This is embarassing.....



  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    It means you are working hard! My guess is you are retaining a lot of water... sweating it off is a GOOD thing! You aren't there to find dates, you are there to work out, and no one cares... other than the people wanting to know what you did to get such a great workout, because they wanna sweat like that, too! :)
  • mrob81
    mrob81 Posts: 36
    Try black like already suggested. If it gets to the point where your black pants start reflecting light off of them, then simply lift first and then do your cardio.

    Don't listen to the people who say that it is awesome and you look great when you sweat. It is gross when you do it all over the equipment, even if you wipe it down after. Put yourself in the shoes of others. If you saw someone leaving butt sweat all over the equipment, are you gonna high-five them when they get up?
  • mrob81
    mrob81 Posts: 36
    I ran into this when I was doing a spin class 3x a week. The worst part was, the new navy PT shirts are neoprene but the shorts are not... so while lifting the shirt would dry off, but the shorts would still be wet, and sitting on a bike, most of my sweat (after soaking the shirt) would transfer to the shorts. I dealt with it by not caring... if someone thinks I pee'd, then thats one more stupid person I never have to talk to :D

    Why are they stupid because it looked like you pee'd?
  • Wendy_Newbern
    Wendy_Newbern Posts: 5 Member
    lift weights, then do cardio

    absolutely - weights should be first
    you are tired after cardio, and proper form for weights can suffer

    as for the rest, buy black technical fabric that wicks the moisture away
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    You say you want to do cardio as you main focus. Lift lighter or for shorter periods of time. I lift first then do cardio (elliptical) and push as hard as I can for cardio, the lifting is like a warm up for me.. I sweat really heavily when doing cardio for any length of time.
    I don’t do both together all days some are just cardio and some are just lifting..
    Try different things and see what works, but I wouldn’t worry unless your bottom half is the only place you sweat..
  • Steadigirl
    I beilieve I had a trainer tell me to lift weights prior to doing cardio which would help your situation. Google the topic. I know some others mentioned you could try that but I think physiologically it benefits your body more when you do weights first.
  • kerrykoland
    I am currently working out with a personal training, and he tells me to ALWAYS to strength training before cardio... you will burn way more calories that way. That way, you can walk straight to your car after you get your sweat on (I sweat alot, too, so I feel your pain). :smile: Good luck!
  • dward2011
    dward2011 Posts: 416 Member
    Honestly, I don't check out other people's crotches. I sweat and I sweat in that area too. I am there to work, not stare at people. I don't care what anyone is doing or what they look like... I only care if they don't wipe off the machines.
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    On the positive side, if you were to actually pee, no one would know!
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    as for the rest, buy black technical fabric that wicks the moisture away

    Hmmmmm - good suggestion! Why didn't I think of that?!! I've been avoiding certain workout shirts that I have since they don't show the sweat, and I think it helps my problem that the sweat shows on top if it shows on the bottom... I hadn't considered looking for different material for my pants. Thanks!
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    I notice that layers can help. When I see the ladies sweating heavily they usually have a dry pattern where their sports bras are underneath their shirt. Maybe there are better clothing options to help.
  • James_1954
    James_1954 Posts: 187 Member
    Your sweat shouldn't offend anyone in the gym. If it does, their excessive delicacy is THEIR issue ... not yours.

    I am sold on the "wicking" material suggested a few replies above, though, just because it's so much more comfortable. Cotton T-shirts and I have parted company at the gym; the things just get saturated and cling to you. The wicking stuff doesn't do that.
  • beachloe
    beachloe Posts: 51 Member
    I wouldn't worry about it because you are in a situation where people expect to see that. As some others have said, wear black or dark colored pants or shorts and it won't be as noticeable. Keep up the good work!!!
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    I KNOW!!! What's up with that? I hate it, too. But like everyone else said -- everyone else at the gym will see you're sweaty all over, and are going to think you had a major workout, not a major pants-wetting episode. :-)
    Still, it's not fun. Wearing black helps, but I make sure I only get the pants that have the wicking fabric. If you want to see how quickly they dry, or what they look like wet, get them wet in the store. Just a dab will be enough to tell you what works. I'm a fan of under armour's charged cotton pants; they stay pretty discreet-looking when wet.
    Another option (as well as changing your workout order) is to double-up -- throw on a pair of wicking bike shorts under your wicking pants, and the double-wicking should help avoid any obvious wet spots.
  • Awake_Alive
    Awake_Alive Posts: 261 Member
    Your sweat shouldn't offend anyone in the gym. If it does, their excessive delicacy is THEIR issue ... not yours.

    ^^^^YES!!!!! THIS!!!!

    Keep in mind that even if someone did think you pee'd your pants the first day, they would realize their mistake day two. And if all else fails...phuck em. :)
  • Nix_
    Nix_ Posts: 94
    lift weights, then do cardio

    Agreed! It's better to lift weights when you have the most energy (that's what I heard) and cardio to finish!
  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    I do not think twice about seeing someone at the gym drenched in sweat (as long as they wipe the machine off) even if it does look like they peed in their pants. But I am like you, I am self conscious about it myself...
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    When I see someone drenched in sweat at the gym, I never think that they must have peed their pants. That has never occurred to me. I just think that they had a really good workout.

    What grosses me out at the gym is when folks just leave the machines without wiping them down. Nasty! I've seen this so much, I just assume no one wiped them down so I always wipe the machines down before using them. And after.
  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    Miss_Chievous_wechange Posts: 1,230 Member
    Wearing black does not help. I wear black all the time when I work out and at the end of my workout, I too look like I've peed in my pants. I don't care though. I'm there to get my sweat on and if people are too stupid to realize that its sweat, then that is their problem, not mine!
  • brittany17love
    brittany17love Posts: 66 Member
    I am pretty sure that they would know that you didn't pee since you ARE in a gym and they will know it's for sure sweat. But who cares what they think? You are losing weight with each drop of sweat and that should make you feel great! But I would continue wiping down the seats after sweating alot for hygiene purposes. (: