how do you know what size frame you have??



  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Ah, but mama,,, the "Big Boned" thing is for real for some of us.

    I'm a 5'8" man with a 46 inch chest. There's no flab on my wrists, I'm looking at bones, and the circumference around those bones is 8 inches - which is off the charts. I'm quite lean, but going by standard BMI numbers I'm still 15 pounds into the "Obese" range, and almost 50 pounds overweight (above the top of the "healthy" range). I really am big boned, I'm massively boned.

    Were you ever diagnosed as "big boned" by a Doctor - or just by a kind family member?
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Ah, but mama,,, the "Big Boned" thing is for real for some of us.

    I'm a 5'8" man with a 46 inch chest. There's no flab on my wrists, I'm looking at bones, and the circumference around those bones is 8 inches - which is off the charts. I'm quite lean, but going by standard BMI numbers I'm still 15 pounds into the "Obese" range, and almost 50 pounds overweight (above the top of the "healthy" range). I really am big boned, I'm massively boned.

    Were you ever diagnosed as "big boned" by a Doctor - or just by a kind family member?

    Your absolutely right I made a generalization that I shouldn't have. I was trying to convey that "healthy" should not be based off any on line tool, whether it's a test of measuring your elbow to see if your big boned or a general "your this tall you should weight this much". No, I was never diagnosed because I was never big boned...I could take online tests that said I was big boned.
    Sorry, I just don't want people to underestimate themselves.

    PS I love the "Kind family member".....not sure they were doing me any favors by being "kind" but yes they had good intentions:wink:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I'm sure this might offend some people and I am sorry. I don't think we do ourselves any favors by making the excuse of "big boned" if you would have asked my parents, anyone who ever knew me if I was big boned they would have said yes until I lost my weight in 20's and everyone was shocked (including me) by how little I was. I was just covered in fat...everywhere, wrists, elbows...everything. I just do not believe in such a thing as big's my own personal experience and everyone has there own opinion. I think the main thing is to be healthy.
    OK I said my peace and I'll be quiet now.:smile:

    C'mon now, you know some people have larger frames than others- even stick thin people can be "big boned". Large frames run in my family, but I never use that as an excuse for why I'm fat. Fat is fat. Bones are bones. :tongue:
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