Low calorie breakfast ideas



  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Whole grain tortilla wrap
    1 egg
    1 strip turkey bacon
    1/4 cup shredded cheese
    Red pepper & onion

    Under 300 calories, and mmm mmm good. :)
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    Any ideas on a good low calorie breakfast? I've been eating Quaker's Instant Oats, weight control. I'm burnt out on them!! I'm eating 1200 calories a day and hate to use up to many of them on breakfast.

    I love weight control oatmeal but it can get tiring.

    How about Butterball Turkey Bacon thin sliced only 25 calories a slice. You can have 4-5 slices and maybe a hard boiled egg 70 calories and still be under 200 calories.


    Medium banana - 105 calories
    Whole wheat toast - 75 calories (depending on brands)
    One tablespoon Peanut butter on toast - 95 calories
  • jaki521
    jaki521 Posts: 8 Member
    I love topping my egg whites with salsa; also top my waffles with yogurt or my oatmeal with fruit and a spoonful of chobani vanilla fat-free yogurt.
    Lots of great suggestions here!
  • ttaylortulsa
    ttaylortulsa Posts: 96 Member
    When I was working in an office cubicle, my favorite breakfast was what I called "Mexican Shepard's Pie" -

    1/4 cup egg substitute w/ tbsp shredded cheddar cheese and 2 tbsp black beans (cooked in a microwave-safe container)
    Added salsa and then instant grits on top (like the mashed potatoes in shepard's pie!)

    It's super delish and extremely filling. Getting all kinds of good proteins from the beans and eggs, and the grits are just darn good.

    Just about 220 calories
  • ttaylortulsa
    ttaylortulsa Posts: 96 Member
    Well, you might all gross out but I take a zuchinni and dice it up, pan fry it PAM, add 2 ounes of soyrizo, and then 1/2 cup of egg sub.

    It is a big plate of food, low calorie, healthy, and I love the mexican flavor. I put salsa over it. kc

    Oh my goodness, I tried this for breakfast today - it was DELICIOUS! And super filling! Almost four hours later and I'm STILL full (well, I've had coffee and 3 glasses of water too, but STILL!)!!!!!
    Thanks so much for the tip/recipe!!!