anyone else been here months and not lost a thing?



  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I joined nearly a year ago and lost a pathetic 2lbs that went on and off for months. Finally I got serious, bought a set of weighing scales and started the C25K running programme. I also bought an HRM.

    Now I know exactly what my calories in and out are - and I'm eating to my BMR (for me this is 1500 calories which is a really achievable daily goal). I even measure out the amount of milk I use - it's amazing where those hidden calories are. If I know I'm going to go over at the weekend due to food and alcohol I simply get in more exercise and eat slightly less the day before and after so my calorie intake evens out over the week.

    In the last five weeks I've lost 5lbs. It's not a massive amount but I've lost inches too. I really would suggest calculating your BMR and eating to it for a couple of weeks.
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    Did you do any one method for minimum 3 wks?

    It sounds like you know which things don't work for sure, mainly the one you are going back to.

    Just be aware there is a difference between feeling fully fed, and feeding your body fully for the level of activity you give it.

    i did. i started with what you suggested when i first joined here. over the past 3.5 months i've tried eating more. changing up the work outs, etc.

    the only thing i did not do for 3 weeks was eat 2000 cals a day. got over 1900 and started getting sick.
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    Have you seen a doctor?

    Do you have 50 lbs. to lose?

    i have. so far there is nothing wrong with me. i am very healthy despite being 50 lbs over weight!! my bp is super low, i have a very healthy heart and my cholesterol is normal. nothing wrong with my thyroid.

    and yes, i have 50PLUS pounds to lose. :-/

    i own a HRM, a fitbit, BMFcore, and i use them all. i have endomondo on my phone. i have done all of the calculations from all over the place. trust me, i have my poor personal trainer friend so confused :-( she has tried soooooo hard to help me. i wish more than anything i was eating too much or being too sedentary.

    it is VERY hard to watch people make one or two small changes and poof, they've lost 30 lbs. i wish more than anything that was me!!! i have been the exact same size in clothes and weight on the scale for 7 solid years. the past year i have worked SOOOO hard to lose weight. or at least to drop sizes, or body fat %........... whatever MY body needs, to get in the groove, i haven't been able to figure out yet.
  • itsafrappe
    itsafrappe Posts: 162 Member
    Have you seen a doctor?

    Do you have 50 lbs. to lose?

    i have. so far there is nothing wrong with me. i am very healthy despite being 50 lbs over weight!! my bp is super low, i have a very healthy heart and my cholesterol is normal. nothing wrong with my thyroid.

    and yes, i have 50PLUS pounds to lose. :-/

    i own a HRM, a fitbit, BMFcore, and i use them all. i have endomondo on my phone. i have done all of the calculations from all over the place. trust me, i have my poor personal trainer friend so confused :-( she has tried soooooo hard to help me. i wish more than anything i was eating too much or being too sedentary.

    it is VERY hard to watch people make one or two small changes and poof, they've lost 30 lbs. i wish more than anything that was me!!! i have been the exact same size in clothes and weight on the scale for 7 solid years. the past year i have worked SOOOO hard to lose weight. or at least to drop sizes, or body fat %........... whatever MY body needs, to get in the groove, i haven't been able to figure out yet.

    have you tried hiking with friend? that has helped me alot ;)
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member

    have you tried hiking with friend? that has helped me alot ;)

    LOL!!! i have actually. i've tried hiking w a friend, hiking w kids, and hiking alone ;-) hiking up a treadmill with a crazy incline too!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Did you do any one method for minimum 3 wks?

    It sounds like you know which things don't work for sure, mainly the one you are going back to.

    Just be aware there is a difference between feeling fully fed, and feeding your body fully for the level of activity you give it.

    i did. i started with what you suggested when i first joined here. over the past 3.5 months i've tried eating more. changing up the work outs, etc.

    the only thing i did not do for 3 weeks was eat 2000 cals a day. got over 1900 and started getting sick.

    That's close enough.

    In which case, your TDEE at your activity level must be up there for whatever reason.

    So if you can see your true avg eating level for level of activity you plan on keeping, then trim 500 off, and eat there without eating back exercise calories, that should amount to 1lb weekly.

    Good test. If you lose more, than your TDEE was higher. If you lose less, than TDEE was lower.

    If it starts at 1 lb, and becomes less and less of a loss (and you are lowering goal less and less for weighing less and less), then it would sound like metabolism is slowing down again. In which case, whole other approach might be taken if body is that willing to change that fast.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    I agree that you probably need to eat more. I can't eat a lot at once so I eat often. That keeps me from feeling bloated. I have been trying to up my cals and so this morning I had a smoothie. I was able to boost my breakfast cals up a few hundred and not feel like I had eaten a ton. I also eat calorie dense foods like avocados and nuts.

    I understand how frustrating it is to keep trying and not lose anything. I lost 6 lbs in Feb/March and haven't lost any since. I lost about 10 inches, much of it during that time. My clothes are still fitting pretty much the same over the last few months but I'm still noticing changes. For example, my bicep is about the same size but more of it is muscle than jiggle. Same with my waist. So don't give up, you may be having changes that aren't all that apparent. I saw myself in a mirror today and realized that I look thinner than I did a couple months ago even though nothing indicates I have actually lost weight or even inches (guess I'm measuring in different spots). O and my butt is now solid muscle but is the same measurement as 3 months ago.
  • mevalentina
    mevalentina Posts: 362 Member
    I have been on here for 2 months straight and have lost around 4 pounds :grumble:

    On the other hand my stamina has improved immensely, and I can see muscles that I haven't seen in years!

    I am just hanging in there and hoping that the # on the scale catches up with how good I feel pretty soon because it is getting pretty discouraging to weigh in every week and not see a difference there..
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    What does your Fitbit say you burn in a day? If you've really done at least 3-4 weeks of eating at least 500 calories/day below it, and you know how to log food accurately, and you've lost nothing in inches or scale weight and your clothes fit the same and you don't feel better, I'd see another doctor, maybe an endocrinologist.
  • noburton
    noburton Posts: 4 Member
    I have been using mfp for 5 mths now and weight loss is slow!! I've lost about 9 lbs and I'm only eating 1200 cals and working out like crazy. Just wondering should I b eating the cals I burn? Should my net calories b 1200? Just wanted to see what everyone else is doing! People I have been talking to say I am not eating enough cals? Any advice would b appreciated
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    What does your Fitbit say you burn in a day? If you've really done at least 3-4 weeks of eating at least 500 calories/day below it, and you know how to log food accurately, and you've lost nothing in inches or scale weight and your clothes fit the same and you don't feel better, I'd see another doctor, maybe an endocrinologist.

    according to the fitbit and the BMFcore i burn average of 2350 a day without exercise. if i actually work out, it's higher ( 2700+ usually)

    i feel fine. i feel great!! i am a single mom to 5 small kids that keep me very busy. i have chickens and a dog. we are an active family :-) i'm the one that is working out, at night, after every one is in bed. i don't sit down all day long. and i go go goooooo. today, not so much cuz i've been standing here in front of my laptop, LOL!!! but, i moved furniture around today, did a mountain of laundry, worked in the garden for over an hour. moved some of my chickens and their stuff around. so forth and so on :-)
  • noburton
    noburton Posts: 4 Member
    I have been using mfp for 5 mths now and weight loss is slow!! I've lost about 9 lbs and I'm only eating 1200 cals and working out like crazy. Just wondering should I b eating the cals I burn? Should my net calories b 1200? Just wanted to see what everyone else is doing! People I have been talking to say I am not eating enough cals? Any advice would b appreciated
  • noburton
    noburton Posts: 4 Member
    I'm unsure what fit bit is, is there somewhere on the site where I can calculate it?
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    I have been using mfp for 5 mths now and weight loss is slow!! I've lost about 9 lbs and I'm only eating 1200 cals and working out like crazy. Just wondering should I b eating the cals I burn? Should my net calories b 1200? Just wanted to see what everyone else is doing! People I have been talking to say I am not eating enough cals? Any advice would b appreciated
    Yes, at 1200 you should be eating your exercise cals back because MFP has already included a deficit for you. Congrats on losing 9 pounds! Weight that comes off slowly is usually kept off!
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    fitbit is a little piece of technology that you wear to measure various things. if you google it you'll see :-) i got it in order to get a better idea of where my activity level was. to figure out how much more i was supposed to be eating......
  • gettinthere
    gettinthere Posts: 529 Member
    I am with you...actually, as of this morning I had actually gained 2 pounds. I started tracking and exercising at the beginning of January and apparently whatever I am doing is not working for me!!!!! I feel frustrated and quite frankly just plain old pissed off!!!
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    where can I order something to measure with?
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    That's close enough.

    In which case, your TDEE at your activity level must be up there for whatever reason.

    So if you can see your true avg eating level for level of activity you plan on keeping, then trim 500 off, and eat there without eating back exercise calories, that should amount to 1lb weekly.

    Good test. If you lose more, than your TDEE was higher. If you lose less, than TDEE was lower.

    If it starts at 1 lb, and becomes less and less of a loss (and you are lowering goal less and less for weighing less and less), then it would sound like metabolism is slowing down again. In which case, whole other approach might be taken if body is that willing to change that fast.

    right! but, i'm not losing. not even ONE pound. :-)

    so, either the calculators are wrong of these pieces of technology are wrong. i did the eating for the future you, for a good long while on here. at least 4-6 weeks out of the 3.5 months. that's when i started going up higher than the 1500s.... figured maybe i was wrong or off.
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    I was on MFP for 9 months and didn't lose anything, so I feel your pain. What helped me is increasing calorie intake, eating cleaner, and strength training. When you find what works for you it is all worth it, but I definitely still am bitter about those 9 months...why couldn't I have gotten with the program sooner!
    what did you increase to
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    ok I know nothing about TDEE. I looked mine up and the number is 2169. what does that mean