Today's run sucked! What am I doing wrong?



  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Some runs suck. They suck because of what you ate (or didn't), what you drank (or didn't), how you slept (or didn't sleep), how stressed (or not stressed) you are, how hot (or cold) it is, whether Jupiter is in alignment with the sun (or the moon's cycle or possibly the distance of the earth from the sun), and sometimes, runs suck because it's Thursday and Thursday is a sketchy day at best.

    It doesn't mean you've done something wrong, it means that one of your runs sucked. Don't look at an individual instance and assume you've done something wrong. Look for a trend.

    Love this answer!!!
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    Try slowing down a bit. That should do the trick.

    ^^ This. It sounds like you're trying to up your speed before your body is ready for it. During those faster intervals, you don't want to all out sprint. Just pick up the pace a little bit. If you're going with the beat of the music to keep pace and having trouble, shorten your stride so you can keep the pace at a more sustainable intensity level.
  • Starkle09
    Starkle09 Posts: 238 Member
    Sometimes it just sucks! There will be good and bad days. Make sure you stay hydrated as the temps go up and listen to what your body is telling you!
  • katemme
    katemme Posts: 191
    Take a recovery day and let your body heal.
  • FlyEaglesGuy
    FlyEaglesGuy Posts: 436 Member
    I normally down 8 ounces of water exactly one hour before. And I never eat within 90 minutes of a run. If I do it's half of a protein bar .

    Keep at it!
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    When I was training I had days I just plain out couldn't do it, my body was to weak and I had to take the day off, maybe you just need a day to rest up and you can try again the next day.

    There are days now I can go for over an hour and other days after 10 minutes I know this isn't the day for me, I can't keep up my HR, I can't speed up and I want to just fall over. That's my body telling me it's rest time.

    So maybe that's part of it?
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    did i notice that you worked your legs hard the day before??? it sounds like your legs were just dead. that happens. i've run about 20 miles in the last 4 days, but my 5 mile run last night was horrible. my legs felt like lead.... i just needed a rest day. (taking it today) you have to give your body time to recover.

    best wishes on your c25k training! i started with it nearly a year ago and i'm a happy running fool now! :-)

    ^^ AGREE! Trying to have a GOOD run after a hard leg workout the day before is next to impossible. Your legs are just too taxed. Take a day off in between or do your run the day before your leg workout.
  • Ghostpoo
    Ghostpoo Posts: 24 Member
    I used to beat myself up for a crappy run. Then I changed my attitude and decided that there are no bad runs. Just good runs and great runs. Any day you are out running should always be positive :) Better than sitting on the cough, right??
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    i get this too - i need to have 1) enough protein and 2) enough sleep - not enough of either changes my whole run!!!