicker at home just because I can) but it does work well for a lot of people.

    Do try and overcome your embarassment as you wil be the one to benefit in the long run.

    Good luck
  • monalirog
    monalirog Posts: 9
    At one point or another, at one time or another everyone has had this challenge. I just join the LA Fitness last month and I was embarrassed about using weights and, I hated how I looked in the clothes I was wearing.
    Remember no one is really looking at you or talking under their breath when you are exercising.

    Everybody just wants to improve their health and fitness.
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    P 90 X

    I will never go to a gym again. Has changed my life.
  • jlmoses91
    jlmoses91 Posts: 87 Member
    Well if you are a student in college most colleges have free gym admissions to their workout facilities. Also you have to understand that when people go to the gym and work out they are focused on themselves and not on you. Unless I'm working out with someone else I don't even notice that other people are in the gym so you don't need to worry about people staing at you unless you are wearing all spandex that barely covers anything. My friend was also nervous about working out I from of other people so I bought her sweaty bands, she likes glitter and they have these cool metallic bright colored headbands, it makes her feel good so she's not so self conscious to work out.
  • jlmoses91
    jlmoses91 Posts: 87 Member
    Before I worked out when I saw people running outside I always thought wow I wish I was that healthy no matter how skinny they are.