These carbs are KILLING me!!! HELP!!



  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    A lot of carbs are filled with sugar.

    Sugar on MFP is set very low. Too much sugar is not good

    A lot of carb/processed foods are filled with sodium

    Too much sodium is not good.

    Lean protein/healthy fat is good. Carbs in moderation is good.

    Exercise is good too much repitive exercise for one muscle group is not good

    Everything in moderation is good. But make sure you keep to the good side.
  • I eat things like Quinoa or Amaranth. Bob's Red Mill (Brand at most grocery stores) carries both grains/seeds and they are organic too.

    I choose to eat these because I'm a HUGE fan of carbs - and don't want to have to restrict them from my diet. And, Quinoa and Amaranth are both complete proteins. I would say it's kinda like eating brown rice, but on steroids. This way, you can eat a "carb like" food - but it's a low GI carb and has lots of protein to keep you full too.
  • missfelicia6
    missfelicia6 Posts: 174 Member
    Gahhh same here! and I'm realizing that my sugar intake is more than I'd like!
    i cut out all sugar ten days ago!! I'm loving that!

    So you cut out fruits and veggies? Good call...
    No I eat fruits and veggies all day, I cut out sugar in my coffee, ice cream, cake, all that extra crap people don't NEED...
